Well I haven't been in a fight since I was 17, (proud to say) as I try to avoid any risk of actually getting into any conflict. The last time I was involved in an altercation was when some guy had me in a rear bear hug so I head butted him and he let go. I just walked away because there was no way I was going to be drawn into some futile macho bs!
But I find my problem is that I am still a door mat evne though I have been practising Kung fu for 6 years now. Once when I was at a Nightclub I was standing by some chairs and this guy rudely gestured for me to move and rather then starting something I knew I couldn't finish I moved. But if it had been some one who was really big, 6'7 and build like a brick sh@t house then I don't think he would have thought twice about doing that. I'm only 5'7" so I guess I look pretty weedy and give out these subconscious signals that idiots like him can push me round and get away with it because they know I'm the kind of guy who won't fight back. It realy ticks me off but then again the alternative isn't much better, getting into a fight and not knowing how good my skills would be. Thinking back I wished I had stood my ground and said to him that if he wanted me to move he would have to ask me!
But I find my problem is that I am still a door mat evne though I have been practising Kung fu for 6 years now. Once when I was at a Nightclub I was standing by some chairs and this guy rudely gestured for me to move and rather then starting something I knew I couldn't finish I moved. But if it had been some one who was really big, 6'7 and build like a brick sh@t house then I don't think he would have thought twice about doing that. I'm only 5'7" so I guess I look pretty weedy and give out these subconscious signals that idiots like him can push me round and get away with it because they know I'm the kind of guy who won't fight back. It realy ticks me off but then again the alternative isn't much better, getting into a fight and not knowing how good my skills would be. Thinking back I wished I had stood my ground and said to him that if he wanted me to move he would have to ask me!