How long was yur black belt test?

I've never had a black belt testing last longer than a half hour. That included forms demonstration (just my current forms, not every form I ever learned), sparring several people, and breaking.
My 5th Dan test lasted about 15 minutes.
I have not tested yet , and won't for probably another 1.5-2 years but I have been told that 1st degree testing chamber is about 4.5 5 hours. 2nd degree is about 10-12 hours. 3rd degree is something like 2 days long !!! That is a long ways away for me though HAHA
All of my black belt test had a duration of 4-5 hours. Like zDom suggests,

"I think a more appropriate and useful question would be,

How much time did you spend on the floor doing technique?"

I think 75% of the alotted time- I was demostrating technique.
For me personally; I like a physically demanding and ardous test. Also I don't think its the duration of the test, but rather the quality of technique through the duration.

Live Long and Prosper :)
My kenjutsu one was a little over four hours and it was just little ol' me. Started with about an hour of 8-cuts to wear me out and make me shaky and then the test itself started.

Hmmm... I was put into an open-ended "candidacy" period that actually lasted about a month, during which I worked closely with and was evaluated by most of the other black belts. During this time, I also had several sessions of oral testing where we talked philosophy and other things so they could figure out a little more about my character and motivation.

I was not told I was formally testing, but spent about 45 min to 1h in a few consecutive classes going through material in front of several of the senior black belts, then did a short demonstration the following night, and was surprised by our instructor putting a black belt around my waist at the end of the class.
First black belt test (Nahate Goju) - 8.5 hours
Second Black Belt test (ATA) - 3 hours/20 min of activity
Third Black belt test (Jujika Jujutsu) - 12 hours spread out over 6 classes
IKCA Black belt test - haven't taken it yet but soon, I estimate 30-45 minutes

As a Follow-up, testing at AMC Karate under Andrew Croniser, the black belt test took about an hour and a half, with small rest periods in between each set of material for transitioning and re-arranging of the setting.
My test lasted four hours, when we walked in the door around five o clock is when our test began, after we were dressed we warmed up, stood before the judges and did all of the katas, all of the one steps jointlocks sweeps escapes and throws, put on our pads fought all the judges and then did our duo that consisted of 12 moves ranging from grabs to chokes. Then were asked to kneel take our brown belts and place them on the floor and were asked if we thought we deserved the belt.
1st Dan test was right at 5 hours. The first hour was paperwork and written test with the next 4 hours being the physical test.
Shodan in 1991 took 2 days.. we started at 10am-7pm SAT and spent the night in the dojo and went from 8am-2pm Sun afternoon

One of the most rough episodes i have ever endured. But wouldn't change it for the world and have ever take it back..

my nidan pomotion was around 8hours long.

my sandan and yodan have been given to me on behalf of my partipation, and membership/loyalty in the sytem.. we do not do promotions past nidan.. ; ) cool huh?

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