I ate a bacon cheeseburger today.

shesulsa said:
The additives for commercially made wines can contain MANY additives which is why we make our own. :) Our wines are completely vegan friendly, organic and ... heh ... if I may say so, tasty and potent! :)

Yeah, one of the bottles you gave me I could not even take on the plane! The only rocket fuel they allow is in the tank.

Bacon cheeseburgers....:fanboy: Put some guacamole on that puppy and you have something worth killing a tasty animal over.
shesulsa said:
*walks across the room, removes a white glove from pocket and slaps TP with it*

You're on.

Heh. All the local ninjas say my stout blows Guiness out of the water, and they are Irish ninja to boot... you sure you wanna make that challenge?
Technopunk said:
Heh. All the local ninjas say my stout blows Guiness out of the water, and they are Irish ninja to boot... you sure you wanna make that challenge?
Ask Roley. :supcool:
I'm willing to be the judge. Send me a bottleor 5 0f the wine and a couple dozen beers. I won't mind to much.
shesulsa said:
The additives for commercially made wines can contain MANY additives which is why we make our own. :) Our wines are completely vegan friendly, organic and ... heh ... if I may say so, tasty and potent! :)

That is the best part!!!!!!!!! :)
shesulsa said:
Ask Roley. :supcool:

You goin to the M&G?

Bring Wine, Ill bring beer. We will see who has the greater power.

Hmm, or maybe I should just Distill some Absinthe and cut out the middleman.
Sam said:
Drac - I was never Vegan, only vegetarian. I still ate milk and cheese and honey and butter and stuff. As for, should I stay or should I go, not quite sure. Because as Mr. H pointed out, while my stomach wasn't actually hurting, it was uneasy later in the evening. But while I was eating, I was perfectly fine.

As for what changed my mind... I wanted a bacon cheeseburger.

It also might interest some of you that I could NOT find information on the healthy way to STOP being a vegetarian. There is TONS of it out there on how to BECOME one, but not how to phase out of it.


EDIT: to bobby - because it wouldnt have been killed if there wasnt a demand to eat it.

It is a good thing your back to normal. I respect peoples choices, but I will say that being a vegetarian is not natural or good for you by any means.

The reason for the tummy ache is because when you stop eating meat, you lose natural digestive enzymes that aid in digestion of meat. As long as these aren't completely gone (and since you didn't vomit, I wouldn't think so) then your fine.

The key is, as with many things, moderation. Eat healthy and clean and keep the portions small until your able to digest the meat without any sickness. Eat a lot of raw food also, and balance your alkaline/acidic foods. This is the healthy way to "get back on the wagon."

There are certian enzymes that your body craves that you simply can't get from any other source but meat - particularly red meat (beef, lamb, etc.). Eating meat is good for you dispite what people want to tell you.

And as for the natural order of things....these things all require balance. Without the omnivorus and carniverous preditor, animals like deer (for example) will overpopulate and starve to death by the hundreds. There is a reason mother nature has species that are carnivors, omnivors, and scavengers. I am all for animal rights, and I do think it is discusting how corporate farms abuse animals in captivity; but I am not about to go to extremes and ignore the realities of nature...

Technopunk said:
You goin to the M&G?

Bring Wine, Ill bring beer. We will see who has the greater power.

Hmm, or maybe I should just Distill some Absinthe and cut out the middleman.
I'll offer my services as an unbiased test imbiber. :uhyeah:

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