How You Know You're a Karate Mom


Master Black Belt
You Know YouÂ’re a Karate Mom ifÂ…

When your kids act up, you tell them to drop and give you twenty pushups.

Your gear bag, headgear, hand gear, foot pads, and shin guards are all color coordinated.

You havenÂ’t painted your fingernails in six months, but your pedicure is FLAWLESS.

You consider bruises attractive fashion accessories.

You actually KNOW what colors clash with a black eye.

When you get a new day planner, the first thing you write down is your familyÂ’s tournament and belt test schedule.

You wish all of your childrenÂ’s friends had their names embroidered on the backs of their shirts.

You terrify your neighbors by sparring with your kids and/or husband in your front yard.

When you do housework, you spend more time practicing bo staff moves with your broom and mop than actually making contact with the floor.

Your fingers are full of holes from sewing on achievement patches.

You consider every item in your kitchen a potential weapon, and are very aware that your kids do, too.

You choose your nail polish and eye shadow with your belt color in mind.

You fight the urge to bow when entering your childÂ’s classroom for parent teacher conferences.

(c) 1998 S. Bell

You terrify your neighbors by sparring with your kids and/or husband in your front yard
I help my daughter practice her white belt form on our front lawn!

You consider every item in your kitchen a potential weapon, and are very aware that your kids do, too

SOOO true!!! LMAO!

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