MA has it's problems. So does every art. Kenpo, JKD, TKD, etc. All have their little ugly warts. The problem here is, it's rather blatent.
I'm wondering, maybe it's time for MT to drop Modern Arnis. Lock the forum, archive the mess and move on.
What does all this crap do? It drives people away, it gives the wrong picture of the art. An ugly picture.
I started training in MA because I found it to be an easily learned, yet challenging to perfect art. Something infinately flexible. This forum was intended to help other seekers see the wonder I did.
It sure would be nice if that was possible. But, 4 years later, I'm getting jaded. And I haven't seen anything the last few months to unjade me.
Can anyone prove I'm wrong? Can anyone drop the games, shots, slings, and other BS and maybe, just maybe, get into some serious discussions on technique? Without pissing and moaning about "whos right", and simply rejoice in the differences and variations?
Because, if all I see of an art is arguements, and ads, why would I want to waste my time with it? You want to argue, theres places out there that live for the crap, go there. If you want to discuss the meat of the art, stay here. Maybe we just need to go extreme-heavy on moderation, and filter out -ALL- noise?