Chia pet the other nonmeat meat.


Master of Arts
Feb 12, 2007
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You have seen it on TV Chia Chia Chia!! It is that pot with grass coming out of it known as a Chia pet. But did you know the Chia seed also known as Salvia Hispanica which is actually a healthy seed to eat.

Chia seeds typically contain 20% protein, 34% oil, 25% dietary fiber (mostly soluble with high molecular weight), and significant levels of antioxidants (chlorogenic and caffeic acids, myricetin, quercetin, and kaempferol flavonols). The oil from chia seeds contains a very high concentration of omega-3 fatty acid — approximately 64%.[3] Chia seeds contain no gluten and trace levels of sodium.[4]

So next time you see that annoying commercial maybe you should get a Chia pet and eat him for dinner.
If I bought them from that site or in a store I could not stop myself from asking if I could use them to grow Chia pets too.

On a some what realted note:

World's oldest man dies at 113. Henry Allingham.

His secret to a long life was...

"Cigarettes,Whisky,and Wild wild women"-Henry Allingham
Thanks for that, Jadecloud.

Everybody wants to ask old people the secret of their longevity, but of course they don't know any better than the rest of us. Personally I think longevity has a strong genetic component. Ultimately though, it's about personal fulfillment. For my grandfather that meant lots of travel, family, and community service. We lost him in December at 97.

If whiskey and wild wild women is how Allingham defines a meaningful and fulfilling life, then all power to him. It certainly served him well. We should all be so blessed.
Ya know... I think I'd rather live to 50 and do with my life and enjoy it than live to 100 and just be going thru the motions.

Sadly... I feel like thats where I am, Just going thru the motions... but now that I realize it, I think its time to take steps.

As far as chia, someone gave me one once, and all I grew was mold. Black thumb, anyone?
If I bought them from that site or in a store I could not stop myself from asking if I could use them to grow Chia pets too.

On a some what realted note:

World's oldest man dies at 113. Henry Allingham.

His secret to a long life was...

"Cigarettes,Whisky,and Wild wild women"-Henry Allingham

I think that is the most important part, either being or being with.%-}