Is it unethical to form a romantic relationship with a martial arts student

Oh! It's actually a great show, but the current big bad for 2 seasons has been Terry Silver from Karate Kid III. The quintessential rich evil sensei (with annoying ponytail) who manipulates his minor students into becoming thugs, while trying to build a massive, corrupt MA franchise all over California and then the world.

And only Daniel Laruso and Johnny from Karate Kid 1 and their dorky little band of karate students can stop him.

The show picks apart a lot of long standing karate and even Tang Soo Do tropes and lots of inside jokes. It's got a lot of teen drama, but also some great acting on the adult side.
I tried watching it having sat through the previous series, but I found the storylines predictable and the characters a bit ‘two dimensional’. That angry young man with the ‘mohawk’…is it possible to be one dimensional?😀 Also, the standard of the Koroddy is awful!
I tried watching it having sat through the previous series, but I found the storylines predictable and the characters a bit ‘two dimensional’. That angry young man with the ‘mohawk’…is it possible to be one dimensional?😀 Also, the standard of the Koroddy is awful!
I find the whole show a little over the top and unbelievable at times, but really funny especially if you've been in the martial arts a while, some of the clever inside jokes are just for us.

But yeah, most of these kids would be locked up in juvenile hall by now and at least a few people would be dead, Miguel in particular. Spoiler alert; he actually goes to Mexico to find his biological dad and breaks up a card game, then beats up some drug dealer thug and they actually let him leave. Yeah, no, he'd be in a vat of acid with a hole in his head.
I find the whole show a little over the top and unbelievable at times, but really funny especially if you've been in the martial arts a while, some of the clever inside jokes are just for us.

But yeah, most of these kids would be locked up in juvenile hall by now and at least a few people would be dead, Miguel in particular. Spoiler alert; he actually goes to Mexico to find his biological dad and breaks up a card game, then beats up some drug dealer thug and they actually let him leave. Yeah, no, he'd be in a vat of acid with a hole in his head.
I get the feeling they’re stringing out the story very thinly to keep it going and continue making money!

At the risk of sounding overly serious, but I don’t like the way they represent Karate, martial arts teachers etc in general. If I were a muggle, I wouldn’t want my kids getting involved in the martial arts after seeing Cobra Kai!
Hello all,

Firstly, I'm referring to two legal-age consenting adults both of which are single. Would you as the instructor date a student? If not, please explain why and the issues that you think may arise. If you would, please explain why you would feel comfortable doing so.

I think this happens in many schools and will always be that way.
Lol, in the dojo's I have been in you even get scolded for looking at the clock let alone women.:oops:
Lol, in the dojo's I have been in you even get scolded for looking at the clock let alone women.:oops:
Women who get into martial arts in their later years? Talk about a danger zone. Better to watch the clock and catch a chewing out, haha.

I only speak from my own limited experiences but yeah.