Don't know about that, but I can easily believe it. Both for knowing Tez3 and for knowing the type of person she is training.
Since I think Tez3 means combat arms when she says Squaddies, I have to agree that says something about the type of student she has. Especially infantry, but all combat arms. There are stinkers everywhere, but combat arms and especially infantry, tends to either get rid of them or train (classes or less subtle means) the rough edges off them to where they can perform as a team member. It's a real matter of survival.
I don't see why what she said is tragic. In fact she has just memorialized them again.
Her point that squaddies are different is I think, quite correct. I don't recall you ever mentioning having any military combat experience, so you might want to think twice before you make judgments like that. I think there are some things you just don't understand about squaddies; how they think and how they do things.