Well, after reading some of these I feel either truly stupid or extremely fortunate. My roomie and I lock our door at night. And yeah, that's about it. We're in a basement suite, so you'd have to be under sixty pounds to climb through our windows, and the neighbourhood is as safe as it gets.
Nifty locks wouldn't be much use, as our front door is mainly glass, and it's Canada, so I don't even want to think about the crap involved in getting a firearms license. Besides which, you're required to keep the weapons locked up, and I think ammunition has to be stored separately as well.
That said, I sleep with a knife under my pillow and a mean attitude, and the both of us are a little on the obsessive side when it comes to "MY home, MY place" territoriality. Still, some days I feel less than safe. ::shrug:: Someone may get in one day, but he'd get hurt for it.