Senior Master
Again my friend who cares if a bunch of non martial artist thinks martial arts are unlegit then so what? Look I get it when your young you want everyone to think what you do is the best thing ever and you want everyone to be impressed with it I get it I do. But when your older people's opinion means less and less. Now days I don't hang out in the martial arts circle much and most of my friends either don't care about martial arts same way I don't care about football or basketball or they think it's all bs but those guys are my friends and I don't care if they hate what I do.
I enjoy what I do and I'm proud of what I've done in my life and wouldn't take any of it back and that's all that matters if you love what you do then that's good enough that's why I don't go round having a go at people who train in mcdojos I mean I hate the instructors who run places like that but Id never tell a student they're learning rubbish because if they're having fun and enjoying themselves what right do we have to say anything same with liars if they're happy living in their little fantasy world good for them
Pease don't. I was kidding! LOL