Inosanto and Wong hated each other!

Well, obviously I'm going to have to re-evaluate everything you've ever posted on this board. Everybody knows Sagittarians are inherently untrustworthy. I'll have to go through your posts later and change all my "likes" to "dislikes."

After all, our destinies are in the stars and pinklady6000 says that we are born to be enemies. She wouldn't lie about something like that, would she? :p
Ted wong became infurated with the Inosanto style repersenting JKD that he had to come out of retirement to educate the whole world with the correct represented JKD.
Well, obviously I'm going to have to re-evaluate everything you've ever posted on this board. Everybody knows Sagittarians are inherently untrustworthy. I'll have to go through your posts later and change all my "likes" to "dislikes."

After all, our destinies are in the stars and pinklady6000 says that we are born to be enemies. She wouldn't lie about something like that, would she? :p

Well, I'm not about to speculate as to the motivations and beliefs of someone I haven't done a complete and exhaustive astrological chart for… so…
Well, obviously I'm going to have to re-evaluate everything you've ever posted on this board. Everybody knows Sagittarians are inherently untrustworthy. I'll have to go through your posts later and change all my "likes" to "dislikes."

After all, our destinies are in the stars and pinklady6000 says that we are born to be enemies. She wouldn't lie about something like that, would she? :p
No I did not. I said Lee would kick that catapillar off your top lip.
Just for the record, my view of Bruce Lee is that he was an immensely talented, highly charismatic guy… just rather unschooled, and lucky to have the natural talent (and unnatural drive) that he had. In terms of his approach, though? Hardly revolutionary, to my mind… he seemed to more "rediscover" things well known to others… and perhaps would have been taught exactly that if he had continued being a student a bit longer…

As far as him kicking anyone's butt, eh, who cares? The guy's dead… I'm pretty sure either Tony or I could take him pretty easily now… everything else is speculation, circumspect at best, guess work, and fanboy fantasy.
The guy's dead… I'm pretty sure either Tony or I could take him pretty easily now…
That depends. Is he coming back as a skeleton, a zombie, a vampire, or a lich? The first two options I'm pretty certain I can handle, but I don't know whether my weapons have the necessary enchantments to manage the latter two.
That depends. Is he coming back as a skeleton, a zombie, a vampire, or a lich? The first two options I'm pretty certain I can handle, but I don't know whether my weapons have the necessary enchantments to manage the latter two.

He is coming back as a hurricane as he is spinning so fast in his grave.
Ah, you're adorable… you do realise that, at twice your age, Bruce was dead before even I was born… where you're concerned, you were born decades later… so I gotta ask… what actually makes you think you're in any position to make accurate and authentic statements here, or that you have the first clue what Bruce would or wouldn't think? Before you answer, I heartily recommend you remember and recognise that this forum includes people who were training when Bruce was alive… some in very close proximity… and have trained with (and under) people who actually knew Bruce… so be careful just how much you want to put yourself out as someone who has any real knowledge here…
Ah, you're adorable… you do realise that, at twice your age, Bruce was dead before even I was born… where you're concerned, you were born decades later… so I gotta ask… what actually makes you think you're in any position to make accurate and authentic statements here, or that you have the first clue what Bruce would or wouldn't think? Before you answer, I heartily recommend you remember and recognise that this forum includes people who were training when Bruce was alive… some in very close proximity… and have trained with (and under) people who actually knew Bruce… so be careful just how much you want to put yourself out as someone who has any real knowledge here…

Ah! Here we go! The police state interagation of my training history, linage, who's name do you rub shoulders with. to put me in my place, typical of a classical martial art cult.
Ah! Here we go! The police state interagation of my training history, linage, who's name do you rub shoulders with. to put me in my place, typical of a classical martial art cult.
Ah, here we go, the "police state" argument to avoid recognizing that you are out of your depth with some of these folks.
Ah! Here we go! The police state interagation of my training history, linage, who's name do you rub shoulders with. to put me in my place, typical of a classical martial art cult.

Kid, you have missed everything said… you're 20 years old. You're seemingly infatuated with Bruce. That's all cool… but recognise we've been here and done that for a lot longer.

And, for the record, I am in no way part of any "cult" when it comes to this area… I find JKD interesting, sure, but it's not part of my journey. My caution was simply to get you to take a deep breath, look around, and recognise how you are coming across… because it's not particularly healthy or accurate.
Ah, you're adorable… you do realise that, at twice your age, Bruce was dead before even I was born…

Well that COMPLETELY changes my view of all your posts.... you are simply to young to know that much...although I do not have leather jackets older than you, I do believe I have a couple books older than you..... and I bravely say this ...since you are over 10.000 miles from me :D

I trained with a student of Jerry Poteet, talked with students of Ted Wong and Dan Inosanto who knew I trained in the Poteet line, and I have never heard anything about them hating each other. And Ted Wong did not need to come out of retirement to teach what Bruce taught, Poteet, Kimura and Glover pretty much already were.

And I am far from an expert on JKD, I just trained it briefly, but if my teacher did not move about 700 miles south, I would have trained longer

And as a note, I do have jackets, not just leather ones, older than pinklady6000...and they still fit me..and to tell you the truth, no one is more surprised than me when it comes to that :D..although my first leather jacket that is darn close to your longer fits me :(
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Hmm… who were you addressing there, Xue…? Myself, or the young lady who believes herself the saviour of JKD here…?
Hmm… who were you addressing there, Xue…? Myself, or the young lady who believes herself the saviour of JKD here…?

Well, the first bit pre :D is you.... after that is to all... the last bit pre 2nd :D is to the saviour of JKD and the last bit pre :( is again to you...... I have no leather jackets older than you, but one is close and surprisingly I still have it..but it no longer fits.... however now that I think about it, I still have my Jujutsu GI and I had that when Bruce Lee was still it is older than you are.... but doesn't fit either.... I have a whole lot of things older than her....much of it I still wear....
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Ha, cool… yeah, I don't tend to show my age often… when asked, I usually say I'm a very (very!) experienced 24 year old…