Hi folks!
I'm more interested in teaching all martial artists and especially kenpoists about various aspects regarding kenpo and not impressing people with how fast I can smack someone around. Hence, the reason for the particular format that I use in my clips.
Okey dokey! So, let's get your opinion on my kenpo clips! simply go to youtube and punch in "kenpojoe" and tell me your opinion!
Mr Rebelo,
Everytime I watch your martial clips on u-tube, I feel a little more educated and they are always entertaining. Some people however, do not want to see "conceptual" kenpo. They want to see you or anyone else demonstrating martial arts either; kick the crap out of their students, or have their students kick the crap out of them. After all, that is the only way anyone can truly demostrate if their kenpo really works.
I am already confident that my kenpo "works". But the word "works", means something different to me.
My martial arts work because; they have introduced me to some phenominal people, they keep me healthy, flexible and fit, and I have so much fun in practice. Whether I can kick someone's butt is neither here nor there to me.
My advice to everyone is to keep training just for the sake of training. Try and keep away from situations that may cause you harm and if someone is stupid enough to break into your house in the middle of the night-shoot the bastards.
I have known many street fighters in my time. Fortunately for me they have never had a reason to engage me. Most of these people have some kind of psychological malady, they are usually feared rather than respected, few are usually happy with their lives, and most of these guys have criminal records. As a side note, these men are very rarely teachers of the martial arts. They are just angry at life for some reason or another.
The confidence and wisdom brought from years of training is usually enough to recognise danger, avoid it when possible and take some kind of action if it happens.
If you truly want to try your techniques for real, get your training partners together and have one of them wail on you with full force. Allow him to bite an gouge and stomp on your head. I don't recommend this course of action, because it usually ends in someone getting seriously injured.
Just enjoy your training and leave street fighting to the idiots.
Onc eagain Mr Rebelo, thanks for the clips. They always inspire me