What do we all have in common?

Great topic! I agree with many posts already. We have a common love of learning and respect for the martial arts. We accept and embrace the fact that we can learn from each other and each others styles to make ourselves better martial artists, because in the end that is my goal, to become a better martial artist, not just a better taekwondo practitioner.
As a martial artist, a Taekwondoist specifically, I just like to learn more about all of the other martial arts disciplines that are represented here. It's another link that we have here. I think some of us are interested in all of the different MAs we all study and how each of our arts have enriched our lives, or how they've made a difference for each of us.
cali_tkdbruin said:
As a martial artist, a Taekwondoist specifically, I just like to learn more about all of the other martial arts disciplines that are represented here. It's another link that we have here. I think some of us are interested in all of the different MAs we all study and how each of our arts have enriched our lives, or how they've made a difference for each of us.

I also enjoy reading about the other arts and learning what makes them unique. I have learned more from this forum then I ever thought possible.
MartialIntent said:
Likewise here on this board, there are some, it would seem to me, who stir up the waters for no other reason than self-aggrandization

Those are the ones who are not emotionally and spiritually developed(my opinion).
I'm not 'trained' like most of the members here, but I understand the discipline part, and I've also had the fortune/misfortune of meeting people over the years who had training, but were just human destruction machines(and their teachers were at fault for not recognizing the character of their student).

I think those really interested in the arts would congregate to a discussion board like this, while the type I describe above, would only prefer websites that show them some new hot cool move they could employ on someone.
Then of course(having experienced this directly) there is the 'troll' who will shack up on a discussion board, just to dis-spirit others, while getting their own grade school satisfactionfor their endeavor.
We Have the same passion our teacher had.Example Remy had the heart to pass on the knowlage-some took it to polotics-some to I have a higher rank-some were not part of the original frame or class.I say get all lines together & share thoughts-memorries-training ect.I joined & was certied by both Lines of Remy & ernesto.The early days they tought as brothers & i was part of that class.I did not see Delany-Hartmen or others till 90s but I can put that aside & offer for the chance to share as they wanted & had.
monkey said:
We Have the same passion our teacher had.Example Remy had the heart to pass on the knowlage-some took it to polotics-some to I have a higher rank-some were not part of the original frame or class.I say get all lines together & share thoughts-memorries-training ect.I joined & was certied by both Lines of Remy & ernesto.The early days they tought as brothers & i was part of that class.I did not see Delany-Hartmen or others till 90s but I can put that aside & offer for the chance to share as they wanted & had.

Dude I never saw you. Ok I agree Delaney started in the 90's about 94 I think. Where as Hartman started in the early to mid 80's say about 84/85 time frame. I saw him at the 87 Michigan summer camp. Where were you?

Get real there are others out there that have been around for a while and also know those that ben around longer.

Just relax and stop pushing.
Lisa said:
Lately you all have noticed threads about Honk if you like MT, etc. The overwhelming response to those threads both publicly and privately really made me reflect on what a fantastic site this really is and made me realise that while we all train for different reasons, in different Arts and for different goals we really are more alike then sometimes we take the time to notice.

So, I ask this question of all of you. In your opinion what is it we all have in common as martial artists. I think it is time to reflect on our sameness as opposed to our differences. We have common ground and threads that make us who we are. What is it that we all share?

We have far more which is the same or similar than what is different. Yet we strive to be different and that also makes us more "same" then different. As far as martial art goes the human body can be physically manipulated only so many ways. No style nor system can change that. Try as we may to emulate something else we are still only humans and therefore move as a human. Take any joint, the wrist for example. There are only six ways it can be moved and only to a particular range of movement. Once at the end of the movement range it becomes locked. It doesn't matter what race or nationality the person is. It doesn't matter what training system or style of martial art one trains in there are only six ways it can be manipulated. Now of course someone will certainly state in their system/style there are far more "locks" than six. I won't disagree but I can't agree either. There are only 6 ways to lock the wrist because there are only 6 ways to manipulate it. There are certainly many ways or variations to create the lock and it is those variations that many of us will state that make us different. We tend to expound the differences decreeing that is what makes our systems/styles different and often times better.

I have had the pleasure to train in dozens of systems over the past 40 years. Western boxing, wrestling, post 1900 European Boxing and fencing, several different JMA, CMA, FMA, IMA, BJJ, (Karate, Gung Fu, Kali/eskrima, Silat, and others) We punch in all of them, we kick in all of them, we use tools in all of them except western boxing and wrestling, we fight standing up in all of them, we fight on the ground in all of them, we fight in different environments in all of them. The major differences are the methods used to train and what we call them. The fundamental movements and what is utilized in a fight against another human-being is the same. All of the system/styles have something to offer. However there are very few differences in them. It is the individual artist, which make the differences.


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