'I Pledge to serve Obama....'

Look, there's no need to fear. Just because he's got his own symbol, his own loyalty pledge, and there are statues and paintings of him going up all over the country, there's no proof that he's going to go the way all the other guys who had the same stuff did.

I mean, he did order the official torture center closed. Would Sadamn have done that?
Sure he got 3 new cars, and 2 new planes, and has a security detail so large it has it's own zip code, but he needs it. After all, those ears show up on Chinese satellites. ;)

It's not like his supporters have uniforms, or special status.
Well he DID also freeze his staff's wages... maybe that's something.
Oh come on. One little painting a dictator does not make.

I mean it's not like there's a bunch of statues of Obama out there showing him as divine.

Err....wait a minute...

I'd so make one of those as Obama as Mohammad, but then everyone would fling racist and Muslim hating comments at me.

I also heard a nice sound bite this morning of a newscaster calling some of the Nutbag republicans (Think: Rush etc) "bordering on treason" for not supporting Obama.

Funny how that **** turned around when it wasn't the Democrats bashing a republican. It was WRONG of them to accuse liberals of treason, but now the shoe is on the other foot.

Remember WAYYYYYYYYY back when... before all this election BS even started and I was arguing with Michaeledwards and I said this is exactly what was gonna happen when the Democrats won the next election.

NOTHING "Changes" the feces just stacks on the opposite side of the fence.
I was thinking the same thing and two sayings immediately come to mind:

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
The king is dead, long live the king.

I was working my way around to posting that. In all matters political it is so often true :tup:.
Honestly, in the end, I'll keep on doing what I do, saying what I say, etc, and they can have my sword when they pry it from my dead hand.
sgtmac, this was just the kind of thing that conservatives did for your beloved Shrubus Minimus. But with them it wasn't just a dumb publicity stunt. Clear Channel put up billboards of Chimpy saying "Our Leader". And Justice Department hires were forced to explain why they wanted to personally serve and why they were personally loyal to him.

This isn't "motes and beams" this is "motes and big frickin' lumber yards".

You really do want to leave this one alone.
Whilst you may have a point with regard to the fact that it seems American leaders go in for a bit of 'Imperial Reinforcement', it is probably best not to refer to the recently departed in such perjorative terms.

You are well aware, I'm sure, of the inflammatory effect that such speach will have due to your past experience of the consequences of same.

You don't have to love the fellow nor any of his 'works' but such defammatory remarks do yourself no credit.
sgtmac, this was just the kind of thing that conservatives did for your beloved Shrubus Minimus. But with them it wasn't just a dumb publicity stunt. Clear Channel put up billboards of Chimpy saying "Our Leader". And Justice Department hires were forced to explain why they wanted to personally serve and why they were personally loyal to him.

This isn't "motes and beams" this is "motes and big frickin' lumber yards".

You really do want to leave this one alone.

Hey Tellner, If it's ok to insult these guys, you won't mind much If I refer to them as Chimpy and the Black Man will you?

Sounds like a good comedy central show.
sgtmac, this was just the kind of thing that conservatives did for your beloved Shrubus Minimus. But with them it wasn't just a dumb publicity stunt. Clear Channel put up billboards of Chimpy saying "Our Leader". And Justice Department hires were forced to explain why they wanted to personally serve and why they were personally loyal to him.

This isn't "motes and beams" this is "motes and big frickin' lumber yards".

You really do want to leave this one alone.

You may want to clarify, because this gives the appearance of defending behavior now that you didn't appreciate previously. There seems to be a lot of that going on the last few days.
It's good that people are wary. Obama wants to create a vast civilian corp for "community service" that is dedicated to him/our nation. I see this video as part of that effort. Yet, it's pretty easy for something like to this slip over the edge and become a new brown shirt brigade.

The thing that people need to remember is that Fascism is a gutter movement. It starts with disaffected young people banding behind a "leader" who says the right vacuous phrases. Then it takes on a life of its own and the oppression/persecution appears. That's the danger here. When this mass gets moving, if you disagree, it will roll right over you...and eventually roll right over democracy.

Watch carefully.
The whole "rally behind the president" isn't new, in fact it was practically demanded by the republican right, especially when we went to war. "We need to get behind our president and support him in this!" I heard ringing ... oh hell, even right on these forums. And to read that folks throw up at doing so for Obama, well, that's just stupid partyism and doesn't even deserve addressing anymore.
This isn't RALLYING behind the President, it's WORSHIPPING THE PRESIDENT!

"Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one." -Thomas Paine

Fear of government worship isn't 'Partyism'......it's INTELLIGENT!

sgtmac, this was just the kind of thing that conservatives did for your beloved Shrubus Minimus. But with them it wasn't just a dumb publicity stunt. Clear Channel put up billboards of Chimpy saying "Our Leader". And Justice Department hires were forced to explain why they wanted to personally serve and why they were personally loyal to him.

This isn't "motes and beams" this is "motes and big frickin' lumber yards".
PURE UNADULTERATED BS! And even you know it! NOBODY put huge MURALS of 'Shrub' ANYWHERE! Quit playing that silly game, when you know it's not even true.

It's actually YOU who's playing the 'Partyism' game as Shesula calls it, assuming anyone who DISAGREES with the new God Obama, MUST support 'Bush'......it really don't work that way. ;)

Have your petty tin-pot messiah if you want, but don't pretend everyone else wants to worship one too, just to make yourself feel better.

You really do want to leave this one alone.
Or what, you're going to report me to the new Obama National Security Volunteers and i'm going to end up replacing the Islamic terrorists in GITMO? ;)

Call Obama's Tonton-Macoute, I DARE YOU!
I was thinking the same thing and two sayings immediately come to mind:

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
The king is dead, long live the king.
Then I challenge you to find such a worshipped president even BEFORE they took office....i'll wait.
Look, there's no need to fear. Just because he's got his own symbol, his own loyalty pledge, and there are statues and paintings of him going up all over the country, there's no proof that he's going to go the way all the other guys who had the same stuff did.

I mean, he did order the official torture center closed. Would Sadamn have done that?
Sure he got 3 new cars, and 2 new planes, and has a security detail so large it has it's own zip code, but he needs it. After all, those ears show up on Chinese satellites. ;)

It's not like his supporters have uniforms, or special status.
Oh yes, quite right!

The party line response to any questioning of the 'SUPREME LEADER' will be

1) 'You're just afraid of change'
2) 'You're all just 'Shrub' supporters unhappy we have our own GOD now'

That pretty much sums it up.......so much for 'DISSENT IS PATRIOTISM'. ;)

uniforms and special status......
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The Gipper, of course-Republicants still worship him.

"Ender of the Cold War," "Great Communicator,"

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.


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The Gipper, of course-Republicants still worship him.

"Ender of the Cold War," "Great Communicator,"

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.
The 'Gipper' is not currently president, nor was he at the time of that painting. ;)


As I said, leaders deserve to be idolized IN HINDSIGHT only....usually after they are dead and gone.....never while they hold the reins of power if we wish to remain a free people.

And MOST certainly, never as mere fabrication constructed by a machine FOR WORSHIP!

Now SURELY you know, because you're a smart guy, the difference between ADMIRING past leaders, and BUILDING MONUMENTS TO CURRENT ONES!
This thread needs to cool down, because we haven't seen where this will lead yet. The worshipping crowds might die down, especially when Obama starts making decisions that no one is going to like. On the hand, it might not.

This civilian service corp could be a good thing. It could be something that acts like the old CCC. On the other hand, it could be another brown shirt movement. I think we need to be legitimately concerned about the latter. This financial crisis could really get out of control and "good intentions" could get out of hand quickly.

It's interesting when you study Mussolini in Italy. He started with the same kind of populist rhetoric that we hear with Obama, but as the movement grew, he changed his tone to a more nationalistic fascist in response. Of course the conspiracy is that he did all of that on purpose. Obama is no Mussolini, but then again, we live in different times.

Anyway, I'd like to see some documents on the intentions behind this movement.

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