Is it okay to change schools?


White Belt
My son has been with his current master for over 10 years now. Things have gotten a bit tense, as there are a few parents who seem to be controlling the show. There is a lot of a-- kissing, and it seems to be turning into more of business ($$) than anything else. The master is not a person who is open to conversation, it usually turns sour when anyone questions anything. Things have changed greatly (and not for the better) in the past years. The master used to be one of the best, but now, its as if he doesn't care as much about tkd and moving forward (competitive level) as the financial gain from it, also my son seems to be needing more from training than is actually given. Am I right to want to change schools (yes my son does want to leave), as the "fit" doesn't feel right anymore, and my son needs something more intense. Any advice would be greatly appreciated, as this is causing us a lot of grief.
MOST definitely! If a school is not providing the training your son needs, and is being "directed" by others than the owner, it is time to move on. Especially if the owner has gone more financial than system. Try to leave on good terms, but that probably won't be doable...
The situation as you described it sounds like a difficult one to continue with. The fact that your son wants to continue training is good news. It does seem like it's time to move on.
Absolutely it's time to change schools. Just out of curiousity what affiliation does your son's current TKD school fall under (WTF, ITF, ATA, etc...)? I'm assuming that your son wants to continue with TKD or is he open to possibly switching styles completely?
I agree with the others. Its time for a change. If the inst. doesnt like it, thats not your issue. Its your money thats paying for your childs training, so if you're not getting what you feel you should, out of it, then its time to say bye. :)
Absolutely it's time to change schools. Just out of curiousity what affiliation does your son's current TKD school fall under (WTF, ITF, ATA, etc...)? I'm assuming that your son wants to continue with TKD or is he open to possibly switching styles completely?
Hi thanks for the replies (everyone) My son is in WTF taekwondo and he does want to continue on with that, he doesn't want to switch to ITF. It's too bad that we are landed here, but when $$ takes over and the teenager is not getting enough training, well.... Hey I don't mind paying extra $, but I do expect extra training, to be prepared, especially with the electronic system (that's a hole other thread:)), as it seems to be turning into something different (we use lajust). So this electronic stuff has taken it to another level
Well I wish you and your son the best of luck and I sincerly hope that you can find an alternate school that will meet your needs and give your son the type of training that he deserves.
It sounds like your son is old enough to be the key to that decision. It's important to support his continued growth so we don't lose him. I suggest having a destination in mind before you leave.

Any time a master is not willing to talk to a student about a problem that the student has then its not a good place to be
Speak with the Master about you issues if he is unwilling/uable to do that in a diplomatic manner. Pay your bill and leave.
It is time to leave and hopefully you can find the right one.
You are not happy, leave.

Be prepared to get an earful, but some times it's just time to move on.

A good idea might be to thank the master on the way out for his training etc...

Even if the other school has a different affiliation and different forms, that's little stuff.

Life is too short to pay somebody to misserable.
Sooner or later it happens. We all get into a rut, we loose interest, we get complacent. Start looking around, You have been around TKD basically for 10 years so you should have a feel for another decent school in your area. Perhaps you have seen them at your local tournament? But as with life, try not to burn any bridges, one day you may want to go back, or need to go back. Try and make the split civil. Sure the instructors feelings and ego will be hurt, but perhaps he is the one in a rut and nneds the wakeup call before he looses his students. Instructors have lives outside of the Dojang, and like everyone else, it sometimes follows into the workplace. Perhaps there is more going on and things will get better. dont know, I am trying to look at it from both sides. You should know though. The decision you make will be the right one!

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