Well since moving from my old home and having to leave my lovely muay thai gym, who were awesome enough that for 60$ a month offered 4 lessons a week and let u come train anytime you felt like as long as it didnt interfere with classes and had sparring on sundays I've been at a loss of what to do.Thankfully I found a kickboxing gym, who offers 2 classes a week.However I still have allot of time on my hands 
Well I have access to two gyms now(bodybuilding not martial arts) for free, one right across the street from my house and one at my college. With huge time gaps between classes I have taken to going to the gym(s). I'd be a fool not to take advantage of free gym time when people pay as much as 100$ a month for this ****.
Any way i'll cut to the chase, does anyone here take supplements? Currently I'm taking whey protein powder, to help repair my muscles. However I remember my good friend who had this stuff, "VPX NO Shotgun". Sounds pretty hardcore huh, anyyways we'd take this crap before going to muay thai and man wed be like machines, often staying(with the coaches permission of course) for 2 classes instead of one.
So I'm wondering if any of you guys take any supplements, it could be anything as simple vitamins. Anything please share as I'm interested in this sort of thing. Anyone here weight train at all? I know its not as fun as martial arts training but hey, its better then sitting on your couch eating Doritos off your belly while idly scratching your nether regions. Sorry for the unnecessarily long post, I'm new in town and very very lonely.

Well I have access to two gyms now(bodybuilding not martial arts) for free, one right across the street from my house and one at my college. With huge time gaps between classes I have taken to going to the gym(s). I'd be a fool not to take advantage of free gym time when people pay as much as 100$ a month for this ****.
Any way i'll cut to the chase, does anyone here take supplements? Currently I'm taking whey protein powder, to help repair my muscles. However I remember my good friend who had this stuff, "VPX NO Shotgun". Sounds pretty hardcore huh, anyyways we'd take this crap before going to muay thai and man wed be like machines, often staying(with the coaches permission of course) for 2 classes instead of one.
So I'm wondering if any of you guys take any supplements, it could be anything as simple vitamins. Anything please share as I'm interested in this sort of thing. Anyone here weight train at all? I know its not as fun as martial arts training but hey, its better then sitting on your couch eating Doritos off your belly while idly scratching your nether regions. Sorry for the unnecessarily long post, I'm new in town and very very lonely.