Dan Anderson
Master of Arts
Originally posted by DoctorB
Anything else that you need or want to say, just call me.
Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
I emailed part of this to you privately but this is for the public record as well. You and I - no problem. Tim and I - no problem. It's the stuff like this Norshadow business that demeans all of us.
I am guilty of that as well with stuff with Kelly and (Randi Shea led) IMAF. My fences have been mended and now I get long with them as well as my current circle of friends and compatriots. Unfortunately, this is part of the "legacy" RP left us. A very fragmented group. Or is it just a microcosm of what Y2K society in the US consists of? Hmmm.
PS - You get a chance to check out the Miles Davis cds?