How our Taekwondo training is coming along right now. UPDATE

Markku P

Blue Belt
Hi again!

I just wanted to update you guys (and girls) on how our Taekwondo training is coming along right now.
After the summer, I lost some of my black belt students because they wanted to open their own school. They did train with me for about a year. Some of my other students followed them because they wanted to do more competition training. The problem is that I can’t focus 100% on competition training in my schools because most of my students don’t attend any tournaments anyway and has no interest to do so.This gave me a great opportunity to reorganize my training program and I went back to my taekwondo “roots”.

This meant we are doing more “traditional” training (I knowÂ…I donÂ’t like to use that word). So now we are doing more poomsae, self‑defense and have also added meditation training as part of the class. I am still thinking what to do with the one/three step sparring but it looks like we will be continuing it.
We have now been doing it this way for the past 6 months and I can tell that the results are very good. Firstly, we broke new records with our children group.

The last time I had so many children training with me was 10 years ago. So this tells me that we are headed in the right direction. Secondly, our adult training has been more surprising in a way that we have more adults who are 40 and older and it seems that they are happy with our way of training.
It’s quite funny how similar it is to what I was doing bac in the ‘90s. I just added more material and adopted new ideas but the system is still similar to what I did in the past.

I have dropped the Hapkido program and I am focusing more on our Taekwondo training. I am planning to open a new group for Kaizendo Fitness later in the spring.
I will be taking things slowly with regards to competition training. I prefer to work with my students in a way that they will have a strong foundation on all aspects of Taekwondo. And for those who want to focus solely on serious competition training, then I will recommend them to other schools.


Markku P.
Hi again!

I just wanted to update you guys (and girls) on how our Taekwondo training is coming along right now.
After the summer, I lost some of my black belt students because they wanted to open their own school. They did train with me for about a year. Some of my other students followed them because they wanted to do more competition training. The problem is that I can’t focus 100% on competition training in my schools because most of my students don’t attend any tournaments anyway and has no interest to do so.This gave me a great opportunity to reorganize my training program and I went back to my taekwondo “roots”.

This meant we are doing more “traditional” training (I know…I don’t like to use that word). So now we are doing more poomsae, self‑defense and have also added meditation training as part of the class. I am still thinking what to do with the one/three step sparring but it looks like we will be continuing it.
We have now been doing it this way for the past 6 months and I can tell that the results are very good. Firstly, we broke new records with our children group.

The last time I had so many children training with me was 10 years ago. So this tells me that we are headed in the right direction. Secondly, our adult training has been more surprising in a way that we have more adults who are 40 and older and it seems that they are happy with our way of training.
It’s quite funny how similar it is to what I was doing bac in the ‘90s. I just added more material and adopted new ideas but the system is still similar to what I did in the past.

I have dropped the Hapkido program and I am focusing more on our Taekwondo training. I am planning to open a new group for Kaizendo Fitness later in the spring.
I will be taking things slowly with regards to competition training. I prefer to work with my students in a way that they will have a strong foundation on all aspects of Taekwondo. And for those who want to focus solely on serious competition training, then I will recommend them to other schools.


Markku P.

I am glad to read this Markku, because..... you know... I am a traditionalist, yes, I like the WTF/Olimpic TKD a little but it's not my thing, and yes, I recognize that doing competition once in a while is a good thing but having just a competition program in a TKD dojang.... I don't like it.

I think you should not pull away some Hapkido moves, you must have them in the Ho Sgin Sul part of your TKD Class, nothing fancy just the simple moves that works at once without so many steps to learn them.

My class (adult class) is about poomsae and self defense with a little kyorigi (we are going to change this), infact I want to implement some kind of continuos fight (using boxin gloves and no hogu and allowing some punches to the head) to put a little saly and pepper to the kyorugi thing.

I am glad to read this Markku, because..... you know... I am a traditionalist, yes, I like the WTF/Olimpic TKD a little but it's not my thing, and yes, I recognize that doing competition once in a while is a good thing but having just a competition program in a TKD dojang.... I don't like it.

I think you should not pull away some Hapkido moves, you must have them in the Ho Sgin Sul part of your TKD Class, nothing fancy just the simple moves that works at once without so many steps to learn them.

My class (adult class) is about poomsae and self defense with a little kyorigi (we are going to change this), infact I want to implement some kind of continuos fight (using boxin gloves and no hogu and allowing some punches to the head) to put a little saly and pepper to the kyorugi thing.

sounds like a good class you have Manny, I'll drop by if I ever find myself in mexico:)
I think you should not pull away some Hapkido moves, you must have them in the Ho Sgin Sul part of your TKD Class, nothing fancy just the simple moves that works at once without so many steps to learn them.

My class (adult class) is about poomsae and self defense with a little kyorigi (we are going to change this), infact I want to implement some kind of continuos fight (using boxin gloves and no hogu and allowing some punches to the head) to put a little saly and pepper to the kyorugi thing.


I have been "traditionalist" and "sport" Taekwondo person all the time, sometime I just focus different areas little more. We do stuff from other styles ( like Hapkido, Kickboxing or Escrima ) with Hosinsul training. But I will drop out our Hapkido program because lack of time. About sparring..We have always done sparring with different rules. This means that we can allow low kicks, punches to head and take downs. Sometimes even ground fighting.

With Small kids 4-9 years old we do just Olympic style of sparring, poomsae etc.

But I also look more what people like to train. I of course teach what my teachers had taught me and I also have some "extra" material from my own training from other styles and teachers. ( Then I mention that I have learned this from Escrima, Hapkido etc. )

/Markku P.

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