If it's a single burglar, chances are he won't go into your house if you are there, and will leave if he discovers you are there. There is a rise in home invasions, where your house is entered by armed criminals while you are in bed. One just happened near here a few days ago.Yes but realistically how often does that happen? Most burglars work singly and sometimes in pairs... but even then one of them might be waiting out in the car waiting and watching for LEO's on patrol.
By "multiple armed bad guys" I am assuming that you are thinking three or more. So how often does that happen to the average home-owner? If you've a kid in a gang and a rival gang really wants revenge and goes as far as the home invasion thing (almost unheard of btw)... then yeah okay...
I'm not trying to invalidate your point Jeff just wondering the possiblity of that ever happening.
If I see that I'm outnumbered then my tactics are going to change radically. I'm no Bruce Willis to try and take 'em out one by one... our house isn't that big anyway. So if I'm facing multiple attackers in my home... :idunno: not sure what I will do... but then again... "No one man knows what he will do in any given situation until it happens."
The thing is, you don't know which it is, so it's better to play it safe.