Improving Your Kenpo


Staff member
Lifetime Supporting Member
I understand that everyone trains differently, so even though 2 people may train in Parker Kenpo, their methods of training can be very different. So, that leads me to this question:

What have you done to improve your Kenpo lately? Have you focused on a certain area that was a weak spot for you? Have you added something into your Kenpo, ie: crosstraining in another art?

Looking forward to your replies! :)

Mike al though I really do not train in Kempo anymore we had 14 kempo down and what they showed us was a blend f some Kung Fu tech integrated and it was a real pleasure. 14 could explain better than me, but when I trained in Kempo years ago and what he showed by adding some Kung fu techs look very good.
I recently started to train in Kali & Silat, my plan is to over time encorporate it into my kenpo training. Alot of really good ideas/concepts that make sense...much like the Kenpo..economy of motion....
to better see the forest I guess you need to climb a few trees....(sounds kinda Cainish...sorry folks...)
I've stayed open minded to everything, even though I came up in an environment to do otherwise, with all the b.s. politics that dominate it.
(that's a hell of a task to do and keep up!)