Well, it was 2am I'm sure their best cooks were not on the job at that hour. JNB was directly on my route, and it's something we don;t have out here so it was a treat, grease and all
Is Lucille's BB King's spot? I did eat there, that was pretty good Memphis Style BBQ. Around here we are mostly influenced by the KC school of BBQ, but we aslo have some Texas style too. I've had California style BBQ, and there are some things y'all need to leave to the experts.
No good BBQ in Nebraska??? That is categorically untrue and anatomically unworkable (my "anatomical width" proves it)! I am marking my calendar, "6/11/2008 Doc was wrong"

(this is where my middle daughter works
Next time you come here, and I am going to arrange it now for this singular purpose, I will make some ribs and some brisket for you and we'll see whose mouth drops brother! And maybe get in some kenpo too.
However I did concede that the LA cheeseburger was definitely perfected, for sure. That street-side stand we went to was on another level.