How is your home defended?

Yeah, such laws vary from state to state. Also, there are some weird and interesting laws still on the books in states/counties.
Spookey said:
Dear All,

With crime constantly on the rise and the number of violent home invasions at the fore front...I am wondering what measures you currently utilize to defend your home as a safe haven.

Firearms, alarms, dogs, and other physical safety and security measures. Which do you use? What is your methodology, what are you preparing to defend against, and what steps have you taken to secure your personal refuge?


I have a pretty evil little Beagle and a nasty goldfish with a bad atittude.......
First line of defense.... good deadbolt locks. Second, alarm system. Then, I have several weapons at my disposal near my bed. Short barrel mossburg 12 guage, arnis sticks, tactical knife.

I used to keep a stick by the door until I heard that some criminals will look for that, or may find it and use it as a weapon for themself.
First line, a well thought out security system ( your not getting in with out setting the alarm off) second line good dead bolts, 3rd line a plan of action in the event the alarm goes off, the kids know to make it to my room. I can then walk them through the master bath and in to the closet, they can lock the door to the bathroom while I go hunting. I have a Mossberg 590A1 12Ga #7 birdshot under the bed. I have a Glock 40Cal in the kitchen (hidden) and a Glock 17 9mm in my study (hidden) and if all else fails I have a bat in the closet my the front door.

On the alarm in the event it goes off, they call the house you have to give your code, then your name and age. If your not on the list the police are coming. I also have a hostage code they will turn off the alarm like as if all was clear but the police are on the way. ( police station is 1.5 miles away)
Hello :wavey: 2004hemi ~ Welcome to Martial Talk! It sounds like your home is well defended! It's nice to have a police station so close to your home.
Hmm, in the city in my student house at the mo. We've got locks on doors and windows and an alarm, not too much else we could do. There's almost always someone in tho.

Moving back to my small town in a couple of weeks where we sometimes lock the door :)
Edit: Regarding the King of the Castle Laws MJS mentioned--sorry, forgot to quote...

We've got it here in Colorado, I think it's pretty common in the flyover states.

Thank you, yes IÂ’m pretty secure at the house. I lived out in the sticks for many years then last year my house got robbed in daylight with my neighbor across the street at home. I lost a lot of nice firearms and all the jewelry my wife had, that event also made my wife and kids feel real un secure in our own home. So I sold the ranch and moved to another small town 25 miles closer to down town Dallas. Now with and alarm system and a plan of action every one seems more at ease.

And thank you for the welcome as you can see this is only #3 so am very new here, and to Kenpo
MJS said:
Does this apply to every state? I know that Florida made some changes to their laws. I think that there was a link posted on MT somewhere.

Yeah, laws vary from place to place. What I was getting at was that I disagree with the statement that "you will more than likely end up in jail..." If it was a justified use of force you'll probably be okay. There are some places where they prefer victims to dead criminals (IL,NY,CA) but I don't and never will live in those places.
kenpotex said:
Yeah, laws vary from place to place. What I was getting at was that I disagree with the statement that "you will more than likely end up in jail..." If it was a justified use of force you'll probably be okay. There are some places where they prefer victims to dead criminals (IL,NY,CA) but I don't and never will live in those places.

Thanks for the reply!! :ultracool

I think thats where the confusion happens, when it comes down to the justified use of force. One persons idea of justified is probably going to be different from the next.
I've got 2 170lb dogs that sleep at the foot of the bed, plus my wife and I can hold our own if we have to. :ultracool
Three black belts, a security alarm service, a dog and "more". Those that have put names however on this forum would probably not be wise to let everyone in the world know how their home is defended. Everyone's home can be found on a map, down to the street address with a box x'ed on it. All it takes is a name. TW
LOL, they are a couple of big boys and the first thing you see when you come in the house.
2004hemi said:

Thank you, yes IÂ’m pretty secure at the house. I lived out in the sticks for many years then last year my house got robbed in daylight with my neighbor across the street at home. I lost a lot of nice firearms and all the jewelry my wife had, that event also made my wife and kids feel real un secure in our own home. So I sold the ranch and moved to another small town 25 miles closer to down town Dallas. Now with and alarm system and a plan of action every one seems more at ease.

And thank you for the welcome as you can see this is only #3 so am very new here, and to Kenpo
You are welcome for the welcome. :) Enjoy your journey in Kenpo. It's a great art! Wow I'm sorry that you were robbed and lost so much. I understand how your family must have felt. I think incidences like that really do make you reevaluate how well you are protected.
The stuff that defends my home is not intended to defend it, it just happens to be another use for it all.

Dogs - 1 pitbull terrier (she's a sweetie, until you rough her up) 1 Akita (same deal) both are fighting dogs by nature. we just happen to love the breed.
Reptiles - s a collector, I usually have at least 5 in the house. these are more of a visual deterent, as the are in cages.
blades - apart from my stockpile of knives (about 60) I have a rack of Katana and bokken right next to my bed
guns - 2 9mm handguns (one on top of the frdge), 12gauge, mini 14 wooden stock semi auto, and a fe others, all under lock and key in the bedrooms.
security lights - 3 sets
neighbors - across, next to, and diagonal to. one is a avid gun collector, and active hunter, who often has carcases hanging on his porch. (I live in the hills)
accessibility - state route on one side, river on the other.

I feel pretty safe.
My orginal post was about a rapist. This guy was aserial rapist who staked out the homes and hit when the suspect was least able to be ready.

The person who said they have a gun a will use it. All I have to say is its so easy to sit back and say that. but when the time comes and you have to dig your gun out of a safe or locked cab. that maybe to late.

Most people wont know what to even if they have a gun in the pressure of the situation. Its so easy to say it in safety and comfort. but when the time comes its a entire different game
OC Kid said:
My orginal post was about a rapist. This guy was aserial rapist who staked out the homes and hit when the suspect was least able to be ready.

The person who said they have a gun a will use it. All I have to say is its so easy to sit back and say that. but when the time comes and you have to dig your gun out of a safe or locked cab. that maybe to late.

Most people wont know what to even if they have a gun in the pressure of the situation. Its so easy to say it in safety and comfort. but when the time comes its a entire different game
Gun is always ready. The moment the alarm or dogk goes off wildy, the gun is out.

The dog wont bark or get excited unless someone makes a noise near a window or door. Our dog doesnt even sound when the neighbor's dogs sound off.
The dog wont bark or get excited unless someone makes a noise near a window or door.
My dogs will bark at many noises, but have a very chilling, deep growl when something is threatening them. I think A serial rapist would have a hard time getting through an Akita and a pitbull. if they did, it would be after I have unlocked the safe, or have a Katana tight in my grip.