if you want to groin kick. train the inside leg kick.

Guys, I'm out of here but I'd like to discuss it further with 'supporting members'.

(Anyone else wanting to join in, purchase a membership. ;) )

Cool Take no notice of anything I have said though!!
i was trying to answer this question.

"How do you roundhouse someone in the groin standing in front of them"

And, it seems, the answer to that has been "by accident".

i had already mentioned that you change the angle of the kick. And was trying to simplify it. This was linked to the idea that you can train a groin kick by training the inside leg kick.

By changing the angle of the kick, you change the position of the hips, which changes the orientation of the leg, which changes the position of the support leg… all of which makes it a very different kick.

now a groin kick is traditionally a different chamber. And so not really the same kick.

and for the life of me i don't know why.

You don't know why a different kick, with a different set up, a different angle, a different striking surface (in many cases), a different hip and support leg position, a different primary target, and more is a different kick? Are you sure about that?

terminology i get. Whether you want to call every different movement something new is fine.
The training methodology i don't. All of this stemmed from the idea that to train a strike the other guy needs to act like he has been struck. Because you cant train a groin kick live.

my view is you can by using the inner leg kick as a substitute.

And, I gotta tell you, that's a deeply flawed idea. For one thing, you get me to kick you in the inner thigh instead of the groin, you're still not going to want to stand there and take it as a training method… trust me, I kick you there, you drop. But hey, that's just the way we kick to that target…

The reality is that there is always some compromise for safety versus realism in all training methods. That's just the way it has to be… to train a kick that's not a groin kick in order to train a groin kick, as you think training an actual groin kick is too dangerous, or not possible, is just to be completely unaware of the way these things work… and to completely miss the point of training a groin kick in the first place.

kyokashin use chambered kicks.

Kyokushin… you might want to start learning to spell the name, if you are going to use them as an example…

lol. You even martial art bro?

He does. He has done for many years… decades… your level of experience is a little more in doubt, honestly…

That said...

The bit i think is wrong is the bit about the chamber telegraphing the kick and robbing it of its power.

Here, I agree with you. The entire point of chambering a kick is to generate power. Yes, it can be slower, and sometimes easier to read… but I don't agree with K-man that it "robs you of power".

and the bit about a chambered kick being good for sport but not good for self defence.

It depends on the set-up. As an initial launch, or attack, yeah, it can be read and avoided… but as a follow up, it can be a devastatingly powerful "finisher"… of course, the target is important as well…

But yeah, as with everything… it depends. Chambered kicks can be good, bad, or anything in between for both sport and "real life" applications.

if a trained fighter cannot stop that kick and cannot absorb the damage of that kick. And he is facing these kicks all the time.

Where does this street attacker develop skills and tactics to do so?

otherwise i agree.

Yeah… you've jumped a bit there… but to begin with, what kicks exactly is your "trained fighter" facing? What's the set-up? What's the context? What are the tactical methods of the system they're using? And, as far as the "street attacker", what skills and tactics do you think they're developing?
Just like the throat punch here is one of the best fight stopper techniques provided that the opponent is not inebriated or on drugs(these types just don't feel a full on cojoness killer kick). Straight up to the crotch between the legs. You don't even have to hit those jewels full on. A low kick be it a front kick or a round or side or turning side/back kick to the region below the umblicus/belly bottom produces the same result. Provided that much power is applied to the technique.
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I remember this little shrimp who came in the bar one night with a woman too hot for him. I had been drinking for the past 10 hours straight (the boss gives us free drinks on duty, plus I had been drinking for 6 hours before my shift) and was starting to feel surly.

I didn't like the way he was looking at me so I told him to get the eff out of the bar. He asked for what, which really ticked me off because of his disrespectful insolence. I threw a left hook at his smug face but missed because I was so drunk. The little punk actually kicked me in the balls. It doubled me over but not enough to put me down.

I got in close, because I was so drunk, put him in a headlock then started pummeling his smart-mouth (I actually got a piece of his tooth stuck in my knuckle). I through him out and while I was busy hitting on his woman, the punk actually called the cops on me. And I was taken to jail that night, can you believe it...ME!!!

I was so mad I beat up a couple of guys in the drunk tank and it delayed my release for eight hours. But it had been done, that punk violated the Bouncer's Code and was forever banned from the bar.
I remember this little shrimp who came in the bar one night with a woman too hot for him. I had been drinking for the past 10 hours straight (the boss gives us free drinks on duty, plus I had been drinking for 6 hours before my shift) and was starting to feel surly.

I didn't like the way he was looking at me so I told him to get the eff out of the bar. He asked for what, which really ticked me off because of his disrespectful insolence. I threw a left hook at his smug face but missed because I was so drunk. The little punk actually kicked me in the balls. It doubled me over but not enough to put me down.

I got in close, because I was so drunk, put him in a headlock then started pummeling his smart-mouth (I actually got a piece of his tooth stuck in my knuckle). I through him out and while I was busy hitting on his woman, the punk actually called the cops on me. And I was taken to jail that night, can you believe it...ME!!!

I was so mad I beat up a couple of guys in the drunk tank and it delayed my release for eight hours. But it had been done, that punk violated the Bouncer's Code and was forever banned from the bar.
It sounds like you probably should consider a new line of work.
I remember this little shrimp who came in the bar one night with a woman too hot for him. I had been drinking for the past 10 hours straight (the boss gives us free drinks on duty, plus I had been drinking for 6 hours before my shift) and was starting to feel surly.

I didn't like the way he was looking at me so I told him to get the eff out of the bar. He asked for what, which really ticked me off because of his disrespectful insolence. I threw a left hook at his smug face but missed because I was so drunk. The little punk actually kicked me in the balls. It doubled me over but not enough to put me down.

I got in close, because I was so drunk, put him in a headlock then started pummeling his smart-mouth (I actually got a piece of his tooth stuck in my knuckle). I through him out and while I was busy hitting on his woman, the punk actually called the cops on me. And I was taken to jail that night, can you believe it...ME!!!

I was so mad I beat up a couple of guys in the drunk tank and it delayed my release for eight hours. But it had been done, that punk violated the Bouncer's Code and was forever banned from the bar.

OMFG :rolleyes:

Really? Really-really??!!

You are awesome. :rolleyes:
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Thank you. But I already know.:cool:

You are a rootin, tootin, shootin, parachutin, double cap cripping, serious ash whoopin, alpha male with fourteen pounds of meat betwixt your legs, enough hair on your chest to weave an Indian blanket, your breath smells like molten lava hitting a peppermint factory and there ain't nuthin you can't do!

In other words - you are so fricken' adorable I could hug you. It was a slow weekend, thanks for the smiles, fella.
Here are some guys who train "getting kicked in the stones".

I wonder if they would let Bad Ruttan pressure test this?

Here's the video

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Kudo allows them. Personally I would do without as repeated nut shots can't be good for you.

Inside leg does send the message across.


Inside leg kick is my go to, hit that femoral and deaden that leg and you get immediate results

Although if you really want results quick,

work both sides haha

Takes the will right out of them