I have committed a sin ...

**Insert Scottish accent about here** Tea and coke are for wussies and women! Real men (trilled "R" in "real") quaff the nasty, foul-smelling, addictive black bean of death! **End Accent**

I don't start my day without coffee first...brewed, strong. When I have mistakenly, stoopidly tried to stall the inevitably of bean, I've achieved raging headache status the likes of which not even the gods have seen before.

Quitting coffee??? Stupid, nasssty, horrible idea (gollum).

What?! (Who said that?)

...Time for some Kona Coffee..

Ahh... you drink the GOOD stuff :)

Making due with Colombian Supremo at the moment ...

Ever had Blue Mountain Jamaican? Pricey, but GOOOOOOOOOD

But on the taste-per-buck scale, Kona is a better value. Almost as good as Kona but not quite as pricey, last time I checked.
I....I...I...I just don't know what to say to you....:uhohh:

I am not even sure we can still be friends...:idunno:

I need time and space to think how this will effect our friendship...OMG...my world is being turned upside down.. I am lost. :(

I'd drink coffee with you Lisa, but too much of that stuff will have me running around in circles for the rest of the night. How about a nice cup of hot chocolate, or tea?
So, how's it going so far? Still off of that beautiful, heavenly, aromatic, warm, caring, nurturing, first thing in the morning, dark, succulent, caressing, broth of comforting embrace?

Dude, that was cold...LOLOL..
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys, girls and everyone else out there ...

I have an important announcement to make.

I have done it. Regrettably, heart-rippingly, gut-wrenchingly, with the sound of my entire being ripped into shreds, sounding the shriek of the damned and unforgiven ... I have done it.

I ...

have given up ...


That's right. Java. Joe. Cappucino, Frappucino, espresso, mocha. That good old swift kick-in-the-pants that got me going in the morning and kept me going all day.


I had white tea with breakfast this morning.


Do you have any idea how absolutely disheartening it was? Oh, and did I mention that caffeine is addictive? I'm jonesing SOO BAAD right now for some coffee I can't stand it.

This is how bad it is: I thought I smelled coffee coming from my oldest son's room. He's not supposed to have caffeine. I burst into his room after all children were gone this morning to find a canister of Hills Brothers instant Double Fudge Mocha Cappucino mix tucked into the corner of his room covered by some blankets.

I'm seriously considering making some, but I have no idea what else he might have put in it. Then again, I'm not so sure I care anymore.

Now, I've done this many times before. In fact, I think I'd need the fingers and toes of the entire staff plus a few members to count how many times I've done this ... but I'm coming out now in an effort to gallantly brave the coming detoxification and soon-to-be crabbiness.

So ... pray for me ... drive me to a meeting ... be my sponsor ... what the hell else? Oh yeah - can you make me a cup of coffee?

Nobody likes a quitter!:uhyeah:
Don't kid yourself, Dan. She's a Jezebel - deceitful, dark, conniving.

And yes, I am still off of it.
Always 2 there are........

Lisa said:
two what, bob?
No comment

Whoa, dude—that's too dark for me!

Lisa, if I'm not mistaken, Bob has just identified you with Darth Sidious, the evil Sith Lord (of whom there are always two, master and apprentice, at any time) and evil Emperor of the Galactic Empire, and Shesulsa with Darth Vader; or maybe Shesulsa is Darth Sidious and you are Darth Vader... in either case, if I'm right you are both Darths, and very dangerous you are. I can only hope he meant something else... but I don't think so...
Time for some Kona Coffee..

Ahh... you drink the GOOD stuff :)

Making due with Colombian Supremo at the moment ..

One of the ladies at the theatre introduced me to Kona coffee years ago, and I shall be forever grateful..Never tried Columbian Supremo, so I will next time I go shopping..Thanks for the tip..
Well, today I'm nauseous and have a roaring headache .. and neckache ... and body ache. In fact, I'm rather certain I am going through withdrawals, even detox, maybe.
All kidding aside, you are going through withdrawal. Coffee is an addictive drug. Caffeine is only one of the active ingredients. It will take a couple weeks to get through it. But you will emerge out the other side without that particular monkey on your back.

Hang in there!
I have an admission to make, I know this will make me an outcast amongst you but I am.....


I am caffeine free. *hangs head*

I gave up caffinated coffee years ago after I found out that coffee irritates the mucus membranes and as I have problems with mine (you really DON'T want to know) I tried it. I halved the severity of my chest infections as soon as I got past the withdrawal symptoms. Now I don't take an hour to get going in the morning, I don't have them ups and downs caffeine causes and I don't crave coffee. I drink de-caff coffee AND tea, get the right make and you really can't tell the difference, I've sprung it on friends and they can't tell! Honest!

Shesulsa, you are doing the right thing! Stick with it!
All kidding aside, you are going through withdrawal. Coffee is an addictive drug. Caffeine is only one of the active ingredients. It will take a couple weeks to get through it. But you will emerge out the other side without that particular monkey on your back.Hang in there!

I have an admission to make, I know this will make me an outcast amongst you but I am.....

*gulp*I am caffeine free. *hangs head*

I cannot imagine starting a day with an excellent cup or a Coke..I give you both credit..
I drink de-caff coffee AND tea, get the right make and you really can't tell the difference, I've sprung it on friends and they can't tell! Honest!

I can tell the difference. Give me about 30 minutes after drinking it and I will be able to tell the difference.
All kidding aside, you are going through withdrawal. Coffee is an addictive drug. Caffeine is only one of the active ingredients. It will take a couple weeks to get through it. But you will emerge out the other side without that particular monkey on your back.

Hang in there!

Pffft. The trick is to USE the drug without ABUSING the drug ;)

Then it won't abuse you! :)
You will be ok, m'dear. Just keep away from the gun closet for awhile:ultracool

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