How does training change at Blackbelt?

Hi guys. Its been awhile since I hanged out in this forum. During my search for a martial art, I talked to many instructors. Since I talked to the KKW instructor first ill ask this here. He said that it takes 3-4 years to get to black belt and that is when you start learning the real art. I remember being very frustrated at that because, why waste 4 years of time not learning the real art.

I get it now, that he was referring to learning the basics before black belt.. So ill ask this here. What changes after you get that 1st degree?
There is a change that occurs over time during the lower Black Belt ranks, where your instructor become less of a direct, hands-on instructor and becomes more of a mentor. And I think that occurs because, as you said, you've learned the basics and you begin to teach yourself.

An analogy might be a college prof who teaches a freshman class in, lets' say, chemistry. The prof also teaches a graduate thesis project class. The classes would be taught quite differently. The freshman doesn't know chemistry at all. The grad student, however, has several years experience and knows the basics.
I have been thinking on this, and Balrog I think your correct. In my new art that im doing, its the same way. From 0-1st kyu its all essentially the basics of the art, combined in various ways. Its not till black that your start learning the kata and stances from the various schools in our art.

I am starting to understand it now because just bumbling my way through some of these beginner things is difficult enough.. I shudder to think about attempting some of the kata from the Ryuha. Good lord, im struggling with the basic jumonji kata, I cant imagine jumping into the higher level kata. Scary thought. Its almost like I am having to relearn how to move all over again..

Mma was tough on a different level, a more physical level. This is tough on a few different levels from mental to footwork to synching my hands with my feet.. I am tripping over my self lol.

I think I understand now what that KKW instructor was saying, it does finally make sense.

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