How is your home defended?


Paranoid has nothing to do with it. Precaution-everything. It takes those ill-prepared to be the ones that will always state that they "nevered thought it could happen to me (them)".
Well, after reading some of these I feel either truly stupid or extremely fortunate. My roomie and I lock our door at night. And yeah, that's about it. We're in a basement suite, so you'd have to be under sixty pounds to climb through our windows, and the neighbourhood is as safe as it gets.

Nifty locks wouldn't be much use, as our front door is mainly glass, and it's Canada, so I don't even want to think about the crap involved in getting a firearms license. Besides which, you're required to keep the weapons locked up, and I think ammunition has to be stored separately as well.

That said, I sleep with a knife under my pillow and a mean attitude, and the both of us are a little on the obsessive side when it comes to "MY home, MY place" territoriality. Still, some days I feel less than safe. ::shrug:: Someone may get in one day, but he'd get hurt for it.
goshawk said:
Well, after reading some of these I feel either truly stupid or extremely fortunate. My roomie and I lock our door at night. And yeah, that's about it. We're in a basement suite, so you'd have to be under sixty pounds to climb through our windows, and the neighbourhood is as safe as it gets.

Nifty locks wouldn't be much use, as our front door is mainly glass, and it's Canada, so I don't even want to think about the crap involved in getting a firearms license. Besides which, you're required to keep the weapons locked up, and I think ammunition has to be stored separately as well.

That said, I sleep with a knife under my pillow and a mean attitude, and the both of us are a little on the obsessive side when it comes to "MY home, MY place" territoriality. Still, some days I feel less than safe. ::shrug:: Someone may get in one day, but he'd get hurt for it.
Do you reside in a area or near a area that crime or break-ins occur frequently?
Shotgun w/ 00. I used to shoot competitively and have many handguns but you can't beat the shotgun for home defense.
Technopunk said:
I have signs on my doors that read "If you enter this home Unlawfully you will be killed" in english and spanish
I'd advise against signs like this. They're an apt summary of my fav. is either the one that says "If you are found here tonight, you will be found here tomorrow." or the one that says "Tresspassers will be shot, survivors will be shot again." :D


If you were ever to have to use force against an intruder the DA would more than likely cite those signs as evidence that you are some kind of whacko, that you were looking for the opportunity to pop someone. Just something to consider.
* Glock 21 in 45 ACP

* Remington 870 12 Ga. Shotgun w/ #4 shot

* Various knives planted at least every 5 steps in any direction, including the bathrooms.

* 4 ASP's placed strategically around the apt.

* Double key deadbolt on the front door w/ a New York rod.

* 2 neighbors w/ practically all the same goodies (we all watch each other's back)

kenpotex said:
If you were ever to have to use force against an intruder the DA would more than likely cite those signs as evidence that you are some kind of whacko, that you were looking for the opportunity to pop someone. Just something to consider.
True. DA and attorneies aill have a field day when examining someone dies at thew hands of another posting such graphic intentions.
kenpotex said:
If you were ever to have to use force against an intruder the DA would more than likely cite those signs as evidence that you are some kind of whacko, that you were looking for the opportunity to pop someone. Just something to consider.
I agree, and I considered that... however... if it stops the first 5 guys from coming thru the door in the first place, which is my intention, Thats 5 less times I have to explain why I killed someone in my home, no?
Technopunk said:
I agree, and I considered that... however... if it stops the first 5 guys from coming thru the door in the first place, which is my intention, Thats 5 less times I have to explain why I killed someone in my home, no?
It may alert and have ready those who do.
I have deadbolts on my two outside doors. Just regular window locks. But the key weapon is that my house is an absolute disaster right now, so any intruder would be much more likely to trip and break his neck than get to me.

As a side note -- I was getting ready for work one morning and couldn't for the life of me find my car keys. Well, I just happened to open the front door and (aha!) there they were right in the lock on the OUTSIDE of the door. Guess I unlocked the door, opened it, then shut it before I had a chance to take the keys out. So I figure if I can leave the keys to my house and car in plain view outside overnight, then I must live in a pretty safe neighborhood.
edhead2000 said:
As a side note -- I was getting ready for work one morning and couldn't for the life of me find my car keys. Well, I just happened to open the front door and (aha!) there they were right in the lock on the OUTSIDE of the door. Guess I unlocked the door, opened it, then shut it before I had a chance to take the keys out. So I figure if I can leave the keys to my house and car in plain view outside overnight, then I must live in a pretty safe neighborhood.
Geez, I thought I was the only one to have done that!
47MartialMan said:
Geez, I thought I was the only one to have done that!

Hahahaha!! I'm glad I know I'm NOT the only one to have done that! :)
For you folks that claim to rely on guns , knifes under the pillow ect.....
The average burgler doesnt want you to be around and you most likley wont be around if they decide to rob your house/apt. They hit quickly, grab what ever they can, things that can be sold quickly, jewelry, tv's dvd's ect.. then they go buy their dope with the $$$$
Guns aient gonna help you if your not home.
If your of the mind set that weapons will... go back and read my previous post.

plus if you kill one of them more then likely you will end up in jail loosing everything you own because of it.
OC Kid,
You're right in that guns aren't going to help you when you aren't home. However, your previous post was about a rapist and someone WAS home. If she wasn't able to get away, couldn't a weapon have helped her fend off the attacker?

plus if you kill one of them more then likely you will end up in jail loosing everything you own because of it.
If someone breaks into my house with a gun and threatens to kill me or rape me and I have a gun handy, you better believe I'm going to use it. If I spend the rest of my life in jail for defending myself, then so be it.
OC Kid said:
For you folks that claim to rely on guns , knifes under the pillow ect.....
The average burgler doesnt want you to be around and you most likley wont be around if they decide to rob your house/apt. They hit quickly, grab what ever they can, things that can be sold quickly, jewelry, tv's dvd's ect.. then they go buy their dope with the $$$$
Guns aient gonna help you if your not home.
If your of the mind set that weapons will... go back and read my previous post.
True, most burglers don't want to break into an occupied dwelling. I remember reading a survey in which inmates that were in jail for residental burglary were polled (I believe the survey was conducted in St. Louis but don't hold me to it). They stated that they were more afraid of breaking into houses where people were home than they were of being caught by the police. They stated that they went out of their way to avoid occupied homes because they didn't want to get blown away by a homeowner. However, this idea works both ways; if someone knows you're home and still breaks in, you can assume that they don't have a problem resorting to violence to achieve their goals.

OC Kid said:
plus if you kill one of them more then likely you will end up in jail loosing everything you own because of it.
Ever heard of the castle doctrine?
kenpotex said:
Ever heard of the castle doctrine?

Does this apply to every state? I know that Florida made some changes to their laws. I think that there was a link posted on MT somewhere.


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