


anyone heard of Hoshinjutsu??


what are your thoughts on this, in comparison to the x-kans, RVD, and SKH


I've heard of it, but only in the way of positive reviews on Glenn Morris and his taijutsu. No personal experience.
I don't know why this would be in the SKH section???:idunno:

But this guy I think has Bujinkan training.

I had the oppertuninity to take a class with a Hoshijutsu group when they were getting started at Millersville University in Millersville, PA. I used to go and train on occasion with the Danzan Ryu group there. They invi6ted the DZR group to a mini seminar to introduce the art to others.

Usually, ninja things are more than just a little hokey, and that thought made me think about not going. But I had a good time.

With this group, the lower ranking instructor (I think he was a student who got permission to teach when he started classes there) was much more knowledgeable of his art than most of that rank in other arts. In many organizations he would have been a few Dan grades higher. In a lot of organizations he would have been way, way higher. So the group appears to have high standards for sending out teachers. Which is good.

The Hoshin technique, atleast what we did there, was very Aikido like. Plus they tried to paly up the similarites to the DZR while trying to show some differences also.

If this group is typical of the Hoshinjutsu in general, one would get good martial arts training there.
Fallen Ninja said:
I don't know why this would be in the SKH section???:idunno:

But this guy I think has Bujinkan training.


what i am trying to say is what do you think of this art in comparrison to the x-kans, SKH and RVD

Glenn Morris is a 9th dan in Bujinkan, i read his books which say hoshin is like a modernized version of the bujinkan with other arts added in.
and according to the book its hatsumi approved.

apparently they offer distance training also like RVD and SKH, however with hoshin you have to grade in person.
Well I am probably the wrong person to ask. I think nothing just be mixed in with the Bujinkan just because it can really mess you up. But there are some that seem to think they need to get your stick training from Eskrima or ground training for Brazil. IMO if you believe that than you have missed the point of Taijutsu. Anyway good luck in your search.

I dont see it as bujinkan. He states that its a WESTERN martial art blended from a bunch of traditions, not just bujinkan "made real" like the Toshindo claims...

I think if thats where he wanted to go with it, so be it.
Definately different than Bujinkan based on visual first hand watching
of Hoshinjutsu practitioners at Budo Taijutsu seminars. I think Dr.
Morris is best on his metaphysical teachings, however it has been
a long time since I watched him move. Dr. Morris received his
ranking from Hatsummi and really that is good enough for me.
Hopefully he is still training with Soke and the Bujinkan Shihans and improving his skill level in Budo Taijutsu like the rest of us. All in
all having met him a long time ago, I would say that he is a
really nice happy person!

Brian R. VanCise