how to change belt?

Just what am I wrong about?

Bad attitude. Yeah I can come across as being a Tool sometimes. However, I do not mean to be, and tbh my humour is often misconstrued. Having a bad attitude is utterly pointless, those type of users are generally referred to as being trolls. So therefore, one does need a good attitude to progress through the belt system. Not for attaining the belts, but you expect someone with a virtual black belt for example, to have a good attitude.
Bad attitude. Yeah I can come across as being a Tool sometimes. However, I do not mean to be, and tbh my humour is often misconstrued. Having a bad attitude is utterly pointless, those type of users are generally referred to as being trolls. So therefore, one does need a good attitude to progress through the belt system. Not for attaining the belts, but you expect someone with a virtual black belt for example, to have a good attitude.

You would expect that but it isn't always the case. I've seen black belts on this board, by that I mean black belt as in they've made enough posts to advance that far in rank in martialtalk, and I've seen black belts in real life who aren't nice people. So somebody with a black belt, virtual or real, should have a good attitude, but they don't always do.
The belt system here at Martial Talk is a counter. Nothing more. You post, your count goes up, your belt changes. That's it. Nothing remotely serious about it.

Good communication and good posting will result in your THANKS and REP going up. If other members think your posts are good, helpful, informative and accurate, you'll be thanked and given positive rep. If not, you won't be thanked, and/or you'll get negative rep.

In short, the belt is merely an indicator of how much you post. The THANKS and (especially) the REP system are an iindicator of the quality of those posts.


I was dead chuffed at having just achieved my green belt through hard work and determination and you've totally peed on my parade!
You would expect that but it isn't always the case. I've seen black belts on this board, by that I mean black belt as in they've made enough posts to advance that far in rank in martialtalk, and I've seen black belts in real life who aren't nice people. So somebody with a black belt, virtual or real, should have a good attitude, but they don't always do.

From what I have heard through the media and written (html wise) that Steven Seagal is one. In terms of this board I cannot speak on that, then again I doubt I would notice anyway.
Just, guys.... don't ever try to wash your Martial Talk belt. It's a bad idea. Your computer will not be happy, and you'll wash away all of the good posts you've written to get there.
Just, guys.... don't ever try to wash your Martial Talk belt. It's a bad idea. Your computer will not be happy, and you'll wash away all of the good posts you've written to get there.

Sadly, only the good ones wash out. All the bad posts you've made stain the virtual material.
Just, guys.... don't ever try to wash your Martial Talk belt. It's a bad idea. Your computer will not be happy, and you'll wash away all of the good posts you've written to get there.

Yeah concur. Sometimes though, I truly do not know that I have said something controversial, but I get you're point.
Yeah concur. Sometimes though, I truly do not know that I have said something controversial, but I get you're point.

That's always possible. For example, you used "you're" instead of "your". Incorrect grammar can be quite controversial.


View attachment $grammarpolice.jpg
Brilliant :D. Yes you are right, I did poof that one lol. Man that is so funny. You have cheered up my aching body :)
Bad attitude. Yeah I can come across as being a Tool sometimes. However, I do not mean to be, and tbh my humour is often misconstrued. Having a bad attitude is utterly pointless, those type of users are generally referred to as being trolls. So therefore, one does need a good attitude to progress through the belt system. Not for attaining the belts, but you expect someone with a virtual black belt for example, to have a good attitude.

I think you are wrong. I have a bad attitude and certainly could be considered a troll. And still, I have risen up through the MT belt ranks just fine.

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