In praise of supplements

Here's a link to one of his presentations, discussing generations and our genetic abilities to process certain foods. Fascinating. I had a patient who came back from the brink of death from full blown AIDS by making raw-meat & veggie smoothies with stuff like kidneys, lungs, etc.

Got a blender and a strong stomach?

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Americans need to stop looking for the lazy way out with magic pills and start taking responsibility for our choices and stop making excuses.

That about covers it.

Supplements have their place and if your diet is lacking they can help but they are not to be taken like candy or as a replacement for a good ole healthy diet. Some supplements can have rather nasty side effects others don't. Basically don't just start popping supplements just because you think it is a good idea or some exercise guru or actor on TV tells you to.... do the research.

He listed information and his sources on Pill vs Food for nutrients.

As far as Wiki goes it is used alot on forums not just here as a point of reference which also lists its sources of information.

Here is from WebMd saying to take our nutrients
Instead, researchers say the most promising research in nutrition and preventing disease now relates to dietary patterns, not nutritional supplements

If you disagree with me thats fine.

I perfer a natural/organic diet with actual herbs sold by a licensed herbalist then supplements from GNC or other pill shaped items.

To each their own
Best of health

He listed information and his sources on Pill vs Food for nutrients.

As far as Wiki goes it is used alot on forums not just here as a point of reference which also lists its sources of information.

Here is from WebMd saying to take our nutrients

If you disagree with me thats fine.

I perfer a natural/organic diet with actual herbs sold by a licensed herbalist then supplements from GNC or other pill shaped items.

To each their own
Best of health

The part in bold is gold. Most organic certification organizations requuire that a farm undergo some natural form of soil restoration, over a period of time prior to certification of crops grown there.

And I am in complete agreement. All the food in my cupboards are from organic sources. My eggs are from cage-free, free-roaming birds; my dead cow from local sorces who free-roam their cattle on organically grown grasses from natural seed. Grass fed, plus. Same with the turkey.

My supps are manufactured from either wild-harvested or organically grown whole-food sources...not a Vitamin C extract or ascorbic acid crystals, but a ground up and encapsulated Vitamin C food source. Thin is, the broad brish of "supplements" applies to the organic condensed foods I consume, just as much as the crappy Centrum & GNC stuff.

Using supplements, I've beaten back my own CML, helped others beat a whole slew of diseases that the allopathic model ain't quite sure what to do with. Reversed NIDDM (type 2), sending pateints back to their family docs for verification and continued monitoring. Reversed traumatic bradycardia; all sorts of funky things. For me, medicines are the foods we eat, the thoughts we think, and the exercise we give our bodies. Nature has provided us with a majority of the substances we need to create and maintain our best health; and those substances are found in foods that havent been monkeyed with.

Not everyone will go shop at Whole Foods or their local organic grocer & butcher, so the supps I work with are organic foods, ground and encapsulated. Still a supp.


Dude, you just summarized In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan! Thanks for spreading the word.

Keep fighting the good fight man :)