How much does this REALLY matter?

Does the stuff here really matter in the "long run"?

  • Yes all posters actions have an effect.

  • Yes. But only for the "leaders".

  • Marginally.

  • Not at all.

Results are only viewable after voting.
Palusut said:
That's so true, but actually, this discussion has caused me to understand more of where you are coming from.



Im of the mind that "if there is a problem, investigate it and TRY to figure it out." Much of this stuff is just rehashing that nobody seems to want to look into and one way or another.
In the long run I don't thnk it's going to matter much. What will matter is the in person presentation and efforts to disseminate the art.

Why "meat topics" do not survive long? I have my own spin on that. A. It's hard to really put to words detailed descriptions of techiques and so forth and B. it's also hard to read such descriptions and really duplicate what the writer intends, especially if you have less experience in the art. As tot he anyos, I would love to write long (and probably boring) tomes about the applications (which I have in a different fashion) but I really don't think many people would read them.

Dan Anderson
Which Dan, is why your books take a very visual approach to getting information across, an approach which is available here. It just takes some effort I think.
Bob Hubbard said:
Which Dan, is why your books take a very visual approach to getting information across, an approach which is available here. It just takes some effort I think.
Sayeth the geek to the geekily-challenged. :asian:
Very much effort for moi.

Also brings ego's in, as soon as someone posts pictures it will get ripped apart and insulted no matter how well it is done. Even the top guys in different systems publish books only to have a handful of people say they are crap.

But yes, thats just too much work :p
Dan Anderson said:
Sayeth the geek to the geekily-challenged. :asian:
Very much effort for moi.

I believe we have a visual walkthough in development to help the "geekdeprived" :)
Andrew Green said:
Also brings ego's in, as soon as someone posts pictures it will get ripped apart and insulted no matter how well it is done. Even the top guys in different systems publish books only to have a handful of people say they are crap.

But yes, thats just too much work :p
True. But not here.
Dan Anderson said:
In the long run I don't thnk it's going to matter much. What will matter is the in person presentation and efforts to disseminate the art.

Why "meat topics" do not survive long? I have my own spin on that. A. It's hard to really put to words detailed descriptions of techiques and so forth and B. it's also hard to read such descriptions and really duplicate what the writer intends, especially if you have less experience in the art. As tot he anyos, I would love to write long (and probably boring) tomes about the applications (which I have in a different fashion) but I really don't think many people would read them.

Dan Anderson
Well said Dan, But why don't you give it a shot on the Anyo Isa thread and it would be educational to get another input
Quote Bob Hubbard: (I put up 3 threads about the 1st 3 forms. I got -1- reply.Thanks.I put out a call for content.I got nada.I've asked repeatedly, seen some folks really try to build us some serious content.All seemingly wasted effort.I get asked regularly why there is so little content here. I honestly don't know.I know we have a number of long term serious practitioners. One would think they would know, and be able to share.But, that's not what happens.)
Bob, I tried to kick in the Anyo Isa thread as researching the anyos and getting good clean discussions going with a varity of viewpoints would have been excellent educational opportunities but only one other person replied and I know darn well with the experience of the readers we could of had a lot of valued feedback.So goes the flow...
Bob Hubbard said:
MA has it's problems. So does every art. Kenpo, JKD, TKD, etc. All have their little ugly warts. The problem here is, it's rather blatent.

I'm wondering, maybe it's time for MT to drop Modern Arnis. Lock the forum, archive the mess and move on.

What does all this crap do? It drives people away, it gives the wrong picture of the art. An ugly picture.

I started training in MA because I found it to be an easily learned, yet challenging to perfect art. Something infinately flexible. This forum was intended to help other seekers see the wonder I did.

It sure would be nice if that was possible. But, 4 years later, I'm getting jaded. And I haven't seen anything the last few months to unjade me.

Can anyone prove I'm wrong? Can anyone drop the games, shots, slings, and other BS and maybe, just maybe, get into some serious discussions on technique? Without pissing and moaning about "whos right", and simply rejoice in the differences and variations?

Because, if all I see of an art is arguements, and ads, why would I want to waste my time with it? You want to argue, theres places out there that live for the crap, go there. If you want to discuss the meat of the art, stay here. Maybe we just need to go extreme-heavy on moderation, and filter out -ALL- noise?

I'm sorry your art is going through this and that your personal efforts to advance the cause of Modern Arnis seem not to be bearing the fruit you would like. It is apparent to me, an outsider, that Modern Arnis is going through the same transition pains that Kenpo went through in the decade after SGM Ed Parker's death or TKD went through when TKD split into the ITF and WTF camps. TKD went through some particularly nasty stuff about 25-30 year ago and who can forget the Wing Chun wars of the 1980's?

I'd like to see the same thing that you wish - a MA forum devoted to the subject with a few leadership and event asides. Don't despair, you are a contributor to the art and your efforts are not going unnoticed.

As a result of this forum I am intrigued enough with Modern Arnis to see about buying some tapes to check it out. The little Arnis I got in my Kenpo classes in the 1980's was just enough to teach me some respect for the art.
With everyone that I've exposed to MA, they get their knuckles racked up more than others due to experience and that's enough to respect and want more. Honestly, that's how I got involved over 12 years ago.
Jonathan Randall said:
I'm sorry your art is going through this and that your personal efforts to advance the cause of Modern Arnis seem not to be bearing the fruit you would like. It is apparent to me, an outsider, that Modern Arnis is going through the same transition pains that Kenpo went through in the decade after SGM Ed Parker's death or TKD went through when TKD split into the ITF and WTF camps. TKD went through some particularly nasty stuff about 25-30 year ago and who can forget the Wing Chun wars of the 1980's?

I'd like to see the same thing that you wish - a MA forum devoted to the subject with a few leadership and event asides. Don't despair, you are a contributor to the art and your efforts are not going unnoticed.

As a result of this forum I am intrigued enough with Modern Arnis to see about buying some tapes to check it out. The little Arnis I got in my Kenpo classes in the 1980's was just enough to teach me some respect for the art.
I remember signing a huge sympathy card (poster board) for the Parker family in a MA supply store all the Kenpo folks went to in OC right after Mr. Parker passed and thinking right then that Kenpo would not be the same again. Kenpo is still going through some tribulations and is still healing, though I think we're on the other side of that hill now.

I hope that Arnis will see a quicker summit.

Bob, don't give up on your art - it needs people like you - people who see past the BS, who see past the posturing and know the lack of need for it and the consequences. Politics will always be in your face - train anyway. Threats and member-waving will abound - train anyway. You need to return and advance so you can give your art to others and foster a healthier generation of arnisadors. Make your training time YOURS - not about someone or something else. This is the best advice I think I could give you. :asian:
For anyone who wants to train, there are lots of seminars going on in the real world and a number of schools. Most of the politics happens right here. Otherwise, it seems to me that the orgs. don't come into contact all that much, so there's not so much of it going on in real life.
Any opinions on all the drama associated with some of the threads around here and the poll results to date?
Tgace said:
Any opinions on all the drama associated with some of the threads around here and the poll results to date?
I think some people have been vociferous about this. There is not a need to rehash, only to scroll, read, and shake one's head.
Tgace said:
Any opinions on all the drama associated with some of the threads around here and the poll results to date?

Much of the drama is over and done with. If we're lucky, it'll stay that way. IMHO, that is stuff that should be discussed off the board. If people have bad blood towards one another, its between them, not between the people that read this forum.

I personally would like to see some positive discussions on Modern Arnis. We have a few threads on the discussion of anyos that Bob started. Its a shame that they died out so fast with so few replies.

Tgace said:
Any opinions on all the drama associated with some of the threads around here and the poll results to date?

I wish people would put as much passion into spreading the good things about the art to people like me who know nothing at all instead of showing me just political BS and in house fighting.
Tgace said:
Any opinions on all the drama associated with some of the threads around here and the poll results to date?

71.88% of the results of the poll are in the marginal or not at all category. I think that says it all.

If people can't ask or answer reasonable questions about a topic and have to resort to defensive actions on or offline, then that is their childishness to deal with. Martial arts, if it does teach anything about personal growth, should be giving us motivation to stand for things we believe in. That might lead to some heated discussions.

Like the television, people don't have to watch or read.

Positive aspects could also be mature discussions of issues even when when there is a disagreement on the topic.

I am thinking about the William Beltz Attorney commercials that are loaded with shots at the "Barnes Firm" after all the malpractice fall out there. It looks positive and nice, but really isn't.

It would be a shame for the general public to get a positive impression that is false about a post that was nothing more than a veiled shot at someone. The poster knew what he intended, the target knew too. If the outsiders get fooled, that would worse than having it out in the open.

If the Leaders want to hash it out in a public forum, it would be like any election debate where the leaders get to go head to head on issues. The trick is keeping it mature.

Most of the poll responses shows that the negative isn't going to have a major impact overall, so just keep it within forum rules and enforce those rules fairly if someone goes outside them is what I think.
RickRed said:
71.88% of the results of the poll are in the marginal or not at all category. I think that says it all.

If people can't ask or answer reasonable questions about a topic and have to resort to defensive actions on or offline, then that is their childishness to deal with. Martial arts, if it does teach anything about personal growth, should be giving us motivation to stand for things we believe in. That might lead to some heated discussions.

Like the television, people don't have to watch or read.

Positive aspects could also be mature discussions of issues even when when there is a disagreement on the topic.

I am thinking about the William Beltz Attorney commercials that are loaded with shots at the "Barnes Firm" after all the malpractice fall out there. It looks positive and nice, but really isn't.

It would be a shame for the general public to get a positive impression that is false about a post that was nothing more than a veiled shot at someone. The poster knew what he intended, the target knew too. If the outsiders get fooled, that would worse than having it out in the open.

If the Leaders want to hash it out in a public forum, it would be like any election debate where the leaders get to go head to head on issues. The trick is keeping it mature.

Most of the poll responses shows that the negative isn't going to have a major impact overall, so just keep it within forum rules and enforce those rules fairly if someone goes outside them is what I think.
Yeah, but I think that it is the desire of the staff of MT and its other members for all these dramas not to be played on this board and that we stick to content.

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