"Kinda weird you just threw in a little misquote of me just in the middle of your post? What I was saying about iron arm is that I train with guys twice my size and muscle strength, meaning not against easy non-resisting opponents. About being caught unawares, its not that you know someone is hiding behind that wall, its that you are trained to the point that your body in "aware" and in a situation like that, you can react quickly enough to thwart the attack. You disagree with what my instructor is teaching me? What is that exactly? What do you disagree with so "vehemently"?"
7starmantis my friend you take me far too seriously, I was speaking to Nightingale not to you. I directly quoted you in response to you saying you didn't mention your training when in fact you had and I was being silly and kind of pulling a "yes you did!" The rest of my post was in relation to Nightingales post and was in no way directed at you. Truth is I don't actually disagree with you, but I like a good discussion. I would love to train what you are training. I myself practice similar techniques involving evasion and sidestepping to get around my attacker, sometimes with a trip, sometimes a strike, but I will admit that I don't put as much faith in them as you do. That is why I would love to practice your art and see if I could pick up something brand new that really worked for me.
And yes I know all about not being caught unawares, its the best self defence training I can offer women besides the" not looking like an easy target or victim" to hopefully avoid the whole self defence situation before it even begins. I am always "alert", always ready... I think to practice martial arts your whole life you naturally heighten your awareness and keep an eye out for possible problems without living in a state of paranoia. Kind of like an easy going "oh look, that guy behind me is closing the distance and I see someone poking out from the alleyway ahead of me." Not like I'm going to "ninja flip" on them or anything but I'm aware of suspicious behaviour and if anything did happen I would react quicker than if caught completely by surprise. Like I said earlier though, I train for the worst scenario and to me that involves getting jumped completely by surprise.
When referring to Nightingale I said I disagree vehemently with what her instructor has taught her in relation to her statement "DONT BE CAUGHT UNAWARES. If you don't know someone's there before they attack, there isn't a whole lot of anything you can do." I feel that there will be times you are caught completely unawares and that there is in fact much you can do to save the situation. Her instructor seems to be teaching her that its all over at that point and I strongly disagree. I teach womens self defence for the average woman, not a trained martial artist. So I'm not counting on their ninja skills to spot potential trouble before it happens, I'm teaching them what to do and how to fight when they are already grabbed and going down. To teach women with no training like they can do more than what they are truly capable of is actually dangerous. Your giving them a false sense of safety and reality. I would probably teach trained martial artist women more for before getting grabbed and taken down but really stress the groundfighting skills for the worst possible scenario so they are fully prepared.
KennethKu, I agree biting is one of the best self defence weapons for women, even for me if I felt threatened enough.
Damian Mavis
Honour TKD