If your art did not exist...

I'd probably be studying Fiore dei Liberi or George Silver if the German tradition didn't exist. Silver's been on my "to do" list for a while now anyway. :)

most days.... probably looking outside though the bars of my prison cell.

Considering how you feel about trees, I would figure you for a lumberjack, if you can't beat them with your hands you might as well whack at them with an axe.
The art I love is Wado Ryu and I was really upset when my club closed down, I took up TSD instead because it was available. No offence to the style but it's not the same for me.
Considering how you feel about trees, I would figure you for a lumberjack, if you can't beat them with your hands you might as well whack at them with an axe.

ahh but you see... that is just it.. the whole AXE thing would be BOUND to get me into a WHOLE lot of trouble :uhyeah:
Bow hunting, maybe more into music as that has taken a second in my life to TKD
Some other FMA, Kajukenbo, or BJJ.

That is weird. These are exactly the 3 systems that I study today.

For me, I would probably do Judo and a kickboxing class. This is one reason I like Kajukenbo, it combines the two (along with other stuff).
If the art I'm currently studying didn't exist? I'd probably be studying Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu.

I've been seriously interested in studying that art, and I would be cross-training in it now except for having the time to devote to training in two arts simultaneously.
For my art to not exist, I would have to cease existing myself.

I long ago gave up artificially limiting myself to techniques listed within a certain style. If I like something, be it an application, a philosophy, a technique or a training method, then I incorporate it as best I can into my training. If I don't like something, even if it is part of the curriculum being taught, then it doesn't get integrated.

As such, the way I train cannot be easily described as any single style.
With all you have available to you in Hawaii?????? You've gotta be kidding me???? You sure love your judo, huh?

Anyway ... for me, not sure that I like much else in my area ... probably the nearby Kung Fu (won hop influence) or if I can get into BBT I'd do that. But my age is limiting me more and more. So ... I dunno. Gun Fu? heh he he he he he

On the Big Island of Hawaii....Fishing, hunting is very popular....many of us love to shoot "guns" and caught my share of "sharks" from shore (we let them go!) Recreational shoreline fisherman, tarket species the "Ulua"...

JUDO schools if they were closer to home would be nice....(the above comment "running" was just a joke! I prefer using the car?

Judo.....yes ....it is a good art to learn......many do not know how effective this art is on the streets?

Aloha ( were did I put my fishing poles? ....)
On the Big Island of Hawaii....Fishing, hunting is very popular....many of us love to shoot "guns" and caught my share of "sharks" from shore (we let them go!) Recreational shoreline fisherman, tarket species the "Ulua"...

JUDO schools if they were closer to home would be nice....(the above comment "running" was just a joke! I prefer using the car?

Judo.....yes ....it is a good art to learn......many do not know how effective this art is on the streets?

Aloha ( were did I put my fishing poles? ....)
Okinawa Te, Hawaiian Kenpo, much Judo :D, Chinese systems, Thai boxing ... it's like a buffet there! I find it interesting that you would only fish in exchange for Judo. Although I must say many people do not understand how gentle a person can be and turn.

Reading some of the replies gave me a good laugh.

I would be doing what I am currently doing, personal protection.

Other then that, taking my motorcycle down the road.
The thought of a world without Ji Jutsu or Karate (espescially Wado) sends shivers down my spine.. "Welcome to the Desert of the Real"

I would probably be back in the Army, getting yelled at by the Batallion Commander for getting drunk in the officer`s club.

Or worse, I could have gotten a proper social life, married and had children. (shudder) :xtrmshock
If your art(s) did not exist, what would you be doing today instead?

No Kenpo, BJJ or Arnis!!!!!!!:uhohh: I hate the thought of that, but....there would most likely be only one other choice. A BBT school about 20min away. There are schools all over, but its like I always say...if its something that will not hold your interest, you're not going to put 100% into it. :)