Originally posted by GouRonin
I'd like to point out that I have never dissed anyone who didn't by their own actions have it coming. You and others may find it fun to make me out to be the bad boy of this forum but in fact I am not. I am merely the convienent scapegoat and if it was not me then I am sure there would be a next person in line that would be "The Chosen One" to blame things on. To the people who treat me like they themselves would like to be treated I am fine. The only difference between me and others is that when I get shoved I have no problem shoving back. Strangely enough I have people whom I actually associate with whom I get along with fine. Go figure. Perhaps I state my opinions and beliefs in a "rougher" style than others but they are just as valid and held just as deeply as anyone else's. You'll have to excuse me if I am a little sore that 90% of this forum and a few indidividuals have decided to brand me because I do not follow the their prescribed method of how things ought to be done. Yet when any other member of this forum treads on the ground I do, or even goes where I have not, it's overlooked, or blamed on me, because I am the one that people focus on for problems. It's not helped when people continuously re-enforce this mysterious aura of trouble around myself. In short, when people continuously poke the dog with the stick, they shouldn't be surprised when it turns and bites them.
:soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox: