You know you're from Minnesota when...


Senior Master
Lifetime Supporting Member
Came across this list about the uniqueness of M'sota. Feel free to add your variation on your state. TW

You know you're from Minnesota when....

The weather is usually 80% of your conversation.

When you say "down south" you're referring to Iowa.

Snow tires came standard on your car.

You assume when you say "The Cities" people know where you're talking about.

You can list all the "-dales."

People from other states love to hear you say words with "o"s in them.

In a conversation you've heard someone say "yah sure, you betcha" and you didn't laugh.

You hate the movie "Fargo" but realize you and your entire family have that same accent.

You know what Mille Lacs is and how to spell it.

You know what "uff-da" means and how to use it properly.

You know the 2 sports-related reasons why we hate Dallas.

Nothing gets you madder than seeing a Green Bay sticker on a MN car.

The only reason you go to Wisconsin is to get fireworks.

You're a loyal Target shopper.

You've frozen your tongue on a metal handrail before.

You own an ice house, a snowmobile, and a 4 wheel drive vehicle.

You wear shorts when it's 50 degrees outside in March, but you bundle up and complain in August when it goes below 60.

You have gone trick-or-treating in 3 feet of snow.

You've not only walked across a lake, you've driven across one.

Everyone you know has a cabin or, at least, access to one.

You have friends who schedule their wedding in the middle of January without a thought about weather conditions.

You consider a six inch snowfall a blessing for "the cities" because it provides instant urban renewal.

You keep the snow tires on your truck all year because it ain't worth taking them off for only two months.

Your local Dairy Queen is closed from December through February.

You believe the only REAL vehicles have skis in front and a loud motor under your seat.

You have worn shorts and a parka at the same time.

You were delighted to get a miniature snow shovel for your 3rd birthday.

Your town isn't trying to be ironic when it plans a "winter carnival."

The temperature in March is above freezing for three days in a row, and you think it's summer.

You laugh out loud every time you see a news report about a blizzard shutting down the entire East Coast.

You think happiness is owning a "piece of lakeshore."

You know what and where "Dinkytown" is.

You have refused to buy something because it's too "spendy."

Your town has an equal number of bars and churches.

You think that ketchup is a little too spicy.

You've seen "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" in Uptown.

You know that everyone has a city preference -- Minneapolis or St. Paul.

You can honestly claim Germanic / Scandinavian ancestors, and have been known to say "ya" instead of "yes"

Upon seeing an ocean for the first time, you say, "Hey! That looks like Lake Superior!"
TigerWoman said:
The only reason you go to Wisconsin is to get fireworks.

I grew up in Wisconsin, and we couldn't get fireworks (not the good stuff anyway, just sparklers, smokebombs and a few others, but no firecrackers, bottle rockets, roman candles, mortar shells). We used to go to Missouri to get that stuff. When did the laws change?
You know you're from Philadelphia when...

* You realize that your favorite dessert is wooder ice. (It comes in churry, strawburry, and other assorted flavors.)
* You find yourself using "Yo" and "Youse guys" when talking long distance to family members.
* You know how to spell Schuylkill.
* You think $2,500 for insurance on a '79 Toyota is a bargain.
* You find yourself at a nice restaurant thinking, "This would only be three bucks at a truckstop."
* You can sleep soundly through gunshots in the neighborhood.
* You visit New York and notice how clean it is.
* You believe that the car on your side, flashing its turn signal, wants you to close the gap with the car in front.
* You can't eat fries without Cheeze Whiz.
* You find street people greet you by first name.
* You don't think Wawa sounds funny.
* You snub a cheesesteak that isn't on an Amoroso roll.
* Your parents, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles all live on the same block.
* You love scrapple for breakfast.
* You took a vacation at the shore (and liked it).
* You know where to find the Rocky statue.
* Only tourists go to Geno and Pat's for an authentic cheesesteak.
* You buy soft pretzels at a traffic light.
You know you're from Michigan when:

- You show people where you're from by pointing to a spot on the back of your left hand. (Especially useful if you're from the Thumb or the Little Finger.)
- You've never met any celebrities.
- "Vacation" means going to Cedar Point.
- At least one member of your family disowns you the week of the Michigan / Michigan State game.
- Your idea of a traffic jam is 40 cars waiting to pass an orange barrel.
- Half the change in your pocket is
- You drive 86 mph on the highway and pass on the right.
- You know how to play (and pronounce) Euchre.
- It's easy to get Vernor's ginger ale, Better Made chips, Sanders hot fudge sauce, and Faygo pop.
- You know how to pronounce "Mackinac."
- You've had to switch on the heat and the air conditioning in the same day.
- You bake with SODA and drink POP.
- The movie "Escanaba in Da Moonlight" wasn't funny. You consider it a documentary.
- Your little league game was snowed out.
- The word "thumb" has geographical rather than anatomical significance.
- Traveling coast-to-coast means driving from Port Huron to Muskegon.
- You measure distance in minutes.
- When giving directions, you refer to "A Michigan Left."
- You know that Kalamazoo not only exists, but isn't far from Hell.
- Your year has two seasons: Winter and Construction.
- Home Depot on any Saturday is busier than toy stores at Christmas.
- When owning a Japanese car was a hangin' offense in your hometown.
- You believe that "down south" means Toledo.
- Your idea of a seven-course meal is a six-pack and a bucket of smelt.
- You know that Big Mac is something that you drive over.
- You can see a car running in a parking lot with no one in it, no matter what time of the year.
- You end your sentences with a preposition; example: "Where's my coat at?"
- All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, or animal.
- You think of the four major food groups as beef, pork, BBQ sauce, and beer.
- You carry jumper cables and snow chains in your trunk.
- You design your kids' Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.
- Driving in the winter is better because the pot-holes are filled with snow.
- Your favorite holidays are Christmas,Thanksgiving, and the opening of Deer Season, which you consider a National Holiday.
- You have 10 favorite recipes for venison.
- You learned to drive a boat before you could ride a bike.
- You owe more money on your snowmobile than your car.
- Your snowblower has more miles on it than your car.
- Shoveling the driveway constitutes a great upper body workout.
- You’ve ever used the word “bogue.”
- The "Big Three" means either Ford, Chrysler and GM, or Little Caesar's, Domino's, or Hungry Howie's.
- You think alkaline batteries were named after a Tiger outfielder.
- Your definition of a small Michigan town is one that doesn't have a lake.
- You define summer as three months of bad sledding.
- You attend a formal event in your best clothing, finest jewelry, and snowmobile boots.
- The municipality buys a zamboni before a bus.
- You have experienced frostbite and sunburn in the same week.
- You know when it has rained because of the smell of worms.
- The orange barrel is considered Michigan's 'other' lighthouse.
crushing said:
You know you're from Michigan when:

- It's easy to get Vernor's ginger ale,

Sure, bring this up! I'm down to my last 6 bottles and wondering what I'm going to do in a few weeks. Where you from Cushing? I was born and raised in Scottville (East of Ludington a few miles) and just moved out to Maine along with a couple dozen 2 liters of Vernors and Squirt because nobody on the East Coast has ever heard of them.

I was going to post this same piece, but you beat me to it. I'll have to find one about my adopted State now.
Here is something similar:

The one that looks like a mitten, you moron.
Where used cars from Florida bring top dollar.
No hurricanes here.
The Orange Barrel State.
So close to Canada you can hardly tell the difference.
We know the rules to euchre.
Got fudge?
Two Mystery Spots. No waiting.
Yes, the Porcupines are real mountains.
Soda? We say pop here, buddy.
The Midwestern "M" state without a wrestler for governor.
No riots since '67
More than just boarded up auto plants.
Casino fever -- catch it.
Sandy beaches without severe undertow.
Happiness is a warm pasty.
Imagine an island where horse manure still litters the streets.
Water enough for any drought.
Visit Hell, Paradise, Christmas and Climax. (Can do it all the same day!)
Birthplace of Meijer Thrifty Acres.
Where Ontario is a shortcut to New York.
Gerald Ford slept here.
It's called snow. Get used to it.
Where the names of high-toned suburbs needlessly end with "e."
Deer processing available here.
Not as flat as Indiana.
Try eating corn flakes without us.
Hardly any annoying lizards or poisonous snakes.
Big on flannel.
It's not the heat. It's the humidity.
Smoked fish sold here.
Good people with camping trailers.
We moved American history to Dearborn.
No toll roads and proud of it.
Our biggest bridge makes yours look puny.
Nearly went to war with Ohio once and will do it again if they pull any funny stuff.
Land of snow machines and bass boats.
#@?!* mosquitoes.
We know a place where wooden shoes are always in style.
Where lousy teams get new stadiums.
Speed limit is back up to 70, so move it!
The Red Wings State.
The "seven course meal consists of a six back and a bucket of smelt" comment pretty much describes my neck of the woods.

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