How to awaken the warrior within?

Great jumping high kicking horny toads Batman!

Imagine the wind those people have, along with their stamina. When do they start the MA demonstration?

That really is impressive. Imagine all that quick-step double-timing, and then playing as well. Any martial artist would be in good shape if they could do that. Granfire, is that your son's school? I can't imagine the amount of students to support a marching band that size. If he is in that, I can't imagine he won't lose weight as well.

Again, I hope you and your son get through this quickly and well. I think you may in fact have found a solution. In my mind's eye I can see a bully stumbling around school with a sousaphone bell over his head, crying in a muffled voice, "somebody help me get this thing off!" It might work at that.

Oh wait, you meant your son would play that in the band didn't you?
LOL, he is in Jr High here in Alabama...the Michigan University Band low brass section is bigger than our whole band! :) (I happened to find them when I looked for a marching band version of paparazzi, which is actually a really good song without the visual distraction and the singing!) maybe one day he'll go there.

But we are good! (I hate myself for saying that, because I can't play a kazoo! :D)

the Highschool band has won many awards and is regularly invited to big events, but we are small and the wallets here are tight.
What was the old saying???????????

Brass has class and we kick **s.............
I told you your now bringing back some memories err was that nightmares.....
Granfire wrote:
"But seriously, keep it coming. many different angles to look at an issue from, I appreciate it!"

When many people look at issue of bullying the tendency is to put themselves into the victims position and then handle the issue from that perspective. LOL as an adult with many years of social and physical experiences in a teen or pre teen body LOL. It is difficult for many adults to disassociate the past from the current situations. When dealing with the issue it is important to realize that every situation is unique, the bully is a different bully than the one past and the victim is a unique person in the now, also not in the past. Add to that the protective emotions of parenthood, competitiveness, desire for the youngster to be happy and 'popular' makes it really easy to lose sight of the issue and how the victim can best resolve it, not just surviving the experience but learning to thrive because of it.

Children have social goals with strategies on how to achieve them and by looking at how they deal with bullying will give the discerning adult clues on what those goals are and how the adult can best help the youngster achieve or adjust their goals and strategies. A recent study touches on this.

ScienceDaily (Sep. 1, 2011) — Many wonder why bullies bully, but a new study looks at the other side of the equation: How do children respond to bullying and why? The answer, researchers say, may lead to more effective interventions to reduce the negative consequences -- and perhaps even the frequency -- of bullying.

"The main question we were interested in is how do children go about selecting strategies for dealing with harassment from their peers?" said University of Illinois psychology professor Karen Rudolph, who led the study. "And what we focused on was an understanding of the goals that kids develop in their social relationships."
Consciously or not, children tend to adopt one of three approaches, she said.

The story goes on to list the three approaches and the different benefits and consequences of each. It is an interesting story and study, not so much on their results or that it gives a solution but rather that is gives a slightly different perspective on the issue, and this perspective might give some parents better tools for helping their children deal with the issue.

Brian King
This comment is not directly related to the OP but I've noticed again and again that every discussion about bullying
has no mention of it And I have never, not ever, not _once_ seen it addressed in any martial arts class or post concerning bullies, unless led by a woman - and even then, fewer include it.

Bullying among girls is very very different.
the last link is an excellent description of a severe situation, by an adult woman recollecting bullying she experienced as a girl.

Sadly, In my experience, this real situation is almost never addressed by MA based instructors, I think because it is outside their 'field of vision' and therefore, doesn't exist, so it doesn't merit attention, research and inclusion.

It shows up as a regular part of classes I've held with young girls and teens.
This comment is not directly related to the OP but I've noticed again and again that every discussion about bullying
has no mention of it And I have never, not ever, not _once_ seen it addressed in any martial arts class or post concerning bullies, unless led by a woman - and even then, fewer include it.

Bullying among girls is very very different.
the last link is an excellent description of a severe situation, by an adult woman recollecting bullying she experienced as a girl.

Sadly, In my experience, this real situation is almost never addressed by MA based instructors, I think because it is outside their 'field of vision' and therefore, doesn't exist, so it doesn't merit attention, research and inclusion.

It shows up as a regular part of classes I've held with young girls and teens.

Actually, at one time they had a camp at which they had a 'bully' class. TKD camp, that is. I suppose you are on target that a Lady instructor taught it (I thought she did it pretty well)
But your point is well taken. I just had the T-shirt in the hand we got was from 2004...since then that camp has been discontinued, and bullying classes have fallen by the wayside.
Actually, at one time they had a camp at which they had a 'bully' class. TKD camp, that is. I suppose you are on target that a Lady instructor taught it (I thought she did it pretty well)
But your point is well taken. I just had the T-shirt in the hand we got was from 2004...since then that camp has been discontinued, and bullying classes have fallen by the wayside.

Well, from what ive Observed, Bullying is becoming more and more Violent, and less and less "Picking on Someone".
I remember when I was at School, Physical Altercations were RARE. But Bullying was frequent, just in a more Offhand way.
Nowadays, a Student is more likely to be Cornered and Beaten than just Picked On.

And Females, are largely similar. The TYPE of Bullying is whats changing.
Hostile Persona sees Easy Victim.
Targets Easy Victim.
And more and more, Violence is the only Response to Violence, particular when the Bully is likely Older.

Just my Contribution.