How to know you're a child of the 80's

"The inquisition......"

You'll probably never see movies like those from Mel Brooks again.
Because you think back and try to remember people, places, things, and the details related. The memories are blurry, you have a hard time remembering, you say, or think it wasn't that long ago, what's wrong with me, then realise it was, and your old now. (re-enforced by talking with younger people, and they ask who's dad or mom are you)
Because you hear about all of the "new" songs and movies, and know, and sing the lyrrics, and say the lines, because they're remakes of songs and movies from then.

A senior in "81"! Technically that would make you a child of the 70's! When you would have 1sthand knowledge of the following.
Johnny Sako's Flying Robot
The 6Million Dollar Man
The Big Valley
Mr.Young's "Searchin for a Heart of Gold"
The World Series of Rock Tours
Mr.Ronnie VanZant, and Crew
When kids called adults by Mr./Mrs./Ms.
When talking back to an adult was strictly verboten etc.,etc..

A senior in "81"! Technically that would make you a child of the 70's! When you would have 1sthand knowledge of the following.
Johnny Sako's Flying Robot
The 6Million Dollar Man
The Big Valley
Mr.Young's "Searchin for a Heart of Gold"
The World Series of Rock Tours
Mr.Ronnie VanZant, and Crew
When kids called adults by Mr./Mrs./Ms.
When talking back to an adult was strictly verboten etc.,etc..

I remember all that..

A senior in "81"! Technically that would make you a child of the 70's! When you would have 1sthand knowledge of the following.
Johnny Sako's Flying Robot
The 6Million Dollar Man
The Big Valley
Mr.Young's "Searchin for a Heart of Gold"
The World Series of Rock Tours
Mr.Ronnie VanZant, and Crew
When kids called adults by Mr./Mrs./Ms.
When talking back to an adult was strictly verboten etc.,etc..

Yea I can remember evrything you listed
When talking back to an adult was strictly verboten

Especially a cop or a teacher...
When you addressed all adults as "Mr. X" or "Miss Y" or "Mrs. Z" ... not by their first names.
When you addressed all adults as "Mr. X" or "Miss Y" or "Mrs. Z" ... not by their first names.

Hey I remember doing that....
I hate now that stores like Sam's Club read your membership or credit card and say thank you Ms. X on the way out the door. They end up stumbling over my name and getting it wrong and making me waste a min or two waiting for them to give up and make a guess and give me back my card....annoys me...
If you ever wondered why no one ever got shot on G.I. Joe cartoons when laser bullets were flying EVERYWHERE! :uzi:

During episodes of the A-Team too. I also remember the adressing adult thing. Everyone was either Miss or Sir.
When talking back to an adult was strictly verboten

Especially a cop or a teacher...

Oh, man, while housesitting I saw a cable show that had real police officers (at a school assembly!) talking to young people and most of the kid's responses would have landed my generation in the principal's office receiving the "board of education". Not saying that method of discipline need to specifically come back, but SOME level certainly does.

I still, whenever I run into them, call people who were adults when I was a child by Mr. or Mrs. and NOT by hey, Warner or Bethany, whuss up dude?

It is like the broken window syndrome. Allowing a broken window in a neighborhood attracts more vandalism and less respect for property. Allow no vandalism to go untaken care of and the phenomeno will diminish. Same with respect. Don't allow things like having a 15 year old to call their school guidance counselor Rod or Sue (in order "to build rapport...") and more blatant acts of disrespect will diminish in quantity AND intensity, IMO.

Arnisador? Are you there? I recall either here or at Nephrites you told me that you require your undergrads to call you Doctor Leader in class and not "Jeff". That's the start I'm talking about.
Oh, man, while housesitting I saw a cable show that had real police officers (at a school assembly!) talking to young people and most of the kid's responses would have landed my generation in the principal's office receiving the "board of education". Not saying that method of discipline need to specifically come back, but SOME level certainly does

I had some tough teachers..Paddleing was common because NO ONE feared detentions or staying after school

Jonathan Randall said:
I still, whenever I run into them, call people who were adults when I was a child by Mr. or Mrs. and NOT by hey, Warner or Bethany, whuss up dude?

Same here
Arnisador? Are you there? I recall either here or at Nephrites you told me that you require your undergrads to call you Doctor Leader in class and not "Jeff". That's the start I'm talking about.

See now that is what I did. Never occured to me to call my prof's by their first name, heck I didn't even know the first name of mosst of them. I either called them Dr whatever.... or just Professor if they weren't a Dr or I didn't remember their last name. Actually I still keep in contact with a teacher from 7th grade, I took her out to lunch a few months ago and she asked me when I was going to start calling her Paula (her first name) and I said never....she will always be Mrs... no matter how good of a friend she is...
I am not that old, but man, the lack of respect I see these days in kids makes me want to smack them upside the head even though most of them are old enough that we could have grown up together or I was their baby-sitter.....
The Lt from the city where I work part time just retired..I have the hardest time calling him by his first name...
To Any Interested,

You know what gets to me about all the lack of respect. I am speaking particularly about addressing people.For example, when I call about my cell phone account. When they ask for your full name. 9 times out of 10 they call me by my first name. They'll say can I call you Donald, or they won't bother to ask at all. It just strikes me as very unprofessional. I guess its just the dumbing down of society. I was even chastised by my boss. For giving my last name behind Mr.. I was a scheduler in our Shipping/Receiving Dept., and would talk to truckers,trucking outfits, and some clients. I would address them as Sir,or Miss, and felt that was the pro.,way to handle this. As I did'nt know any of them on a personal level. My employer said that the some clients actually complained about addressing me as Mr.!!!! As Dr.Smith so eloquently put it,"Oh the pain, oh the pain"...

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