How to open up fight

Lots of folks have said all the right things about real street fights, and real fights in general. I'm not going to repeat them, other than to say that the best thing to bring to a street fight is a gun. The second best is a big friend, or 12.

But I'm going to guess that maybe we have someone a bit young and immature, who hasn't had the benefit of formal training, and is trying to ask a completely different question from what we're reading it as. So, I'm going to answer the two questions I see as maybe being his real goal. First one: what he really meant was "what's a good opening move in a sparring situation?" Lots of threads on that; to me, there are 3 ways to start while sparring. You can be defensive, and react to their first move (way #1). If you have to be offensive, you can use speed; quick jabs with feet or hands. That's number 2. Or you can be deceptive; throw a jab to sucker them for a kick or a different punch, for example. That's 3.

The other question I can see the OP as trying to ask is "what should I do if someone is about to fight me?" Lots of different threads on that, too. I'm not going to reiterate them, either. Sometimes, you do want to act before they act upon you. If so -- act quickly, decisively, and with intent. Or, you can wait, and respond to what they do. If so -- you REACT quickly, decisively, and with clear intent.
i would like to know what is the best way to open a street fight.
because my friends are always playing fight, and i would also like to be good when it comes to self defence...

PS: perferly muay thai style...

When you say "Open a street fight" do you mean start one up, or gain some distance and perspective?
You don't need a rep as a trouble maker..What happens when you meet up with somebody who wants to try you and there are NONE of your friends around???

Or a person who remembers you as somebody who tried to start something with with them when you had a bunch of friends around and now sees you alone.
I've always been more concerned with how to avoid a street fight or how to end one than how to open one :idunno:
Young thai,

I hope you are taking time to read the responses to your questions, and I really would like to see you reply again as these replies are intended to help you. It would seem that you came here to ask the experts about a topic you are interested in. Well now, you've got the attention of several experts, so keep active in the discussion. It is possible that some of us have misunderstood, or misread what you intended to say, but only you can clarify that.

i would like to know what is the best way to open a street fight.
We might not be clear on what you mean by "open a street fight." Could you please explain this better.

Kacey was the first to respond to your post, and I think she covered the options well. She said, "If you mean the best way to start a street fight - don't."

She then said, "If you want to know the best way to respond in a street fight - there are too many possibilities..."

So it seems you could have meant "how do I start a street fight," to which most are advising not to, or you could be asking what to do if someone else starts the fight, and we are telling you that you won't find a sufficient enough answer here. That kind of question really needs to be directed to a personal instructor.

i would also like to be good when it comes to self defence
This seems to be your motivation, which is a good one, so the advice is to join a good school. Suggestions on how to do that can be found here at MT.

Sweep the lead leg as a move; but, you wanna position yourself to your advantage long before kicks and punches start flying.
When I was in the Army in the 1980s (the Reagan era), they had pretty much discontinued the Hand-to-Hand combat training for new recruits (at least at Fort Sill, OK). The reasoning was that the soldiers were learning just enough to go into town on pass and get their butts kicked. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. You could get some answers here as to what to "try" in a real street fight, but you wouldn't know enough how to apply it, nor what to do when it doesn't work right. If you get a false sense of security because of some internet advice on how to "open a street fight" you will probably wind up badly hurt or dead.

I tried not to assume anything in my initial response, but I suggested that you don't "play" around with this, and you shouldn't seek internet instructions on "how to fight," especially if you are not already training from a real live instructor.

I hope you reply soon, so we can know if any of this advice is helpful. Don't feel like we are attacking you here, we just want to be clear on the seriousness of what we do, and the dangers of a person going off "half-cocked" with bits of information.

You look 'tough' up in the dictionary, and it has a picture of Drac.
Hey! The only reason there would be a picture of Drac is because he has long, bloody fangs, and looks scarier than the rest of us! -vampfeed-
It may be possible Open up in a street fight means to cause the opponent to "open up" when he is blocking or defense. I agree with everything said so far. I think also it should be clear YoungThai sparing with your friends in the street and STREET FIGHTING are very different.I have seen many times and guilty of it when I was a kid of throwing on boxing gloves and sparing in the street, but I could never insist that was a street fight.
I think the point has been clear and made.
Young thai,

I hope you are taking time to read the responses to your questions, and I really would like to see you reply again as these replies are intended to help you. It would seem that you came here to ask the experts about a topic you are interested in. Well now, you've got the attention of several experts, so keep active in the discussion. It is possible that some of us have misunderstood, or misread what you intended to say, but only you can clarify that.

We might not be clear on what you mean by "open a street fight." Could you please explain this better.

Kacey was the first to respond to your post, and I think she covered the options well. She said, "If you mean the best way to start a street fight - don't."

She then said, "If you want to know the best way to respond in a street fight - there are too many possibilities..."

So it seems you could have meant "how do I start a street fight," to which most are advising not to, or you could be asking what to do if someone else starts the fight, and we are telling you that you won't find a sufficient enough answer here. That kind of question really needs to be directed to a personal instructor.

This seems to be your motivation, which is a good one, so the advice is to join a good school. Suggestions on how to do that can be found here at MT.

When I was in the Army in the 1980s (the Reagan era), they had pretty much discontinued the Hand-to-Hand combat training for new recruits (at least at Fort Sill, OK). The reasoning was that the soldiers were learning just enough to go into town on pass and get their butts kicked. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. You could get some answers here as to what to "try" in a real street fight, but you wouldn't know enough how to apply it, nor what to do when it doesn't work right. If you get a false sense of security because of some internet advice on how to "open a street fight" you will probably wind up badly hurt or dead.

I tried not to assume anything in my initial response, but I suggested that you don't "play" around with this, and you shouldn't seek internet instructions on "how to fight," especially if you are not already training from a real live instructor.

I hope you reply soon, so we can know if any of this advice is helpful. Don't feel like we are attacking you here, we just want to be clear on the seriousness of what we do, and the dangers of a person going off "half-cocked" with bits of information.

Hey! The only reason there would be a picture of Drac is because he has long, bloody fangs, and looks scarier than the rest of us! -vampfeed-
He asked.
Is there a possibilty this post could of been the work of a troll??? just askin'
Yes, but the question is a good one. What is your base move? Telling us he is a novice has sparked all the controversy. Perhaps he was being honest and wanted to know our base move(s).
Hmmm....base move?

Start with an "Oh, S_____" block (hands come up, palms inward, between you and the attack). Wrap up an arm and grab the face. Puts me in control and lets me decide whether or not I'm going to hurt him.
Hmmm....base move?

Start with an "Oh, S_____" block (hands come up, palms inward, between you and the attack). Wrap up an arm and grab the face. Puts me in control and lets me decide whether or not I'm going to hurt him.

Real close to mine, I like to take a knee as well so he doesn't have his feet under him still. That is if he is just offering one up for the picking, I won't go searching for it if it isn't right there.
look ive been in a hundreds of street fights for gods sack i go to one of australias worst and violent schools punchbowl boys high school and let me tell you this if your gonna start a fight make sure you prepard to kill or be kill for some people go mental take out a knife or gun and then stab u or or shot you.This is all i have to say starting a fight is easy but the after math is hard for example i got in to a fight and ill admit it i started it i puched him down the stairs during school time and then he got angry came grabbed me then i hit him he got dizy walked away but after that day i couldnt look at him again for i know i started it and i just mad a enemy for no reason so finally dont go out starting a fight but go out to defend ur self when a fight occuress.

to fight you be strong to win you gotta be smart
well said axe_ko but you should off never puched da kid{alex} even though u regret it u still havent said sry to him and im ur cuzent
well said axe_ko but you should off never puched da kid{samir} even though u regret it u still have said ssorry to him .......
you learned muay thai? you can start a fight by hitting anybody you can see. hit him with a knee or a flying side kick by surprise. he will surely fight back. i've done this many times
Damn it all! I meant to ding onibaku for this stupid-beyond-belief post, but forgot to change it from "approve" to "disapprove". I ended up giving this idiotic post good rep. :banghead: :banghead:

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