Opinions on different styles (for a newbie)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Akula
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I want to start training in an art. I have no martial arts experience as yet, however I have done other items such as fencing (sabre and epee mainly), shooting, archery and a wide range of sports on a competitive level.

Through sports I've learned, sometimes the hard way, about how the mind can control your (and others') perception and perfomance more than your muscles can.

What I am looking for in an art:
1. To develop the 'mental game' further.
2. To provide a practical base for personal defense.
3. To be flexible in training as my work schedule or other items may interfere (or allow for more training sessions.)

What I'm looking for from you:
Your opinions on what particular style you feel might best suit me, without directly comparing your style(s) to others. I've read a decent amount of information and thought I would also open it up to you.

Currently I am available to train with others twice a week, and am serious about this pursuit, not just gathering more information.

I'm also new to the Phoenix, AZ area, so if you could name names and places, I would appreciate it.

Originally posted by Akula

I want to start training in an art. I have no martial arts experience as yet, however I have done other items such as fencing (sabre and epee mainly), shooting, archery and a wide range of sports on a competitive level.

Through sports I've learned, sometimes the hard way, about how the mind can control your (and others') perception and perfomance more than your muscles can.

What I am looking for in an art:
1. To develop the 'mental game' further.
2. To provide a practical base for personal defense.
3. To be flexible in training as my work schedule or other items may interfere (or allow for more training sessions.)

What I'm looking for from you:
Your opinions on what particular style you feel might best suit me, without directly comparing your style(s) to others. I've read a decent amount of information and thought I would also open it up to you.

Currently I am available to train with others twice a week, and am serious about this pursuit, not just gathering more information.

I'm also new to the Phoenix, AZ area, so if you could name names and places, I would appreciate it.

Do Kenpo with Mario. See kenpo2000.com for phone and location in pheonix.
Reading what you've written, I quickly thought of Systema. Is this near you:

Apart from that, there must be a hundred choices in Phoenix--I'm afraid taht it'd take more info. from you to really help narrow it down. What's your body shape? A fencer's as I'd imagine a fencer, lean with a good reach? Do you have a preference for grappling vs. striking?

If self-defense is your main goal and you're not sure that martial arts will be an important or life-long hobby, you might look for a general self-defense/reality self-defense school, or a Jeet Kune Do, Krav Maga, or similar school.

All of us will give you different and biased advice as far as karate, kung fu, as you obviously realize. I do the Filipino arts (arnis, escrima, kali) and like them.
I will admit, Systema was one of the styles (is that the right word?) that held a little more appeal than some others.

As for body type, I'm about 5'10", and in decent shape doing primary workouts of swimming and weight training. with running and climbing thrown in from time to time.

No real preference between striking and grappling.

Self defense strictly for the sake of self defense would not be a goal. I look at this step as something to be integrated into the everyday, not just practiced in training sessions.

The different biases were one of the reasons I asked the question in the first place, so that is expected.

Why did you choose the Filipino arts?
Originally posted by Akula
Why did you choose the Filipino arts?

Serendipity. A close friend taught it. As I picked up and dropped various systems due to frequent eductaion- and job-related moves, I could still practice and learn Modern Arnis from my friend in my hometown (where I'd spend summers and vacations while in school) and at the camps.

But, there are better reasons to choose the FMA. They allow a freedom of motion as opposed to the "Your elbow must be an inch from your body" of some styles, and allow you to make your own innovations early on, so the art fits you rather than you fitting the art. They provide excellent training for defense against knives and sticks, and the knife esp. is a common threat. They teach you to be mobile--good footwork.

And, quite frankly, swinging the sticks is fun.

There are other reasons. I assume there's FMA near you--it should be one of the things you look into! I supplement my FMA experiendce with Jeet Kune Do and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Check out a couple different schools. Go there and watch a couple different classes. You might end up training in a couple stlyes before you find what you're looking for. I have checked out four so far. I currently train in two. I hope I win the lottery so I can train in a couple more. What are you looking for? Fitness, sport fighting, self defense, socializing, etc. Mostly depends on what you want I think.
Are you looking at something that you plan on devoting many years to, or to something that you can still spend years learning, but the material will be easier to remember and it wont require you to practice as much, if your schedule does not allow it?

My thoughts:

A few arts have already been mentioned.

Krav Maga- A simple, to the point, effecitve art. Does not require tons of practice in order to remember the material.

FMA- The FMA's can stand alone as an art or blend in with pretty much any other art. You will get weapon training as well as empty hand training.

JKD- While I'm not an expert on this art, I do know people that have trained in it and it is a very well rounded art that addresses all of the ranges of fighting.

BJJ- This, IMO, is an art, despite what some people might think, is very effective and important to know. Sure, you may never end up on the ground, but if you do, you'll be glad that you were exposed to the skills that this art will teach.

Again, picking an art is something that ultimately has to be done by you. You need to sit down and think about your goals and what you want to get from the art. There are very few arts that address every situation, so that is why you might find it necessary to crosstrain. Again, the decision is ultimately yours.

Good luck!

For flexability sake, and call me biaised if you must, but I say do Taekwondo. :)

Anyhow, whatever MA style you do select, IMHO, you should train in it more than just twice a week in order to get the most benefits out of that Art... :asian:
I study the Chinese Martial Arts and love it. I've studied several systems and found Mantis Kung Fu my best fit.
If you are interested in kung fu, there is a pretty good wushu or mantis school in pheonix. One of our members, theneuhauser trains at that school. I only know of it from what he has said.

Thanks for the good responses so far. It's starting to look like I might go with two styles to start out with, yet to be named.

In general, I'm not looking for a 'quick and easy' system to learn, but something to incorporate into my activities and life in general. If that ends up taking more time, or being more difficult to learn, so be it. What I end up choosing won't be dropped in a year or so, but something to be continued without an end date in mind.

When I mentioned training twice a week, I was referring to just the sessions with teachers and the class. I plan on doing time on my own at least 3 other times within the week doing drills, exercises, pairing off with someone from the class individually, etc....
If it's the "mental game" you're trying to further then you might check out aikido. My style is Nihon Goshin Aikido. It's a little different from traditional or O'Sensei style aikido and is oriented toward self defense in the street more than anything else. There is a dojo in Catalina, Az. The instructor is top notch. Here is a link to his site.http://www.aikidoacademy.com/tucson,_az1.htm

Each of us here has an understandable loyalty to the art which we have put the most of ourselves into. The key is to find an art that most suits your personality. MA is addictive so plan on getting hooked.:D
Originally posted by Akula

I want to start training in an art. I have no martial arts experience as yet, however I have done other items such as fencing (sabre and epee mainly), shooting, archery and a wide range of sports on a competitive level.

Through sports I've learned, sometimes the hard way, about how the mind can control your (and others') perception and perfomance more than your muscles can.

What I am looking for in an art:
1. To develop the 'mental game' further.
2. To provide a practical base for personal defense.
3. To be flexible in training as my work schedule or other items may interfere (or allow for more training sessions.)

What I'm looking for from you:
Your opinions on what particular style you feel might best suit me, without directly comparing your style(s) to others. I've read a decent amount of information and thought I would also open it up to you.

Currently I am available to train with others twice a week, and am serious about this pursuit, not just gathering more information.

I'm also new to the Phoenix, AZ area, so if you could name names and places, I would appreciate it.
If you want to learn how to fight quick and get in great physical shape, join boxing.

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