Master of Arts
I get picky about spelling of names, too. I routinely get people who email me (having to type in my name's correct spelling as part of the email address), misspelling both first and last name in the email. It's one of those pet peeve things. And there are some of us who actually don't mind the correction (I'm pretty sure Tez had to correct me on leaving one of the i's out of his first name).
It's not not that I mind, per se.
It's that by and large and effort wasted on me. This is conversation not formal writing after all.
Don't get me wrong here. There is certainly a place for letter perfect precision in communication.
But I rarely proof-read here at MT as my time constraints often don't allow for it, and that's a road for majoring in the minors.
Therefore, my exactness-ometer is quite often dialed down to just getting the point across. I could be more exacting to detail, but often I am on MT while handling a great many other things.
I do revise my posts after posting... i want it read-able even tho I don't want to grab my Chicago Manual of Style.
I suppose I could reduce my workload, and devote more attention to detail here. But diminished returns on investment....
My first concern is getting the main idea across.
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