I have committed a sin ...

My doctor once told me to give up caffeine. I told her to get stuffed.
I drink 16-32 oz of tea a day. Every day. Most of the varieties don't come in a 'decaf' version, and I firmly believe that the health benefits of tea drinking far outweigh any negatives.

On occasion, I'll have some cappuccino or espresso.
My doctor once told me to give up caffeine. I told her to get stuffed.
I drink 16-32 oz of tea a day. Every day.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

I have a huge blue teapot that I stuff to the gunwhales with the blackest, most toxically tannic and caffeine-loaded tea I can get my hands on, stuff that takes porceline layers off the inside of the mugs I drink it out of. And then I can tear merrily through the day without even once feeling the fatigue that my really lousy sleep cycle would otherwise lead to. The end of caffeine would be the end of the world as we/I know it...

Most of the varieties don't come in a 'decaf' version, and I firmly believe that the health benefits of tea drinking far outweigh any negatives.

Amen. Tea has so much good stuff in it that it would be ridiculously perverse for the caffeine it contains to be bad for you. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
For those of you who are still guzzling from The Devil's Cup I would like to recommend something so evil, so sinful, so loaded with life-giving caffeine that you will fall down on your knees and curse the Shadhiliya for bringing the cursed bean out of Africa and hold out your bowls for more.

The Indonesians call it Kopih Tarik, White Coffee. It's regular coffee beans, but they are only roasted until they're slightly yellow, just past green. Once you've had some you'll realize that even the best coffee you had before was burned. The liquor is lighter, almost yellow. The taste is more like a nut. If you've ever had barley tea it's similar. You can drink it like it was water. There's none of the bitterness or alkaloid taste of roasted coffee. And it has 2-3 times the caffeine of your regular cuppa Joe.

The roaster I get it from uses only certified Organic beans to avoid risks to customers from pesticides and fertilizers that might be destroyed in the regular roasting process but would be on the unprocessed product. He also says that the yellow beans are hard and will tear up a home burr grinder.
WHY did you have to tell me that?
Lisa said:
I....I...I...I just don't know what to say to you....:uhohh:

I am not even sure we can still be friends...:idunno:

I need time and space to think how this will effect our friendship...OMG...my world is being turned upside down.. I am lost. :(
If I drink Postum and lie to you and tell you I'm drinking coffee, will that be okay? They smell the same over the internet. :lol2:
You could always try *shudder* de-caf.

I switched to D-calf for a while, but there is somthing evil about the flavor... its not the same...

But then again, it could be because I was drinking cheap diner coffee at the time... but... well... yeah...

I have to try and find some white coffee. My uncles coffee company doesnt sell it, so I have to go and *gasp* buy some coffee.
If I drink Postum and lie to you and tell you I'm drinking coffee, will that be okay? They smell the same over the internet. :lol2:

Excellent! Our friendship can be based on a lie caused by a little bean! It will have such depth and meaning! :lfao:
Damm now she is going to turn into Lisa, watch out everybody another chewy on the war path
Are you kidding????!? Now that she quit, she's going to come after all of us, telling us why WE should quit, too!;)

You can have my coffee when you can pry it from my cold dead hands..All this talk of coffee has made me thirsty...Time for some Kona Coffee..
Damm now she is going to turn into Lisa, watch out everybody another chewy on the war path

There is now and ever shall be only one true chew. :) However, since Geo and I are close, he could be instructed by her to do her bidding.
There is now and ever shall be only one true chew. :) However, since Geo and I are close, he could be instructed by her to do her bidding.

You will aways be the original and I'm sure she will take you up on that offer
Excellent! Our friendship can be based on a lie caused by a little bean! It will have such depth and meaning! :lfao:
I thought it was because I was your sun, your beam of light in the midst of glowering darkness, your reason for living and breathing ... but now I see I was just nearby when you were saying those things lovingly to the nearest can of Folgers.

I thought it was because I was your sun, your beam of light in the midst of glowering darkness, your reason for living and breathing ... but now I see I was just nearby when you were saying those things lovingly to the nearest can of Folgers.


Oh puhlease...timmy's honey, never folgers :lfao:
I have a confession... I've never liked coffee. I do drink diet Coke, but since I like to have the kind that comes in the 16 oz bottles, I'll nurse the same one for hours...

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