How much would you take?

Yes,I'm the guy who was threatened at work.Exactly;how much force to use against someone who is really baad without killing him,depends on where you hit him,and with how much force.Some of us realize our full potential.I was merely trying to find out exactly what rights a person has to defend him/herself?If I absolutely had no choice it would be real ugly,because I would have to go nuttso on this dude to stop him, then later all his friends would be after/harassing me and my family.What the hell can a person really do these days to defend hisself?
The age old advice of "run away," "avoidance and awareness," and such is solid advice in my opinion, but some people simply are not geared that way.

Whather it be someone picking on you everyday, verbally abusing you, or an attempted assault. How much would you take?

Would you have to be backed into a corner? Would a threat be enough to make you attack?

People are different. I just wanted to see what your personal take on things are.


Nice thread!:ultracool To answer the first part of your question. As difficult as it is, as far as the verbal abuse goes, IMO, I think the best policy is to learn to ignore it. The person giving the abuse will thrive on seeing you get upset, frustrated, etc., and keep going. Ignoring them will make them lose interest.

Physical or the threat of physical abuse...well, thats a different story. Attempting to leave the area or defuse the situation is a good option, but if thats not possible, I'm not going to be someones punching bag.
Yes,I'm the guy who was threatened at work.Exactly;how much force to use against someone who is really baad without killing him,depends on where you hit him,and with how much force.Some of us realize our full potential.I was merely trying to find out exactly what rights a person has to defend him/herself?If I absolutely had no choice it would be real ugly,because I would have to go nuttso on this dude to stop him, then later all his friends would be after/harassing me and my family.What the hell can a person really do these days to defend hisself?

There are several threads that discuss the issues of the use of force, up to and including deadly force. It's quite bluntly not productive to rehash all of those discussions here; it's been said & done at length there.

You have the right to use only that force which is reasonably necessary to defend yourself or another person from an attack; you can't kill someone for tickling you with a feather duster anymore than hitting someone with a feather duster when they're holding a gun on you makes sense. (Unless you're Harpo Marx.) Some states may require you to retreat, others don't.

And, in the end, it's always better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6.