is general Choi mentioned?

Tang Soo Do and Taekwon-Do techniques look similar but are not the same ( with regards to the ITF). Even GM Nam Tae Hi admitted he had a hard time changing but did.
General Choi was in the Military from the Liberation till 1961. When did he study with Gm Lee? Gm Lee had the largest Kwan in Korea. He is the Founder of the Chung Do Kwan and you can even say he is the Founder of Tang Soo Do but not Taekwon-Do.
Even GM C.K. Choi stated there is a difference. He was the first Heavyweight( I believe) champion for the First Tae Soo Do Championship, but when they where to compete in Japan they didn't include him because he was Taekwon-Do not Tae Soo Do ( Tang Soo Do).
You are partly right when you say much of what we call Tae Kwon Do came from GM Lee but i would have to add only KukKi Tae Kwon Do. The reason that General Choi and the Heads of the Kwans butted heads is because Gen. Choi wanted his techniques but they didn't see it that way. They kept their techniques in the KTA, and Gen. Choi started the ITF.
Tang Soo Do and Taekwon-Do techniques look similar but are not the same ( with regards to the ITF)

In the end, a punch is a punch and a sidekick is a sidekick. Both ITF TKD and TSD share much more in common than not.
Not quite correct. Gen. Choi was a student of Shotokan, although to say he was a student of Funakoshi is a stretch. He never claimed Funakoshi as an Instructor, just that he studied Shotokan. Even then, saying that he officially studied Shotokan under a JKA-certified Instructor is debatable.
He did work closely with Chung Do Kwan Founder Won Kuk Lee, who did study under Funakoshi. Lee also claimed Choi as a student of his, even if Choi never admitted it. Choi's respect for Lee and his students was so great that only Chung Do Kwan black belts were allowed to keep their rank once in the Army as is.
My own take is that Choi's teaching was a combination of the Shotokan (official or otherwise) he learned plus the Tang Soo Do he learned under Won Kuk Lee.
Ironically, much of what we call "Tae Kwon Do" came from Won Kuk Lee, even if many (especially those in the ITF) don't want to admit it. What they claim as coming from Gen. Choi actually came from GGM Lee.
Then again, Gen. Choi was notorious was distorting facts to suit his own ends.

My humble apologies, good friends. That is the story that I was presented as a student of the art, but I now understand that it isn't exactly the most accurate of the TKD stories. I was told that GM Choi was one of the best students of Funakoshi and that he put many of the best japanese karateka to shame, then he brought his skills back to Korea to combine them with what the other Kwan leaders were teaching and they all worked together to form TKD. Upon further investigation, I see that I have been sold a load :rpo:. I have read a few articles about GGM Lee very recently, and he is amazing. I believe that he should be mentioned along with GM Choi as one of the founders of TKD. I totally agree with you about Choi, he wasn't the most honest man around :lol:.
Yes Choi may not have been the most honest man around but the same could be said for alot of people back then. Just to clear one other thing up WTF TKD is just the sport aspect so it is not KKW TKD, so we have WTF sport, ITF Choi and KKW which is probaly what most call WTF.

Won Kuk Lee does stat that Choi wa s a student of his at one time and this is where everything can never be, everybody claims something that no one can ever verify. One say one thing the other will say something else. Even Mt GM has a different story then others. I can put twenty GM of TKD in a roo and ask one simple question and recieve twenty five different answers. All I know General Choi was on eof the founding fethers of modern day TKD.
Aside from GM Lee saying Gen. Choi was his student, where is the evidence he was? GM Nam and GM Um never said anything of Gen. Choi training with them at the Chung Do Kwan. Gen. Choi has always said the same story that GM Lee came to his office with GM Son. In his biography Gen. Choi was surprised that GM Lee even knew that he studied karate. And as I said, Gen. Choi was in the Military from the Liberation till 1961, when did he study with GM Lee.
Even GM Son said he didn't know of Gen. Chois history. That should tell you right there he didn't train with GM Lee.

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