Darth F.Takeda
Blue Belt
It does sound chauvinistic - because, IMHO, it is. Many heads of household are female, while your statement assumes they are male. And by your own description, when your wife hears the "word", she takes preplanned action - and is therefore part of the plan. How would you feel if I said the same thing you did, but changed the one sentence to "if the male and or kids are not in on any preplanned action..."? Your post, as written, seems to assume that only adult males can be "in on any preplanned action", that all females and children can do is cower while the adult male takes care of the situation. What happens if you're not home? What do all of those households led by women do? I don't disagree that non-combatants need to stay out of the way - but I don't agree that only adult males should be in charge.
Well seeing as I'm the one who puts in anywhere from 8-14 hours training a week in martial arts, have combative firearms training, done a decent amount of hunting over the years,have been in few nasty situations and lived in absolute hole in my teens, compared with her no combative training, other than a few times I took her out shooting, has lived in this nice area all her life and is much weeker physically than I, in our situation I am in charge when it hits the fan.
Beleive me, she is a strong willed woman, I am not the Lord and Master of the manor, but she is also smart enough to compare herself to me.
Yes if something happens when I am not here, she has some SOPs and a weapons rich enviroment, and she knows her role is to protect our children at all cost (This is where women shine combativly, give them someone to protect, and little Miss Meek will go for broke.)But if I am here this house becomes far more dangerous to any would be invader.
BTW, in the far corner of a room behind a dresser, with the kids behined her, and she leveling a SOFMODed AR-15, loaded with hollowpoints at the door is not cowaring, unless you are an expeirenced room breacher or you have flashbang grenade, anyone through that door is dead. In a few years , the eldest boy will also be leveling something toward the door, as a teen he will take my role if I am not there.
Let's be real if there is a male and a female in the house and it hits the fan, GENERALLY (not every single case) the male is the better choice.
And I have seen females make street situations far worse, stepping up with attitude but zero combat power to back it up, it almost got a buddy of mine killed in front of me.
Then there is the female who tries to stop a fight and makes the situation worse for all parties.
I am not saying there are not some dangerous women out there, I have known a few.
If you fit that catagory, then your an asset, if not a deffensive role is best.