I no longer care about Jeet Kune Do

Huh....you can just research his students lol.

Yep, and not a single "student" of Bruce Lee ever competed or won anything on a large scale. Joe Lewis, Chuck Norris etc. trained WITH Bruce Lee and were already established martial artists when they met. Bruce Lee was NOT their instructor. Many people trained with each other and exchanged ideas back then, which was the case with Lewis and Norris. Bruce Lee exchanged ideas with Ed Parker and Gene LeBell, but no one over says that they were Bruce's teachers. It only seems to go the other way when someone came to Bruce to exchange ideas or learn something from him.

What we DO know is that the year after Bruce Lee died, Dan Inosanto took a JKD team to the IKC's (Ed Parker's huge tournament in CA) in 1974 to compete in the Team Black Belt division. Their first draw was to the BKF "B Team". Dan Inosanto's team lost 33-0, they didn't even score a SINGLE point. They never brought another team.
Yep, and not a single "student" of Bruce Lee ever competed or won anything on a large scale. Joe Lewis, Chuck Norris etc. trained WITH Bruce Lee and were already established martial artists when they met. Bruce Lee was NOT their instructor. Many people trained with each other and exchanged ideas back then, which was the case with Lewis and Norris. Bruce Lee exchanged ideas with Ed Parker and Gene LeBell, but no one over says that they were Bruce's teachers. It only seems to go the other way when someone came to Bruce to exchange ideas or learn something from him.

What we DO know is that the year after Bruce Lee died, Dan Inosanto took a JKD team to the IKC's (Ed Parker's huge tournament in CA) in 1974 to compete in the Team Black Belt division. Their first draw was to the BKF "B Team". Dan Inosanto's team lost 33-0, they didn't even score a SINGLE point. They never brought another team.
Lol not true, he had boxing champs in the army, and Glover was a national judochamp

look bro I’m not interested in trolls, you are obviously one, blocked
Lol not true, he had boxing champs in the army, and Glover was a national judochamp

look bro I’m not interested in trolls, you are obviously one, blocked

So what Judo Championship did Jesse Glover actually win? He won the Pacific Northwest Championship Brown Belt Division. Not to take away his achievement, but that is much different than competing in an open national championship tournament and claiming he was a national champion. I would also expect that a student who sparred in a striking match would be dominated by a striker in sparring based on striking.

To put it another way. When Gene LeBell sparred Bruce Lee and put Bruce in a headlock and then picked Bruce up in a fireman's carry and ran around with Bruce on his shoulders we would expect that because it was a grappling match and Bruce Lee was not a grappler. It was also what inspired Bruce to train with Gene for about 2 years because it was such a weakness in his approach.

What "boxing champions" did Bruce Lee teach long term? What championships did they win? James Demile claimed he was the Air Force HW boxing champ. But, there are no records of him competing and winning that title (All Air Force). Back then, he would have fought for the "All Service" Championship against the other branches. Most of those guys were Olympic quality or turned pro that competed at that level. Many years later when Demile was questioned, he talked about that most of his boxing matches were "smokers" against bums and that the other matches were between divisions in Anchorage Alaska. Demile even stated, "It sounded like I was a good fighter, but to tell the truth the guys I fought were not that good". So, he may have won something in Alaska, but again it wasn't a title like we are led to believe.

In the book, "The Tao of Bruce Lee", Joe Lewis told the author that "Bruce didn't spar anybody except for the guys who sucked up to him."
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I'm not sure "troll" means "someone who questions my position".
No It means someone who lies

i explained “my” position, I mean it’s just Lee’s history...idk how it’s my position

i guess all Lee’s students and their students are just lying, maybe they are just trying to agree with “my” position lol.
No It means someone who lies
That's not really what it means, either.

i explained “my” position, I mean it’s just Lee’s history...idk how it’s my position

i guess all Lee’s students and their students are just lying, maybe they are just trying to agree with “my” position lol.
You made some claims, but they were rather vague assertions. When someone asked you for specifics, you called them a troll. A more productive response would be some additional information to make it clear they are incorrect, if they are.
That's not really what it means, either.

You made some claims, but they were rather vague assertions. When someone asked you for specifics, you called them a troll. A more productive response would be some additional information to make it clear they are incorrect, if they are.
I made pretty specific claims, calling them lies rather then do research to verify is what trolls do in my experience.
That's not really what it means, either.

You made some claims, but they were rather vague assertions. When someone asked you for specifics, you called them a troll. A more productive response would be some additional information to make it clear they are incorrect, if they are.
"A national judo champ" Hmm, he was a brown belt and doesn't mention being a national champion in his book. But seeing as someone else said he was, it must be true.
Yeah I guess so lol

Yeah I guess so lol

So I guess anyone who says Jesse Glover wasn't a national judo champ is lying. Hmm? Jesse Glover doesn't say he was a national judo champion. This is from his book Bruce Lee between Wing Chun and Jeet Kune Do.


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