I'm right, you're wrong.

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I am 28 years old 6"2 and 240 lbs. I have been training in the martial arts since I was 7yrs. old, I have fought in ternaments and real life. I have won some and lost some, in my experience it doesnt matter how big,small,age,sex or weight you are, I have lost to smaller people and won against bigger people, I have also lost to a 95 lb. 18 year old female. I made the mistake of underestimating my oponent.

I see alot of people on this web site talk about real life scituations. Unless you work in security, law enforcement, corrections, bouncer or body guard how could you have that much experience. I'm not trying to offend anyone and I may have left out a couple careers.
You most certainly did leave out some jobs.......

What about male ballet dancers.....huh!

Male hair dressers.....yeah huh!!

Cyber trolls..... OH YEAH!!!
:) :D :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by DAC..florida
I am 28 years old 6"2 and 240 lbs. I have been training in the martial arts since I was 7yrs. old, I have fought in ternaments and real life. I have won some and lost some, in my experience it doesnt matter how big,small,age,sex or weight you are, I have lost to smaller people and won against bigger people, I have also lost to a 95 lb. 18 year old female. I made the mistake of underestimating my oponent.

I see alot of people on this web site talk about real life scituations. Unless you work in security, law enforcement, corrections, bouncer or body guard how could you have that much experience. I'm not trying to offend anyone and I may have left out a couple careers.


I know I have avoided this thread so far, yet on others, I have mentioned real life situations. I would have to agree with your statment.

My experience for real life came from security and bouncing. 6+ years while I was going to college.

Maybe if people quoted a specific example of what they were doing and why, before the incident occurred then maybe you see where the experience comes from.

Have a Nice Day. :)

Originally posted by D.Cobb
I have never fought in a tournament! I have never wanted to! My martial arts journey is not about sport.
I have nothing against tourny fighters, and I love to watch, but I have never felt the need to compete.
I have enough on my plate trying to better me, without trying to better someone else.
In our school, the advanced ranks wear protective equipment, and fight. No rules, no tip tap ****, no quarter given or expected.

We lose a lot of juniors when they happen to see the advanced classes going for it, I once left a school because I was expected to spar, and wanted to leave because, people kept getting upset at my lack of contact control. Of course I pulled my punches, but they always made contact, and they always hurt.

Hey if you want to compete, and it makes you happy, then more power to you. As they say, whatever floats your boat!


DO you know what adrenaline stress response is? Have you experienced it?
Originally posted by Disco
Just stated my opinion and asked for a simple clarification and


I'd hate to see the response if someone accused you of something.:confused:

You were asking for my motive. I just responded by stating that I have none and that to ensure that I wasn't soliciting for anything (unlike some dead-ender who try desperately to promote himself, shamelessly), I was going to only give reference to another member to whom you could discuss the topic. That would clear any appearance of conflict of interest.

BTW, the "fly-by night, half baked operator , over the hill, dead ender", is not a reference to you. Heck, I know precisely NOTHING about you. lol Didn't even know you exit, actually :D
Originally posted by Disco
You most certainly did leave out some jobs.......

What about male ballet dancers.....huh!

Male hair dressers.....yeah huh!!

Cyber trolls..... OH YEAH!!!

As far as the other to I'm sorry I left them out!
Originally posted by Quick Sand
There are also a few throws/ take downs that are easier on a larger opponent becausae the smaller person has the advantage of a lower centre of gravity.

I'm not saying all throws and take downs but there are a few that don't take much strength, they just need to be done correctly.

One other little thing, I'm not sure your average women these days is 120lbs either. Most of my friends and the other women I know are larger then that. No, they're not as strong or as big as most guys but they are bigger then 120lbs. I have a small beef with guys assumeing all women at tiny.


lol No beef necessary (unless in fried steak :D ) If you go back to my posts, I stated that "..1. Most 120 lb person (man or woman) would have a very tough time defeating a 250lb criminal....2. Most MA instruction/lesson that the typical 120lb housewife get, IS NOT sufficient to equip her to defeat a 250lb criminal. I would laugh at those McDojo lessons focusing on throwing your attackers around...."

Unfortunately you are correct that the average woman these days is not 120 lb.

Nevertheless, experienced fighters all know that eventhough size is not the ultimate deciding factor, size has its advantage and a 120lb person (man or woman, trained or untrained) would have an extremely difficult time defeating a 250 lb psychopathic sociopath. It is has been proven time and time again. There is no dispute on this, except by those who are unware of the fact.

Needless to say, you don't simply give up. That is absurd. Only an idiot would even bother to state that. (Obviously there are some here lol )

It is always the wannabe, phony instructors, half baked amateurs would advertise to teach a 120 lb person to go head butting against a 250 lb psychopathic sociopath. Remember the ol saying ' the empty bucket makes more noise'? That is what it is.

Take a look at professional security details, they have all the firepower and resources. Do you think they would advocate head-on firefight with would be attackers? Nope. Never. Only the idiots who watch too many Hollywood crap would think in terms of that. Same phenomena in the MA world. Only the incompetent, inexperienced phony instructors would advertise going buttheading with an attacker 2X your size.

And the argument of don't project your own weakness onto others, is nothing but childish outburst that has no bearing on the merit of the topics. B/c you can use the same line of BS on the pros who work security details for State VIPs, and got LMAO by them. :D
Originally posted by Jill666
.....As for being jumped by a large man, well I am not training to defeat him hand-to-hand, I am training to stay alive, use surprise, fight dirty, get an opening, get away.

Yes, given certain situations it is horse manure to say "I can take any man". But I can and will do whatever it takes to survive. Period....

That's right. But phony, self-anointed Masters are selling horse manure all over town and on the internet. :D
Originally posted by DAC..florida
.....I see alot of people on this web site talk about real life scituations. Unless you work in security, law enforcement, corrections, bouncer or body guard how could you have that much experience. I'm not trying to offend anyone and I may have left out a couple careers. ...

How often do people in those professions have life and death confrontation without backup? If they did, they didn't follow procedure.
Originally posted by Johnathan Napalm
How often do people in those professions have life and death confrontation without backup? If they did, they didn't follow procedure.


Bouncing, Many times only one a tthe door of for the small place. Not always back up available. Same for the lone security guard. Yes Police are a phone call away. Hmmm where is my cell or the nearest pay phone, Yes, 911, Yes my name is XYZ< Yes I need Help at, Yes My NAme is, IN the mean time you have been stabbed or shot or beaten.

There are cases where it does happen. Hmmm probably not every day. Yet when I was bouncing, From April through October, every Friday and Saturday I had at least one fight. Unless it was a full moon and then I had at least two a night. From May to September (* Summer *) I had on average 3 fights during the other five days a week. Now were they al life and death, Nope.
Yet even wit someone 100 yards away, they cannot get there to help you in time with multiple opponents and or weapons. Just from my experience. As for procedure, not everyone is a trained para military police officer, or ex-military security, they may not know procedure or have a procedure. You know how long it took me to train people that I needed at least one person to not run to the conflict and to call for the police or the back up.

Yet, how many people were doing jobs like mine in a city and metro area of 250,000 people. Probably only two or three, the rest all had headsets and trained teams and back numbers for back up. I even worked with some of them and assisted for security for concerts and bands. That was the light work :)

So, JN I see your point, yet not all are with back up and not are all life and death. Yet from my limited experience, being out numbered, cut, shoot at, etc., does qualify as to me in my book as life and death. Yet, as I pointed out the number of people for the population was very small.

Good Points
Originally posted by JN,

a 120lb person (man or woman, trained or untrained) would have an extremely difficult time defeating a 250 lb psychopathic sociopath.

I don't think anyone ever claimed that it would be easy, only that it can be done with skill and determination. The oriental person is on average smaller in stature than many other cultures, yet the orient has been a hotbed of styles and systems with techniques that can be used, and have been used against a larger opponent. It has been done by male and female time and again.

And again, psychopath and sociopath are the same thing.

It is always the wannabe, phony instructors, half baked amateurs would advertise to teach a 120 lb person to go head butting against a 250 lb psychopathic sociopath.

Give us some examples of people who have done this....

You speak quite a bit about professionals, yet ignore the comments, views and experience from professionals here if they contradict your viewpoint. Have you ever gone up against a 250 lbs mentally disturbed individual? I have and so have several others here that I know of for a fact! No one here is trying to give you a rough time, but if I or us disagree with you were going to say so and why we say so....from our experiences.

You underestimate the strength, will, and resoursfullness of a woman defending her life...or even worse, the life of her child.
How often do people in those professions have life and death confrontation without backup? If they did, they didn't follow procedure.

All the time! We don't normally patrol in two man units. And quite often we need to intervene before BU arrives. FHP for example may have BU 30 miles away at any given time. We would like to have more Officers/Deputies/Troopers etc, but budgetary restrictions are what they are.
Bouncing and bouncersÂ…Â…Â….:rolleyes:

Most of the bars I have been in ( and that number is rather high) and have seen any sort of “bouncing” done was more often than not 2 or more bouncers knocking the stuffing out of some dumb guy that had the misfortune to drink too much and do or say something stupid.
Additionally, most of the bouncers I have known have also more often than not been “hotheads” that like bouncing because it gives them an excuse to get in a fight.
Bouncers are “supposed” to keep stuff from happening however such is not always the case. I found bouncers to be rather unprofessional in their approach to handling many of the situations.

Law EnforcementÂ…Â…Â…Â…

I know of no state in America that doesnÂ’t strictly control Law Enforcement techniques used to subdue bad guys.
I know several Police Officers in the US and they have said the techniques they are allowed to use are not always the best ones.

250lbs. PsychosÂ…Â…Â….

I am not 250 lbs. and not a psycho and yet I know women trained and untrained they couldnÂ’t handle me in a real situation. I know women that might be able to handle some 250lbs psychoÂ…Â…Â…keyword is mightÂ…Â…Â….nobody knows the future.
To tell students if they train they can handle themselves in such a situation is a lie.
To tell students if they train they will be better prepared to handle a situation is more accurate.
Originally posted by akja
Whose making false claims. My daughter is 16 and she is well on her way to proving you (and anyone else that thinks like that) wrong.

We are not making any claims or selling any secret techniques. Just stating the facts. There are many men who think they can fight, but really can't. Are you saying no small woman can beat any of them enough to make a safe getaway?

Maybe you should evaluate why you are in the martial arts. You don't seem to think that they work.

If you haven't made any claims, then what the heck is your problem? :)

In any case, please read my response to QuickSand above. Save me the trouble of reposting the same reply.

But it is dissappointing to read someone who founded a new style and an instructor, and yet shares the illusion that somehow martial art can transform one person into some superbeing. The experienced fighters would tell you that
Originally posted by RyuShiKan ...Most grown men, trained or untrained couldnÂ’t subdue such an adversary either....
Originally posted by RyuShiKan

.....To tell students if they train they can handle themselves in such a situation is a lie.

To tell students if they train they will be better prepared to handle a situation is more accurate......

Now, that is the word of a real martial artist.

The amateur knows about everything.

True master knows the limitation

In regards to bouncers, it depends on the individual. Some are run-of-the-mill and some are highly trained professionals. Same with security or E.P.

You are generally correct with LEO D.T. academy training. It is usually basic and state controlled. However, in many areas advanced training may be available. For example, at S.E.P.S.I. we are fortunate to have individuals such as Gracie, Horenstein, Blauer, Lambria, Hess, Boatman, Yadin etc come in a teach throughout the year. And MA's training of some sort is always encouraged.

I am not 250 lbs. and not a psycho and yet I know women trained and untrained they couldnÂ’t handle me in a real situation.

Perhaps..perhaps not. No one can ever fully know till it's over. However, you do have the correct mind set.


But it is dissappointing to read someone who founded a new style and an instructor, and yet shares the illusion that somehow martial art can transform one person into some superbeing.

Still waiting for you to expound on examples of who these individuals are....
MRJ or ZDW or DS, in case you haven't noticed, I have long ceased to respond to your posts. Your posts are generally long on philosophy, short on reality and full of regurgitated selective bits and pieces of info that you twist around to support your claims. Hardly worthy.

P.S. I am sure the Admin and mods are relieved that I chose this course of action. lol
Originally posted by DAC..florida
I am 28 years old 6"2 and 240 lbs. I have been training in the martial arts since I was 7yrs. old, I have fought in ternaments and real life. I have won some and lost some, in my experience it doesnt matter how big,small,age,sex or weight you are, I have lost to smaller people and won against bigger people, I have also lost to a 95 lb. 18 year old female. I made the mistake of underestimating my oponent.

I see alot of people on this web site talk about real life scituations. Unless you work in security, law enforcement, corrections, bouncer or body guard how could you have that much experience. I'm not trying to offend anyone and I may have left out a couple careers.

In response to the first part, nothing is absolute. But the exception only reinforces the norm. Ever heard of the expressino, "The strongest horses are not always the winners, but that is the way professionals bet" ? It is easier for me to just quote someone than to paraphase ...."
Originally posted by RyuShiKan
...250lbs. PsychosÂ…Â…?To tell students if they train they can handle themselves in such a situation is a lie.
To tell students if they train they will be better prepared to handle a situation is more accurate. ....

In regards to the second part, RSK also already provided a better response.

I do not see the point for me to talk about my life story. (If you care, you can check out the Armpit pressure point thread). There is no point to go on the internet to argue, "I have done this, have you....blah blah blah." I have lived through some interesting times in some interesting places that is too problematic for me to explain to most people.

MRJ or ZDW or DS, in case you haven't noticed, I have long ceased to respond to your posts.

You responed last night, is that long to you? And if your unclear on the screen name it's in the upper left hand corner of the screen :rolleyes:

Your posts are generally long on philosophy, short on reality and full of regurgitated selective bits and pieces of info that you twist around to support your claims. Hardly worthy.

Really? Funny, since you only read about what I have done in real life, and continue to do on a daily basis. Basically your just still peeved that I proved a bullet can't throw a man to the ground, thereby dashing a cherished and erroneous belief on your part. You want to close your mind to information because of your grudge then be my guest.

Your life is not my fault.

BTW, there are several questions you have yet to answer, simply an oversight I'm sure.
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