How to know you're a child of the 80's

To Any Interested,

You know what gets to me about all the lack of respect. I am speaking particularly about addressing people.For example, when I call about my cell phone account. When they ask for your full name. 9 times out of 10 they call me by my first name. They'll say can I call you Donald, or they won't bother to ask at all. It just strikes me as very unprofessional. I guess its just the dumbing down of society.

I don't know that it is the dumbing down or society, so much as a change in preferences.
I hate it when people try to call me by my last name because they 99.9% of the time get it WRONG. To me it is more disrespectful to mangle my last name than to just call me by my first and I hate it and it annoys me having to waste time while people take a shot at my last name. And when I am in a setting where I am waiting for my name to be called and they only call me by my last name, half the time I can't tell if it is my name or not and I have to go ask. There are some settings where last names should be a must, such as any teacher-student type relationship in school or out, but people at the cable company calling me by my last name....I could care less and do not think it is any less respectful to call me by my first name....
When talking back to an adult was strictly verboten

Especially a cop or a teacher...

Oh lord... I wish... I could teach so much more if I didn't have to stop every few minutes to maintain order in my classroom.

When you addressed all adults as "Mr. X" or "Miss Y" or "Mrs. Z" ... not by their first names.

Indeed... my parents had friends when I was a kid who remained their friends for 20 years, during which time I grew up. I met them when I was 6, and I was 25 before they convinced me that I really could call them by their first names... and I still stumble occasionally, 15 years after that.

I don't know that it is the dumbing down or society, so much as a change in preferences.
I hate it when people try to call me by my last name because they 99.9% of the time get it WRONG. To me it is more disrespectful to mangle my last name than to just call me by my first and I hate it and it annoys me having to waste time while people take a shot at my last name. And when I am in a setting where I am waiting for my name to be called and they only call me by my last name, half the time I can't tell if it is my name or not and I have to go ask. There are some settings where last names should be a must, such as any teacher-student type relationship in school or out, but people at the cable company calling me by my last name....I could care less and do not think it is any less respectful to call me by my first name....

I understand what you're saying - but at the same time, I consider people using my first name to be familiar, to imply a level of intimacy that does not exist with, for example, the checker at the grocery store. Although even that is not as bad as the people (predominately middle-aged women) who indiscrimminately call all people "honey", "sweetie", "baby" or similar nicknames - names I think should be reserved for significant others and the younger generation of one's own family. I would rather be miscalled by my last name, than addressed familiarly by my first, or worse, by a diminutive, by a person with whom I have a fleeting business contact - and for a short name, mine has been mangled plenty!
Oh lord... I wish... I could teach so much more if I didn't have to stop every few minutes to maintain order in my classroom

I hear this from every teacher I have ever met...I don't know HOW you do it...

Kacey said:
I consider people using my first name to be familiar, to imply a level of intimacy that does not exist with, for example, the checker at the grocery store

The only time I ever corrected anyone is when I'm in uniform..Outside of that call me what ever suites...

kacey said:
Although even that is not as bad as the people (predominately middle-aged women) who indiscrimminately call all people "honey", "sweetie", "baby" or similar nicknames - names I think should be reserved for significant others and the younger generation of one's own family[

Running nightclubs of all different varities during my early I have NEVER refered to a female employee by anything other than her correct name UNLESS she instructed me otherwise..

I hear this from every teacher I have ever met...I don't know HOW you do it...

Practice? I dunno... some days it's harder than others.

The only time I ever corrected anyone is when I'm in uniform..Outside of that call me what ever suites...

I don't correct people; I mostly ignore it - I just don't like it.
I don't correct people; I mostly ignore it - I just don't like it.

Ignoring is very effective..I have used it too on people who insist on calling me by the childhood name and not my adult name...
Hey I remember doing that....
I hate now that stores like Sam's Club read your membership or credit card and say thank you Ms. X on the way out the door. They end up stumbling over my name and getting it wrong and making me waste a min or two waiting for them to give up and make a guess and give me back my card....annoys me...

Aww be patient, they're trying to go the extra mile for you. =)
Here is one way to tell you are a geeky child of the 80s.

You walk through a toy section looking for something for your kids and you notice that the Star Wars actions figures are way cooler than anything you had as a kid.

I saw a few yesterday at a specialty store and also saw some of the original figures (still in box and costing more than I make in a day) and I had to remember. The old stormtroopers couldn't even move their heads from left to right. (No wonder Obi Wan was able to slip past an entire Death Star of 'em.) Now they have real faces with removable weaqons that have increadible details. Luke's light saber used to be part of his hand and his arm could raise and lower- nothing more.

Toys are wasted on the kids.......
  • You hear 80's remixes refered to as "classic remixes" and you swear it want that long ago
  • You cant get the image of David Bowies hair out of your mind even when you see him now.
  • you get a blank look in the presence of teenagers when you mention U2.
  • You remember when spandex and sneakers where a winning combination
  • You still remember when Eddy Murphy looked like Chris Rock
  • You still think Beverly Hills and ghost Busters are great movies
  • Alyssa Milano still reminds you of a precocious teenager
  • You are constantly shocked at how old Tony Danza looks
OMG, the last 5 posts almost made me spit out my Corn Flakes this morning. I remember them all (no matter how hard I try to forget them.) :lfao: :)
OMG, the last 5 posts almost made me spit out my Corn Flakes this morning. I remember them all (no matter how hard I try to forget them.) :lfao: :)

Do you remember his(The Unknown Comic) appearence on the Redd Foxx show?? He introduced his parents..He brought up 2 older actors with wrinkled paperbags on their heads to simulate age...Too funny..
Running nightclubs of all different varities during my early I have NEVER refered to a female employee by anything other than her correct name UNLESS she instructed me otherwise..

Heh, the club I work at has a very laid-back set of staff. Whenever someone comes in to work, we launch a string of really grade A expletives at one another.

New staff are continually shocked, until they get the hang of it.
Here is one way to tell you are a geeky child of the 80s.

You walk through a toy section looking for something for your kids and you notice that the Star Wars actions figures are way cooler than anything you had as a kid.

Toys are wasted on the kids.......

I had all of the Sith on top of my computer monitor at home until my 4 year old son got a hold of them (I still can't find half of the lightsabers). I just picked up a saga series Boba Fett, and yes, it is WAY more detailed than the original I had when I was a kid.

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