In the end, are we all not simply doing our own thing?

I get picky about spelling of names, too. I routinely get people who email me (having to type in my name's correct spelling as part of the email address), misspelling both first and last name in the email. It's one of those pet peeve things. And there are some of us who actually don't mind the correction (I'm pretty sure Tez had to correct me on leaving one of the i's out of his first name).

It's not not that I mind, per se.

It's that by and large and effort wasted on me. This is conversation not formal writing after all.

Don't get me wrong here. There is certainly a place for letter perfect precision in communication.

But I rarely proof-read here at MT as my time constraints often don't allow for it, and that's a road for majoring in the minors.

Therefore, my exactness-ometer is quite often dialed down to just getting the point across. I could be more exacting to detail, but often I am on MT while handling a great many other things.

I do revise my posts after posting... i want it read-able even tho I don't want to grab my Chicago Manual of Style.

I suppose I could reduce my workload, and devote more attention to detail here. But diminished returns on investment....

My first concern is getting the main idea across.
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You are very wrong, spelling and pronouncing a person's name incorrectly is bad manners. Manners maketh the man. Spell words as you wish but have the courtesy from one martial artist to another of spelling Iain's name correctly. Then you can keep your aspersions and childish insults to yourself, you have an inflated idea of your significance to me and how much I care about your thoughts when you deliberately conflate something into an argument. You make assumptions which frankly demean you not me but crack on, enjoy yourself, it is amusing. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

You are very wrong, spelling and pronouncing a person's name incorrectly is bad manners. Manners maketh the man. Spell words as you wish but have the courtesy from one martial artist to another of spelling Iain's name correctly. Then you can keep your aspersions and childish insults to yourself, you have an inflated idea of your significance to me and how much I care about your thoughts when you deliberately conflate something into an argument. You make assumptions which frankly demean you not me but crack on, enjoy yourself, it is amusing. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

You flatter me with this notion, as that you think that, I even care what you think about me.

*Sardonic grin*
You flatter me with this notion, as that you think that, I even care what you think about me.

*Sardonic grin*

True enough, when did an anti Semite ever care about what a Jew thought, perhaps you could instead reread the Blood Libel to yourself.
A grammar error isn't disrespectful to anyone, not being bothered to make the effort to spell a persons name correctly is. So it's not like that at all as there is a significant difference.

I am content to be true to myself, use manors at I FEEL, them to be necessary.
To some, I am a knuckle dragging ape.
I am okay with that.
True enough, when did an anti Semite ever care about what a Jew thought, perhaps you could instead reread the Blood Libel to yourself.

Now, now... let's not try to lock threads by getting personal. Let's remain "friendly" and keep our religious beliefs (as this has caused a thread lock) out of our martial talk discussion.
Que??? Where does this fit in any part of the five page thread that we have going on here?

It's the reason one poster here, who is now on ignore, posts up what he does about me, why he's making such a big issue because I 'corrected' the spelling of one of my friend's names. Why he 'dislikes' my post as he posted up 'on principle' and why he writes' sardonic smile' when replying to me, why he misrepresents my posts as well. It's a long sordid story that I won't bore you with but does affect what is written on here.
It's the reason one poster here, who is now on ignore, posts up what he does about me, why he's making such a big issue because I 'corrected' the spelling of one of my friend's names. Why he 'dislikes' my post as he posted up 'on principle' and why he writes' sardonic smile' when replying to me, why he misrepresents my posts as well. It's a long sordid story that I won't bore you with but does affect what is written on here.

Okay, sorry. It just seemed really out of context to me.

I have only been on the site for around 6 months so I do not know all of the back stories of everyone.

Oh, sure, play the religious card. Weak. Especially for one of such experience.

Okay, sorry. It just seemed really out of context to me.

I have only been on the site for around 6 months so I do not know all of the back stories of everyone.


No problem, I wouldn't expect anyone to know the story other the people I shared it with, it gets a bit much sometimes when someone decides that what you are isn't good enough and you must absolutely change to what they are. Normally it wouldn't matter but the constant digs on here really are childish. The personal comments about me are unnecessary and against the rules personal attacks yet there's a blatant one on this thread. Sigh, not to worry, as I said he's on ignore and I changed my email address a while back so I can relax. :)

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