Hah. I had coffee this morning.
Last night, I allowed myself to get really pissed off because of the mis-match of declared objectives and actual desires and the misrepresentation of intention and apathetic processes of other adults.
I'm a Girl Scout leader. My initial co-leader was sports and fitness minded, travel goal oriented and we had similar designs on our usage of the GS experience for our duaghters. Then we merged with another leader who undoubtedly knows the GS program really well, but is plain old LAZY. These girls stated they wished to travel to explore other cultures, international carreers and volunteer opportunities. Now, in GSUSA we have something we like to call "progression" where we start by doing everything for the young girls, gradually introduce them into leadership roles and decision making, the end goal being they run the entire troop and program themselves. So to travel internationally, these girls would have to start by travelling inside the states, but far away from home.
Last night, they voted on what they were going to do with their cookie money and they voted on an overnight at a gymnastics facility.
An overnight ... at a gymnastics facility ... 15 minutes away.
Many of these girls are from well-to-do, double-income families and their college is likely already paid for, so it matters little to them if they stretch their boundaries and demonstrate leadership qualities. They also get opportunities to travel regardless of troop activity for family vacations. This has left my daughter and a few others completely in the lurch. They will undoubtedly have fun anyway, but the point is they will not be working towards their goals.
Unfortunately, I allowed this to piss me off so much, it interfered with my slumber last night, so I arose this morning sleepy, grumpy and exhausted. I ordered coffee with my breakfast without even thinking.
I posted this lengthy rant because patterns are always behind addictions of every kind and at great risk of embarassment, exposure of failure, yadda yadda yadda, I've put it here so I have more accountability.
There are things I can do about this - I can get her into another troop, I can register her as an independent and explore those goals with her (thought this option eliminates the peer-leadership element), or we can find another program.
I think I very likely would have felt better last night if I had broken out those materials and made another plan with her right away for a wider op event.
But I think it noteworthy that I allowed this to upset me to the extent that a domino effect happened and I fell back, without thinking, into an old habit.
So. Choice had a lot to do with my wagon bump today. *wipes sleep from her eyes and climbs back on* Let's try again.