How many fights have you been in, so far, in your life?

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How many fights have you been in, so far, in your life?

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I would tend to agree. I don't count soldiers or cops in this category, because the reality of combat is part of their occupation. Gonna happen sooner or later. I also don't count jobs like bouncer or bartender or any profession where the threat of violence is there, even if not an assumed part of the job.
To me, a fight is an altercation between one person who starts it, and the other who receives it. Doesn't matter if death is the planned result. One person only has to want to hurt the other.
Obviously professional fighters don't count. Now, if someone attacked them on the street that would be different. That's not scripted.
Sin said:
When I opened up this thread I thought that most people would be in the highest number of fights, cause I am in there as well.

There are 2 kinds of people that get into fights.

the Bully- The person looking for any little thing to blow there top about

the Bullied- Guy whos the bully's target

The target either fights back and totally beats the daylights out of the bully, or gets beat up, These are the targets reasons for getting into MA.

The Bully on the other hand gets into MA to either cause more damage or to control him/herself. More times that it should they get into it to cause moe damage, hopfully the bully learns through the classes that what he/she is doing is wrong and quits bullying people around. But other times with a bad teachers the bullys get worse.

fights start with an emotion, and if you can get those emotions under control that makes you a true MAist

3) Professional

Well, I see that people think that police and bouncers and soldiers are professional fighters, since they obtain some form of payment. And as such this should not count.

Well the next time a bouncer stops a bully from hitting your daughter or wife or girlfriend, tell him the fight does not count. Tell the police officer that shows up and gets shot at or has to tackle in the line of duty people, and tell him that each case does not count, for they face, being hurt, and being maimed, and being killed, trying to help someone.

Now if you are talking about Professional in the case of Professional Boxers and such with designated rules, then I agree this is a case to keep a separate catagory, of Amature and Professional fights.

Well my 10 y.o. boy just dropped some kid that out weighed him by 10-15lbs the other night. At soccer practice this kids older brother started messing with johnny and then about the end of practice he called his brother ,my boys age over and said something to him , the kid charged Johnnny and johnny took off running toward the coach but the kid caught him from behind.
johnnny planted his lead leg and threw a defensive rear kick and dropped the kid. Then kicked tghe kid once in the ribs to keep him down
Then the kid got up took about 3 steps toward johnn and fell.

kids older brother about 14-15 grabbed Johnny from behind and Johnnny put up one heck of a fight elbows spinning backfist....while he was yelling take your hands off me... well my wife got there and got the big kid off....

Coach got involved talked to the kids and worked everything out. Nothing beats a good defensive rear kick.
hes getting better the last bully it took 2 defensive rear kicks and 4 punches. So he must be improving his power...
Rich Parsons said:
Well, I see that people think that police and bouncers and soldiers are professional fighters, since they obtain some form of payment. And as such this should not count.

Well the next time a bouncer stops a bully from hitting your daughter or wife or girlfriend, tell him the fight does not count. Tell the police officer that shows up and gets shot at or has to tackle in the line of duty people, and tell him that each case does not count, for they face, being hurt, and being maimed, and being killed, trying to help someone.

Now if you are talking about Professional in the case of Professional Boxers and such with designated rules, then I agree this is a case to keep a separate category, of Amateur and Professional fights.

I just want to point out I said my bad and I did not get what he meant in original post OK?
The guy after me went into it not counting, not me.
All the time and no excuses
All the time and no excuses
P.S. A-(2 times one half) He is Your President Again!
We have a system of checks and balances use them if you don't like it.
If he is a bad as you say 2 years at most before impeach - hope for the best and quit bitching
IMHO - but you have freedom of speech and your vote here thanks to the blood of VET's.
Sin said:
When I opened up this thread I thought that most people would be in the highest number of fights, cause I am in there as well.

There are 2 kinds of people that get into fights.

the Bully- The person looking for any little thing to blow there top about

the Bullied- Guy whos the bully's target...

Got a good point there..I was the bullied for a while, then got tough as a necessity. Then transformed into the guy everone had to fight to prove their worth when they transferred into my ELEMENTARY school. I hated rural life. When my parents moved to the burbs and someone two years older came at me on the bus, I popped him in the nose to settle him down. Turns out I broke it (the nose) and the much more pacifistic administration put me on double-secret probation pretty much until I graduated high school. I couldn't believe the guy went and told on me, at the time--he had attacked me. That violated all the rules that I had learned to that point.

I wrestled in high school and didn't take martial arts formally until I was near thirty. One thing I found interesting: My natural fighting abilities seemed to decline as I adopted a new system of fighting. Everything was instinctual before, and what I lacked in technique I made up for in power and heart. I'd say it took about two years for my new skills to match up with the old ones.
Sin said:
When I opened up this thread I thought that most people would be in the highest number of fights, cause I am in there as well.

There are 2 kinds of people that get into fights.

the Bully- The person looking for any little thing to blow there top about

the Bullied- Guy whos the bully's target
I was the 3rd kind. I never really got picked on, nor did I bully people. But if I saw a situation where some one wouldn't stand up for themselves I would stand up for them. I learned that standing up for some one would often show that person their bully wasnt all that they appeared to be and encouraged them to stand up for themselves, and that usually made sure they were left alone.
dubljay said:
I was the 3rd kind. I never really got picked on, nor did I bully people. But if I saw a situation where some one wouldn't stand up for themselves I would stand up for them. I learned that standing up for some one would often show that person their bully wasnt all that they appeared to be and encouraged them to stand up for themselves, and that usually made sure they were left alone.

Would've like to metcha!
pesilat said:
If you attack again, you'll go to the hospital." He swung again. I caught and broke his arm (might have just dislocated his elbow - didn't pay too much attention - but there was a nice loud crack) kicked him in the chest to get him away from me, then I got in the car and drove home.

I love that story! you warned him and he chose to start more trouble anyway. Well you had told him what would happen so i think it's good that you were so casual and just got the job done. I wonder if he thought about his actions on the way to the hospital to get his arm fixed up?
I've lost count. They've all been against my father. After the last time, when he got me in a front choke........

well, its why I take kenpo now anyway.
I broke a kids wrist in 6th grade when he attempted to punch me in the stomach a second time...after that there were no significant school fights to mention.
I have been in a some fights. Iwas the bullied coming out of junior high and it continued a couple of years into high school. Then in college it was similar, but with higher stakes. This started in j.h. because I was a runt, then I hit a growth spurt and it ended the size problem. Now that I was their size they had to use high number, minimum of 3. Once I started training I still had that sheep mentality, but it changed once I got to college. I used to think I wanted to get the bullies back, but have since changed my mind. I see them on the street and I can't help but feel bad for them. They are either fat, wasting away on drugs, or just weaker than I remember. Now I feel that with my years of training I would have an unfair advantage. I now help kids who are going through the getting bullied stages, I think this has helped more than anything.

Samantha, I know what you are going through. My pops used to kick the crap out of me at every corner. At my Sho-dan test I broke his cheek bones. All I can say is that what go around comes around.

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