Is hardcore martial arts training really the most "balanced" training for a well rounded body?

I notice one reason many people get into hardcore level martial arts esp full contact styles (and real military specific training such as military bootcamp) is because it has developed a reputation for developing a physical body that is not only athletic but also brutely strong, acrobatic, agile, flexible, full of endurance, and with superb hand and foot to eye coordination.

Basically hardcore martial arts along with military training systems has gotten the rep of "jack of all trades" for developing physical conditioning that is "functional" from running laps to carrying heavy objects for miles to crawling through an air vent.

How accurate is this notion?
Hardcore martial arts training will do all that for you and more. Just like at Bruce Lee as an excellent example.
Yes hard core training will do that, didnt bruce do a lot of weight training, is that ma training ?

Didn't he also (permanently) injure his back doing a "Good Morning"? And die from an interaction between medications, one of which was for the back injury?

While he was an amazing human, I'm not sure I'd call that great all round health.

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