How many Kenpo 10th degrees?

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Originally posted by jazkiljok
kicked into rank at 10th?
that doesn't even sound right...
what's up with that?

A traditional Kenpo Initiation for any belt promotion by your instructor or promotional board members, also known as: Kiss of the Dragon, Birth of Pain, or Promotional kick, punch, or strike (not meant to be damaging but ceremonial).

Originally posted by Goldendragon7
A traditional Kenpo Initiation for any belt promotion by your instructor or promotional board members, also known as: Kiss of the Dragon, Birth of Pain, or Promotional kick, punch, or strike (not meant to be damaging but ceremonial).


Mr. C, I believe he was talking about actually getting kicked to the rank of 10th degree.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Mr. C, I believe he was talking about actually getting kicked to the rank of 10th degree.

exactly-- just doesn't seem appropriate for the rank.

anyone else had this done?


Jaz K.:asian:
Prehaps this is one reason he prefers not to wear it, that and his respect for Mr. Parker.


Klondike (aka Chuck)
Originally posted by Klondike93
Prehaps this is one reason he prefers not to wear it, that and his respect for Mr. Parker. :asian: Klondike (aka Chuck)

Who said he wasn't wearing it?

Well, if it were me in the exact same scenario ...... I would not allow the event to take place in the first place.

I won't allow anyone to use me to elevate themselves.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Well, if it were me in the exact same scenario ...... I would not allow the event to take place in the first place.

I won't allow anyone to use me to elevate themselves.


i think i'll have to get out my Captain Kenpo Decoder Ring to help me read between those lines...;)
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Mr. C, I believe he was talking about actually getting kicked to the rank of 10th degree.

Man, that's a helluva kick! I gotta go through nine stripes!

I'm off to do more ab work! :D

Originally posted by Goldendragon7
Who said he wasn't wearing it?

Well, if it were me in the exact same scenario ...... I would not allow the event to take place in the first place.

I won't allow anyone to use me to elevate themselves.


Preach on Dennis ... I'm in the Amen section of the church! :lol:

Being an outsider (Tracy's), I looked at the over all picture. And I have to say that it would be disturbing if I were in EPAK. So many tenths and so many chasing after it that it means nothing anymore.

Have to say, and probably will get in trouble here for the observation, that when Frank Trejo let Mike Pick "kick him in" for his tenth, it was a ceremonial kick and custom that just as ceremonially, yet somewhat more realistically placed Frank Trejo directly under the political sphere and control of Mike Pick, who, as I understand from his old website, one day realized he should be a tenth degree, and so, put it on.

Interesting to me that so few tenth degrees seem to have any respect for the rank.

In American Kenpo, the politics of the double red are so rampant that, to me, the acquisition of it, even if I were to be suddenly thrust into the position, would be ludicrous. I think that the double red now, simply equates with capo di tutti capi, or family head, and no longer has validity as a martial rank.

Please feel free to shoot flames at me, or go to and call me silly names.

Dan Farmer
Tracy Kenpo
-Who promoted Ed Parker Sr. to 10th degree?
was it not a form of self promotion? Where did the ranking system come from? Somebody at some point self promoted themselves otherwise their would be no rank, so it's somewhat silly to argue over.

-Wasn't Mr. P a creator and an innovator in the art of kenpo?
-Didn't he introduce new ways of thinking and doing things to many martial artists?
-Didn't he continually redefine himself and his art?
-Didn't he continually change and improve the way he performed his art?

I would have to say YES to each of those questions. How many 10ths out there can honestly answer yes about themselves to those questions? How can anyone who is still doing kenpo the same way they were doing it at the time of Mr. Parkers death say yes to any of those questions?
Here I go again....
I'm not a kenpoist, but a Judo/Hapkido Sylist. Dr. Jigaro Kano, had no rank, as he was founder. He normaly wore a white belt. After his death the Kodokan promoted him to twelth. I've never heard anyone disagreeing with his rank or comparing him to anyone else. I've always wondered why that is.
(Ducks back under cover)
P.S. If you're gonna do slings and arrows, please give them to Jean-Louise at the the door, but do so quickly, as his chest fills up rather fast, reservations recommonded.
Right, you and Shinzu. I'll get right on it. (Thinks) I think I can find your "EPAK Pretty Boy" pic around here somewhere......:D
Originally posted by Kenpo Yahoo
-Who promoted Ed Parker Sr. to 10th degree?
was it not a form of self promotion? Where did the ranking system come from? Somebody at some point self promoted themselves otherwise their would be no rank, so it's somewhat silly to argue over.

-Wasn't Mr. P a creator and an innovator in the art of kenpo?
-Didn't he introduce new ways of thinking and doing things to many martial artists?
-Didn't he continually redefine himself and his art?
-Didn't he continually change and improve the way he performed his art?

I would have to say YES to each of those questions. How many 10ths out there can honestly answer yes about themselves to those questions? How can anyone who is still doing kenpo the same way they were doing it at the time of Mr. Parkers death say yes to any of those questions?

I have to agree here. Nobody ever brings up these facts, just complains about others rank. So, anyone care to share where Mr. Parker recieved his promotions past 1st balack?
Originally posted by kenpo_cory
I have to agree here. Nobody ever brings up these facts, just complains about others rank. So, anyone care to share where Mr. Parker recieved his promotions past 1st balack?

Mr. Conatser has answered this question 2 or 3 times on this board. I don't know how quickly you can find it but it's on here.
I like Mr. C's story about him asking Mr. Parker about why he promoted himself to 10th. That is a very good story. It is on here somewhere. :asian:

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