How long was your black belt test?


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Hopefully this hasn't been asked before, but I'm wondering, for those of you who have black belts (one or more) how long was your black belt test? The physical part of mine will be about three hours and then the thesis presentation. It seems that some people went through 6, 7, 8 or 9 hour tests. I find this amazing!!!

Ours was 5 hours long. We went thru all the technique material, then thesis presentations and explanations/demonstrations, etc. then katas, and finally one-on-one office conferences to see how we did and if we passed. It was a loooonnnnngggg and tiring day!!

:asian: :karate:
Mine was two day's the first day was all the condition and running along with poomsee, and last one-step and self defense, the second was all the breaks, and 4.5 hrs of fighting. along and grulling test. God Bless America
terryl965 said:
Mine was two day's the first day was all the condition and running along with poomsee, and last one-step and self defense, the second was all the breaks, and 4.5 hrs of fighting. along and grulling test. God Bless America
I have to say holy cow, but you lived to tell! Amazing! Let's see if you hold the record...
terryl965 said:
Mine was two day's the first day was all the condition and running along with poomsee, and last one-step and self defense, the second was all the breaks, and 4.5 hrs of fighting. along and grulling test. God Bless America

That is amazing. I didn't know they were ever that long! Mine was from 2pm to 5. But the hard part for me was having to BE there for the general testing lineup at 11am, warming up, cooling down three times not knowing when I was going to be called. I was frazzled by the time I started. But it pales before Terry's test. Terry, did you have one test for recommended (deputy) and then another for 1st Dan or was this a combination test for 1st? I had to do the black belt test twice to get to 1st Dan. Probably easier that way!
IN my school the black belt test is at the end of the testing day and it is usually about an 1 hour. So it isn't that long, however during the test day isn;t really the test it is more the finalization of the next step.
elcajon555 said:
IN my school the black belt test is at the end of the testing day and it is usually about an 1 hour. So it isn't that long, however during the test day isn;t really the test it is more the finalization of the next step.

What art do you study...sounds a bit like maybe Aikido? I saw an Aikido brown belt test that was about a half hour long. Actually, the philosophy is that you work hard all the time and prove yourself on a daily basis, the rest is ceremony. I don't think there is a right or wrong, but I am amazed at the differences in times from the posts here.

Thanks for sharing!:)
mj-hi-yah said:
What art do you study...sounds a bit like maybe Aikido? I saw an Aikido brown belt test that was about a half hour long. Actually, the philosophy is that you work hard all the time and prove yourself on a daily basis, the rest is ceremony. I don't think there is a right or wrong, but I am amazed at the differences in times from the posts here.

Thanks for sharing!:)
Taekwondo and that is our thought, you prove yourself all the time, and your instructor knows what you can do and what level you can reach the test is to just make it final.
TigerWoman said:
That is amazing. I didn't know they were ever that long! Mine was from 2pm to 5. But the hard part for me was having to BE there for the general testing lineup at 11am, warming up, cooling down three times not knowing when I was going to be called. I was frazzled by the time I started. But it pales before Terry's test. Terry, did you have one test for recommended (deputy) and then another for 1st Dan or was this a combination test for 1st? I had to do the black belt test twice to get to 1st Dan. Probably easier that way!
Tigerwoman this was for my blackbelt not first dan, 1st Dan was a much easier test not as long. The blackbelt teset was always a grulling test, so they can see if you had what it took mentally to finish so many student never came back after the first day to tried, the instructors I had made it hard for the mental aspect they knew we knew the material or we would not be in front of them. Yhey just wanted to make sure you also had the mental attritude to carry it out. P.S. pain is just a thought away!!!!
God Bless America
The last Black belt test I was part of (not the one being tested ) lasted 2 days. Th first day was forms and conditioning and self defence and more conditioning through out a 6-7 hour span. The 2nd day started at 6 am with a 10 mile run through the woods and rocks followed by 100 push ups and sit ups befor breakfast. After breakfast another run then Sanchin Karta . This was followed with more excercises and forms and Sanchin over and over till noon. After the noon meal the Person testing got to Fight for a few hours (one on one, two on one, Against multtiple attackers, mulitple and single attackrs with sticks) . A gruleing test but He passed .
Mine lasted approximately 8 hours, with a half-hour lunch wedged in their (we had to brown bag our lunch). So really, about 7 1/2 hours. Started with a mile run for each degree of black belt you were testing for. Then lots of conditioning. 500 crunches, 100 pushups. 250 kicks, 500 punches. Free flow for several minutes on heavy bag, speed bag, recoil bag. Then the test started. My instructor is sooooooooo completely thorough in our testing. We do every form/kata, every set/exercise, and basically any thing and everything we ever learned. We had to explain each technique in forms. Then we had a self-defense section of the test, kind of like 2 step sparring. Alot of "new" things were thrown at us that we hadn't trained in, just to see how we would react. Then a sparring session which lasted about 2 hours. We sparred using only hands, then only feet, then both, then against 2 opponents, then 3 opponents. Finally, we had to present our essay on "what kung fu means to me". Then I dragged my tired @ss home. Belt/sash presentations were made the following day in front of the entire school.
my black belt test was three grueling hours long

loved every min of it
Day #1 (2 hours) - Qualify for hand gun point shooting.
Day #2 (3 hours) - Self defense, take downs, throws, multiman sparring and other stuff.
Day #3 (3 hours) - Review Board. Spontanous weapons defense and control, forms, breaking, a little more sparring, and verbal history, lineage, questions and answer session.
Day #4,5,6,7,8 - Move around like you are crippled until you are no longer sore.
Mine was six hours long. It included techniques on the body and in the air, forms, sets, basics, spontaneous, sparring one on one and against multiple opponents, knowledge factors and thesis presentation.

At one point towards the end they gave us ten minutes to rest. I wanted to sit down, but I didn't think I would be able to stand the psychological stress of having to stand back up, so I waited standing.

Mine started at 3:00 PM and we were done a little before 9:00 PM.
Toughest thing I've ever gone through.