How to know you're a child of the 80's

If You can remember this... 1,2 Freddy's coming for you. 3,4 Better lock your door. 5,6 Grab your crucifix. 7,8 gonna' stay up late. 9,10 Never sleep again!
*Ahem* Please combine your posts, rather than make several short ones, especially within minutes of each other.
Hand Sword said:
Wow! you were definitely around in the 80's! Well done! As for the song that was used by the buggles, wasn't that actually from the 70's, and it was concert footage, and not a "video"?

I wonder if what you described happened in "the heat of the moment" ? LOL!

The Buggles were, in fact, together in the 70's; however, Video Killed The Radio Star was their first hit of any consequence. It probably wouldn't have done near as well if empTyVee hadn't spun it first. The vid that you refer to was not concert footage.

BTW, Downes and Horn were also members of yes for Drama, replacing Anderson and whoever was keys at the time...Wakeman, I think.
You were a child of the 80s if you remember when cable TV was 'new'.

(Seriously, like Louie Anderson said... what are we going to tell our kids? Not "we walked to school uphill both ways!", but rather, "I didn't have cable till I was 12!!!!") :D
If the image of Phoebe Cates' swimming pool scene is burned into your memory.
Hand Sword said:
If the image of Phoebe Cates' swimming pool scene is burned into your memory.

I always wondered why I liked Brunettes ;)
Jonathan said:
You were a child of the 80s if you remember when cable TV was 'new'.

(Seriously, like Louie Anderson said... what are we going to tell our kids? Not "we walked to school uphill both ways!", but rather, "I didn't have cable till I was 12!!!!") :D

ONTV ... that was the first one in our area.
Jonathan said:
You were a child of the 80s if you remember when cable TV was 'new'.

(Seriously, like Louie Anderson said... what are we going to tell our kids? Not "we walked to school uphill both ways!", but rather, "I didn't have cable till I was 12!!!!") :D

*SIGH* Yes, I remember when cable was "new" parents refused to get it. I missed out on most of the cool music videos. :(

Speaking of music videos, remember Friday Night Videos? THAT was the only time I was able to catch a few videos - that is, if I didn't conk out before midnight...
Swordlady said:
Speaking of music videos, remember Friday Night Videos? THAT was the only time I was able to catch a few videos - that is, if I didn't conk out before midnight...
I remember that. I also remember Night Flight on USA. Way before the Power Rangers, they used to play hilarious dubbed versions of the Japanese series that Power Rangers was based on...
Kreth said:
I remember that. I also remember Night Flight on USA. Way before the Power Rangers, they used to play hilarious dubbed versions of the Japanese series that Power Rangers was based on...

Geez lets go back to the Midnight special show of the seventies oh yea this is the eighties.
Great news!

On June 24th (Saturday), At 12 noon, The WB will have Creature Double Feature return! This first one will be Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster then the Giant Gila Monster.
J.Giels Band, WWF cartoon, all the bad ninja movies, Flock of Seagulls, New Order and Police Academy Plus Return of the Jedi were all the big pop culture. Oh lets not forget the movie "Vacation and Ghost Busters" came out that summer as well.

If you could not decide between Schwarzenegger or Stallone for action movie to watch...well...
When you listen to an oldies station and can sing along to all the songs but dont know any music acts after M.C. Hammer, then you are an eighties child.

If watching the "Who can beat the Rubix Cube in under a minute was a big deal to you", along with a pair of parachute pants. Gee, Dukes of Hazzard, the Hulk, Voltron, He-Man, Charles in Charge, Atari, and all those spin off Qbert and PacMan Cartoons. Gee, every comic book had a Saturday Cartoon. Let's not forget "Video Killed the Radio Star" However, "The Real World" killed the video star, gee who from the 80's doesn't remember "I'll Be Back" "Yo, Adrian" or "I am going to cruise your class Mr. Hand."

I was in first grade in 1980 so I had a little 70's influence from my dad.
Hand Sword said:
Great news!

On June 24th (Saturday), At 12 noon, The WB will have Creature Double Feature return! This first one will be Godzilla vs. The Smog Monster then the Giant Gila Monster.

SWEET! I must find someone to tape or record this for me. :)
I love lists like these. I miss the 80's.

Swordlady said:
- You carried your lunch to school in a Gremlins or an ET lunchbox.

Mine was The Fall Guy. I'm still waiting for that show to be released on DVD. I think I had a Knight Rider lunchbox as well.
fnorfurfoot said:
I love lists like these. I miss the 80's.

Mine was The Fall Guy. I'm still waiting for that show to be released on DVD. I think I had a Knight Rider lunchbox as well.

I had the Superman tin box, lunch box. I had the fall guy lunch box to. the thing came with a little thermos.

You know I don't think anyone has mentioned Dallas, Knots Landing, or Falcon Crest yet.
fnorfurfoot said:
Mine was The Fall Guy. I'm still waiting for that show to be released on DVD. I think I had a Knight Rider lunchbox as well.

Dang...I don't remember what kind of lunchbox I carried. I think it might've had something from "Star Wars"? You know what they say about how your memory is the first thing to go...
*thread gank*

Man, I came into this thread looking for my mom...:


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